Use "inferior to" in a sentence

1. I am not inferior to you.

2. “I am not inferior to you” (3)

3. I always felt slightly inferior to her.

4. Not inferior to superfine apostles (11-13)

5. You always to your feeling inferior to feel.

6. So will have very more feeling inferior to feel.

7. It is the moment we become inferior to the machine.

8. His later work was vastly inferior to his early work.

9. “I used to feel inferior to a friend of mine.

10. Greece was inferior still, even as copper is inferior to silver.

11. In marriage neither partner is superior nor inferior to the other.

12. He preferred the company of those who were intellectually inferior to himself.

13. If children were made to feel inferior to other children their confidence declined.

14. When it came to treasures, the Demon Realm was inferior to Archean Eon Realm

15. Condescend to To act as though others are less important or inferior to oneself

16. Inferior to these, and lodged behind the green baize door, are the upper servants.

17. Vinyl, nylon, and Lucite. are markedly inferior to Teflon, polystyrene, polyethylene, sapphire, or quartz.

18. Condescend to To act as though others are less important or inferior to oneself

19. • Inferior to these, and lodged behind the green Baize door, are the upper servants

20. 9 If Shenzhen replied this proposition, its meritorious service will be inferior to preceding.

21. After all, we are inferior to Jehovah —and that is an understatement of epic proportions.

22. Ableism characterizes persons as defined by their disabilities and as inferior to the non-disabled

23. And if Jesus is inferior to Jehovah, how is Jesus’ name above every other name?

24. 13 And yet boldness is a child of ignorance and baseness, far inferior to other parts.

25. It is inferior to the Coursed rubble masonry of the first sort but will look similar

26. TANAKA:There is a contact wound inferior to the mandible, exiting slightly anterior to the Bregma point

27. They were considered socially inferior to men and all their activities were restricted to their homes .

28. The implication in his article is that being a housewife is greatly inferior to every other occupation.

29. Arius (250-336 C.E.) was an Alexandrian priest who argued that Jesus is inferior to the Father.

30. Distal clavicle positioned inferior to Coracoid: Rare: Deep to conjoined tendon (coracobracialis, short head biceps) Reference: Gorbaty, J

31. 5 For I consider that I have not proved inferior to your superfine apostles in a single thing.

32. When intermolecular bonding of a liquid itself is substantially inferior to a substances’ surface it is interacting, Capillarity occurs.

33. I used to say that the original language tools on Logos’ mobile apps (iOS, Android) were inferior to Accordances

34. Just holding the optic screams quality, and as dumb as this sounds, the acog feels inferior to the Browe.

35. Despite its speed, it was inferior to the Tu-16 with respect to combat radius, weapon load, and serviceability.

36. The underlying premise of Ableism is that disabled people are inferior to their more able-bodied or able-minded counterparts.

37. 3 For man's earliest identifiable ancestors - notably Neanderthal man - were clearly both more ape-like and culturally inferior to their discoverers.

38. In the 1850s, Douglass observed that New York's facilities and instruction for African-American children were vastly inferior to those for whites.

39. To counter them, Legio V Macedonica, a veteran of the Parthian campaign, was moved from Moesia Inferior to Dacia Superior, closer to the enemy.

40. The sidewall refers to the area near the lower lateral cartilages, Alar batten grafts can sometimes also be placed inferior to the lower lateral cartilage.

41. NCAA officials Apologized for "dropping the ball" after providing women's basketball players with training facilities inferior to men's during the Division 1 tournaments.

42. Buttressing: a phenomenon of osteoarthritis in which osteophytes at the hip joint extend across the femoral neck inferior to the femoral head and combine, with …

43. The WATCHMAN® device proved to be non-inferior to oral anticoagulation with warfarin in the PROTECT-AF trial in terms of safety and efficacy.

44. 22 synonyms for Beneath: under, below, underneath, lower than, inferior to, below, secondary to, not good enough for, lower in status than, not as important as

45. The English language Animalizes and naturalizes women in cultural contexts where women and nonhuman animals are already viewed as inferior to men and male-identified culture

46. They can be made from any textile.Bedrolls provide better comfort and rest effectiveness than a sleeping spot, but are generally inferior to beds of the same quality.

47. The solitary case in which one inferior to a priest is empowered to bless, is where the deacon Blesses the paschal candle in the ceremonies of Holy Saturday

48. This article aims to unearth the surpassing imagination exhibited through the poems by William Blake, which is not in the least inferior to that created by the "Lake Poets".

