Use "infiltrates" in a sentence

1. No infiltrates or alveolar hemorrhage.

2. Lymphoma could cause infiltrates in his reproductive organs and his brain.

3. Contamination of a computer can also occur when malware infiltrates it.

4. They consist of diffuse or focal chronic inflammatory infiltrates in media and adventitia.

5. Lymphoid accumulations appear as true infiltrates scattered throughout the lamina propria cell elements.

6. In ARDS, bilateral infiltrates can develop when the alveoli collapse, making Bilevel ventilation necessary for alveoli recruitment.

7. The scenes in which Mulder infiltrates the air base were shot at a real United States airbase.

8. A feeling of emptiness grows in me; it infiltrates my body like a light and impalpable fluid.

9. • A chest radiograph showed non-systematic disseminated infiltrates, Chiefly in the two lower lobes

10. Bystander CD8 + T cells are abundant and phenotypically distinct in human tumour infiltrates Nature

11. What does diffuse Coarsened interstitial markings throughout both lungs w/bilateral hilar prominence and perihilar infiltrates mean

12. It infiltrates on a daily basis Lebanese air space, terrorizing the population with its aircrafts’ sonic booms.

13. Histologically, lungs from short-term infected control animals exhibited acute inflammation, inflammatory cell infiltrates, and fibrin deposition.

14. The Clonality of pulmonary lymphocyte infiltrates has been appreciated by Clonality analysis of alveolar lymphocytes

15. Due to the combination of hemoptysis, alveolar infiltrates and anemia a diffuse alveolar hemorrhage syndrome was suspected.

16. Early postoperative complications were transient stromal haze, sterile infiltrates, endothelium decompensation, delayed epithelial healing and infectious keratitis.

17. Addression.CLUB usually infiltrates your computer while being downloaded in a bundle with a popular hacked programs or while being included in downloaded file with a bunch of other trojans.

18. GDOC-34 animals developed severe pancreatitis with hemorrhage and necrosis as well as lung injury with edema, inflammatory infiltrates including “foamy macrophages”, hemorrhage, and thickening of the alveolar membrane.

19. For relatively specific findings, such as pulmonary alveolar proteinosis, Langerhans cell histiocytosis, diffuse alveolar hemorrhaging, diffuse malignant infiltrates or exposure to dust, a pulmonary biopsy is no longer necessary.

20. Histological diagnosis is difficult, because tumors imbedded in large necrotic areas and neoplastic infiltrates may be admixed with small lymphocytes, plasma cells, eosinophils, and histiocytes, and thus the process could be misdiagnosed as chronic inflammation.

21. Communalized Play Hoping to stave off individualism, parents formalize interaction through toys Implications - As technology infiltrates childhood more and more, the desire to push children in a more social-centric direction is taking precedent to help stave off the effects of …

22. Home Conjoin is a business that infiltrates a fast, reliable, safe, and secure connection between people in the diaspora with their loved ones, relatives, friends, and families through the provision of a wide range of services, we mention below the …

23. Partial Differential Diagnosis of Red Eye Conjunctivitis* Bacterial Viral Allergic Vision Pain Photophobia Foreign-body sensation Itch Tearing Discharge Pre-auricular adenopathy Pupils Conjunctival hyperemia Cornea Normal – +/– +/– +/– + Mucopurulent – Normal Diffuse Clear Normal – – +/– +/– ++ Mucoid + Normal Diffuse Sometimes faint punctate staining or infiltrates Normal Normal – – – ++ + – – Normal Diffuse Clear

24. In addition to that dual cellular reaction (hyperplasia and desquamation of granular pneumocytes, with groups of phagocytic pneumocytes in the alveolar spaces), there were ultrastructural changes in capillaries and infiltrates of lymphocytes, plasma cells and eosinophils in the interstitial tissue of the alveolar wall.

25. All stages of myocardial injury and repair are recognizable. Acute cell death with sarcolysis and inflammatory infiltrates; subacute damage with “active fibrosis”, including dying myocytes, lymphocytes and macrophages, or otherwise adipocytes replacing vanished myocytes; and, eventually, chronic stage with fibrous tissue and adipocytes surrounding residual surviving myocytes.

26. The fusion that Ankyloses the joints progresses vertically up the spine.[1,2,4,5,7] Initially, the apophyseal joints of the superior and inferior articular surfaces of the lumbar vertebrae are spared due to their constant motion.[2] But as the osteoblastosis progressively infiltrates the annulus fibrosis of each veretebral disk and ossifies it, as well as the surrounding soft-tissue

27. These cases are concerning a special variant of acute myelosis characterized by the following items: high eosinophilia of the intra- and in part of the extramedullary infiltrates contrasted by a moderate or low blood eosinophil count; intra- and extramedullary blast cell proliferation with blastic leukocytosis; cytochemical atypism of the eosinophils: unusual naphthol-AS-D-chloroacetatesterase activity, strong PAS-reaction; disarrangement of granulogenesis as revealed by electron microscopy. The presented cases are similar to others, in literature classified as “eosinophilic leukemia”.

28. Conjunctivitis* Bacterial Conjunctivitis* Viral Conjunctivitis* Allergic Corneal Injury or Infection Uveitis (Iritis) Glaucoma Vision Normal Normal Normal Reduced or very reduced Reduced Very reduced Pain - - - + + +++ Photophobia +/- - - + ++ - Foreign-body sensation +/- +/- - + - - Itch +/- +/- ++ - - - Tearing + ++ + ++ + - Discharge Mucopurulent Mucoid - - - - Pre-auricular adenopathy - + - - - - Pupils Normal Normal Normal Normal or small Small Moderately dilated and fixed Conjunctival hyperemia Diffuse Diffuse Diffuse Diffuse with ciliary flush Ciliary flush Diffuse with ciliary flush Cornea Clear Sometimes faint punctate staining or infiltrates Clear Depends on disorder Clear or lightly cloudy Cloudy Intraocular pressure Normal Normal Normal Normal Reduced, normal or absent Increased +, present (to various degrees); -, absent; +/-, may be present. *Hyperthyroidism may cause conjunctival injection.