Use "indulged" in a sentence

1. Lobbyists indulged in a little quiet schmoozing.

2. All of whom had indulged in Augurv

3. Their father had always indulged her every whim.

4. 11 The girls indulged unrestrained in their grief.

5. Her father had always indulged her every whim.

6. 25 I indulged myself with a long hot bath.

7. Many of them indulged in luxurious and licentious revelries.

8. Indulged slothfulness is at the bottom of prevailing self-Conceitedness

9. He indulged in gentle raillery at God with closed doors.

10. It was spread because the tribespeople indulged in ritual cannibalism.

11. His father worked irregularly as a day laborer and indulged in gambling.

12. For a like reason, too, much poetry should not be indulged.

13. The soccer fans indulged their patriotism, waving flags and singing songs.

14. This undesigned, stealthy Caress was the only one in which they indulged

15. 28 She used her childhood name and indulged herself in deliberate misspellings.

16. 3 The soccer fans indulged their patriotism, waving flags and singing songs.

17. Suppose an engaged couple indulged in passion-arousing heavy petting on numerous occasions.

18. Georgiana, a spoiled temper, a very acrid spite , a captious and insolent, was universally indulged.

19. N Conviviality The good humor or mirth indulged in at an entertainment; goodfellowship.

20. He was sitting indulged in ( satisfied with ) his contemplating Absentmindedly under the fig - tree

21. After several days however, with nobody apprehended, the papers indulged in a little poetic licence.

22. Synonyms for Babied include spoiled, spoilt, coddled, cosseted, indulged, pampered, mollycoddled, petted, overindulged and cockered

23. The population indulged in the famous Kabuki plays (historical dramas), Bunraku (puppet theater), and rakugo (comical storytelling).

24. Louise looks like a waif and has indulged in more booze and cigarettes than she should have.

25. A delicate child, the little Archduke was doted upon and indulged by the people around him

26. She generally Abstains from alcohol, but she indulged in a glass of champagne on this occasion.

27. It is also an inexpensive excursion, especially if it is indulged in when the stores are closed.

28. In despair, Xiang Yu indulged in alcohol and sang the Song of Gaixia to express his sorrow.

29. 25 They indulged in some highly dubious business practices to obtain their current position in the market.

30. Antonyms for Circumvented include indulged, allowed, gave in, gratified, yielded, enjoyed, satiated, basked in, coddled and gave rein to

31. Even when in harmony with righteous principles, pleasurable activities will not bring genuine satisfaction if indulged in excessively.

32. Jocasta struck him as a typical Hollywood brat, neglected, indulged, selfish and forced to grow up too fast.

33. They had indulged them with a capricious dominion, sometimes over the one, sometimes over the other object of desire.

34. Antonyms for Averted include indulged, allowed, gave in, gratified, yielded, enjoyed, satiated, basked in, coddled and gave rein to

35. So the Kugels indulged his eccentric whim, laboring to reconstitute the Noailles vignette, down to the very last gilded Bibelot.

36. Common has also chosen to redefine himself, swearing off the alcohol, marijuana, and fornication that he had once indulged in

37. Abstemiously In a sparing manner; without overindulgence; "he ate and drank Abstemiously"; "indulged temperately in cocktails"

38. In the 1920s, the United States indulged in a similar experiment when it outlawed the distribution and sale of alcoholic beverages.

39. Sir John turned suddenly, and with the Courtliness that was ever his he indulged in a rare exhibition of feeling

40. Common has also chosen to redefine himself, swearing off the alcohol, marijuana, and fornication that he had once indulged in

41. While it might cut down on drug-related crime, the total level of harm certainly would skyrocket, as more people indulged.

42. 18 Before the introduction of the Kodak camera in 18 travel photography was usually only indulged in by professionals or serious amateurs.

43. On the flight over, Clapton indulged in a large number of drinks, for fear he would never be able to drink again.

44. He could have feasted on the rich foods provided by the king and indulged in the worldly pleasures of the natural man.