49. The majority of the troops in the Aiel War were retainers of nobles, levies and militia so they were very inferior to the Aiel who were warriors from birth

50. When Gigi opened at the Fulton Theatre on 24 November 1951, she received praise for her performance, despite criticism that the stage version was inferior to the French film adaptation.

51. However, because of the limitations described above, apneic oxygenation is inferior to extracorporal circulation using a heart-lung machine and is therefore used only in emergencies and for short procedures.

52. The Hindoo cannot fulfil the required conditions nearly as well as the Chinaman, for he is inferior to him in strength, industry, aptitude for saving, business habits, and prolific power.

53. Championed When an officer or superior in your chain of command plays constant pranks and/or continually harasses his/her inferior, making it difficult for said inferior to work or function properly

54. They can be made from any textile. Bedrolls provide better comfort and rest effectiveness than a sleeping spot, but are generally inferior to beds of the same quality. Bedrolls are mainly useful for caravans.

55. Animalizing women in a sexist (or, patriarchal) culture that views animals as inferior to “humans” reinforces and attempts to legitimate women's alleged inferior status to men (see Adams 1990; Joan Dunayer 1995; Warren 2000).

56. Like other powder-bed processes, surface finish and accuracy, object density, and—depending on the material and process—part strength may be inferior to technologies such as stereolithography (SLA) or selective laser sintering (SLS).

57. 11 At the moment we have not made any purchase because we believe that the accessibly players on the market are equal or even inferior to the ones we already have in the squad.

58. “Although its impurity made the salt from the Dead Sea inferior to most sea salts,” the encyclopedia adds, “its accessibility (it could simply be picked up along the shore) made it the main source of salt for Palestine.”

59. Excerpt from Our Androcentric Culture by Charlotte Perkins Gilman CHAPTER 4: Men And Art Among the many counts in which women have been proven inferior to men in human development is the oft-heard charge that there are no great women

60. They were usually on belly amphorae of type A. He is close in style to the Priamos Painter, and Psiax, but his talent is not inferior to that of the red-figure painters of the Pioneer Group active at the same time.

61. They were pedantic disciples who united with all the affectations of the Italian style a certain German Coarseness, and the outcome was a bastard style inferior to the earlier schools -- childish, stiff, and crude in color, with no sense of light and shade.

62. All other golems are absolutely inferior to the Adamantine golem, with crushing limbs equipped with flying and water reactors, quick self-repairing protocols and near-immunity to magic itself, an Adamantine golem is a mighty force to be reckoned with and an enemy very difficult to evade or ignore.

63. Origin: Anterior surface of inferior pubic ramus, inferior to origin of Adductor longus Insertion: Pectineal line and superior part of medial lip of linea aspera Action: Adducts and flexes the thigh, and helps to laterally rotate the thigh Innervation: Anterior or posterior division of obturator nerve Arterial Supply: Obturator artery and medial circumflex femoral artery

64. Beget, Bear (Of Begetting), Born: denotes "an abortion, an untimely birth;" from ektitrosko, "to miscarry." In 1Cr 15:8 the Apostle likens himself to "one born out of due time;" i.e., in point of time, inferior to the rest of the Apostles, as an immature birth comes short of a mature one.

65. Belittle (v.) 1781, "to make small, reduce in proportion," from be-+ little (v.); first recorded in writings of Thomas Jefferson (and probably coined by him), Jefferson used it in "Notes on the State of Virginia" to characterize the view promoted as scientific by French naturalist Georges-Louis Leclerc Buffon that American species (including humans) were naturally smaller than and inferior to

66. As nouns the difference between appeal and Cassation is that appeal is (legal) (a) an application for the removal of a cause or suit from an inferior to a superior judge or court for reëxamination or review (b) the mode of proceeding by which such removal is effected (c) the right of appeal (d) an accusation; a process which formerly might be instituted by one private person against another

67. Order the Defendant to make a Public acknowledgement of the error made by the EU Delegation to the Republic of Moldova at the moment they offered the ‘Charge de Mission Adjoint’ post to the Applicant — an error that has led to the impossibility of ensuring article 4-paragraph 2/renewal clause since day-1 of contract, to the under-positioning of the Applicant and the assignment of tasks inferior to the Job of the Applicant's Description from 2008 until 2011;