45. The essential property of narcissism is being indulged in self-admiration. The death of Narcissism is just because of excessive indulgency in self-admiration.

46. A propensity to be saucy was one; and a perverse will, that indulged children invariably acquire, whether they be good-tempered or cross.

47. That was when pagans indulged in orgies during the festivals of both the Roman Saturnalia and the Celtic and German feast of winter solstice.

48. Athenaeum Scientific Publishers is an internationally peer-reviewed publishing group that is indulged in publishing original articles with an emphasis on latest research findings

49. The Belletristic is sometimes contrasted with the scholarly or academic: it is supposed to be free of the laborious, inert, jargon-ridden habits indulged by professors

50. The offence of Affray is only committed when there are two or more persons indulged in fighting, not merely verbal, and the same conduct disturbed the public

51. The whole season was one of rejoicing and goodwill, and all kinds of amusements were indulged in by the people.” —Paganism in Christian Festivals, by J.

52. When the third dream is granted, the soul has indulged in too much darkness and becomes forever unable to return to the Chief of Heaven.

53. During the last week alone, there have been 15 instances where terrorists indulged in nefarious actions from the vicinity of Pakistani army posts across the Line of Control.

54. The offence of Affray is only committed when there are two or more persons indulged in fighting, not merely verbal, and the same conduct disturbed the public peace

55. The Daily Telegraph correspondent, Hugh Greene, wrote of events in Berlin: Mob law ruled in Berlin throughout the afternoon and evening and hordes of hooligans indulged in an orgy of destruction.

56. My parents indulged this love of animals and allowed me to hav e a variety of pets, including birds, an iguana, rabbits, a hamster who eventually had babies and so on.

57. Eagles, Titans duel in PBA D-League Farah said she does not, in any way, support such conduct and if Sajid has indulged in an appropriate behaviour, "he has a lot to Atone for ."

58. Chlorosis is briefly mentioned in Casanova's Histoire de ma vie: "I do not know, but we have some physicians who say that Chlorosis in girls is the result of that pleasure onanism indulged in to excess"

59. According to research, Beggary is an organized crime in Pakistan and according to contemporary estimates, there are somewhere between two and twenty-five million beggars in Pakistan .There are number of causes of begging which indulged people to beg

60. (2 Peter 2:7) As indicated by the use of the Greek term from which that expression is translated, the people of Sodom and Gomorrah indulged in wrongdoing in a manner that displayed brazen disrespect, even contempt, for law and authority.

61. He brings up a term called “creative abrasion,” coined by Jerry Hirshberg, who, Apropos of Tesla, was an automotive designer. ELON MUSK’S ROCKET RIDE ANDREW NUSCA DECEMBER 2, 2020 FORTUNE Going back, Liszt indulged in a little graceful badinage Apropos of the concerto

62. Charlemagne "You nobles you sons of my leading men soft and dandified, trusting in your birth and your wealth, paying no attention to my command and your advancement, you neglected the pursuit of learning and indulged yourselves in the sport of pleasure and idleness"

63. Complaining » Who are complainers Jude 1:7-16 just as Sodom and Gomorrah and the cities around them, since they in the same way as these indulged in gross immorality and went after strange flesh, are exhibited as an example in undergoing the punishment of eternal fire.

64. Bridezilla is that raging reptilian creature a bride morphs into when she comes to believe that the wedding is Her Big Day, where she is the center of attention, her every whim must be indulged, and no one had better protest, complain, or tell her she's being unreasonable.

65. In those circumstances, I think that by purposely declining to observe the rules for the establishment and calculation of monetary compensatory amounts and thereby introducing, in full awareness of the situation, distortion into Community trade and discrimination between traders, the Commission indulged in conduct verging on the arbitrary, of the kind referred to in the Court' s judgment in Amylum . ( 48 )