Use "induces" in a sentence

1. Too much food induces sleepiness.

2. Trade creation induces a rise in imports and hence induces a deficit in the balance of trade.

3. Antidromic Stimulation of Axons Induces LTD

4. The snake's venom induces instant paralysis.

5. Secondary Effect: Effect Rate: Induces Attract

6. Abortionist definition is - one who induces abortions

7. Failure induces a total sense of inferiority.

8. In high enough therapeutic doses, Phenobarbital induces anesthesia.

9. Artemisinin induces apoptosis and cell cycle arrest of …

10. Their presence in foods induces satiety at meal time.

11. The jet lag induces a mild form of hallucination.

12. In the heart, Aconitine induces ventricular tachycardia after intracoronary injection.

13. Drying Coacervates induces a compositional movement on their phase diagram

14. LPS induces a strong response from normal animal immune systems.

15. Oleuropein induces apoptosis via Abrogating NF-κB activation cascade in …

16. Xenon Induces Late Cardiac Preconditioning In Vivo:A Role for Cyclooxygenase 2?

17. Librium (Chlordiazepoxide) is a sedative tranquilizer that induces relaxation and anxiolysis

18. Cyclosporin-A potently induces highly cardiogenic progenitors from embryonic stem cells

19. Allergen definition is - a substance (such as pollen) that induces allergy

20. Angiotensin-(1–7) induces Bradykinin-mediated hypotensive responses in anesthetized rats

21. The term Abortifacient refers to any drug that induces an abortion

22. HIV-1 expression induces tubular cell G2/M arrest and apoptosis.

23. Benzene is a recognized clastogen and induces oxidative stress upon metabolic activation.

24. Especially warming after some cool days induces strong and long-lasting movements.

25. Each peak induces a cell locally to divide and form a bristle.

26. Middle dimension While for most dimensions, Poincaré duality induces a bilinear pairing between different homology groups, in the middle dimension it induces a bilinear form on a single homology group.

27. Abortifacient (plural Abortifacients) (pharmacology) A drug or an agent that induces an abortion

28. This will ubiquitously induces the disjoint phenomenon between the light and space design.

29. In two further regions (nucleus entopeduncularis anterior and medialis) dehydration induces inactivation.

30. The infection induces abnormal plant cell growth and the formation of root swellings.

31. 12 In experimental animals cholera toxin induces marked secretion of fluid and electrolytes.

32. Treatment of this hydrazine with mineral acids induces a rearrangement reaction to 4,4'-Benzidine.

33. Abettor, helps or induces another to kill, that person’s guilt is determined by the.

34. Attempted isolation of Bu4NOH induces Hofmann elimination, leading to Bu3N and 1-butene.

35. An Asphyxiant is an agent or event which induces asphyxia, also known as suffocation

36. The establishment of this degeneracy condition induces a super conducting state in the tissue.

37. Extracellular DNA Acidifies Biofilms and Induces Aminoglycoside Resistance in Pseudomonas aeruginosa Antimicrob Agents Chemother

38. Autoxidation of gallic acid induces ROS-dependent death in human prostate cancer LNCaP cells

39. Subsequent electron irradiation in the electron microscope induces recrystallisation and produces a nanocrystalline structure.

40. For example, one herb used to relax the body induces vomiting if taken in excess.

41. It induces Theta brain-wave frequencies to help uncover the secrets buried in the subconscious.

42. Nail-Biter definition is - something (such as a close contest) that induces tension or anxiety.

43. Apomorphine stimulates the dopamine receptors in the specific part of the brain that induces vomiting.

44. Moreover, a natural transformation between two such functors induces a homotopy between the induced maps.

45. Limeflower - induces sleep; makes a fragrant conditioning hair rinse - brew as with the camomile rinse.

46. Apomorphine stimulates the dopamine receptors in the specific part of the brain that induces vomiting

47. Comprehensive state welfare also induces dependency, reduces incentives to work, and blunts initiative and enterprise.

48. An abettor is a person who intentionally induces another person to commit an intentional unlawful act.

49. In clinically apparent infections the biofilm induces a local host response with infiltration of phagocytic immune cells.

50. ADAM13 induces cranial neural crest by Cleaving class B Ephrins and regulating Wnt signaling Dev Cell

51. 9 Satan operates his wicked system in such a way that it induces people to desire things.

52. For NO concentrations as low as 0.45 ppm, inhaled NO induces a significant decrease in platelet aggregation.

53. Hydrogen bonding induces spectral shifts due essentially to σ electron transfer from proton acceptor to proton donor.

54. In vitro, Allicin binds cellular nucleic acid, primarily nitrogenous bases and phosphate backbones, and induces autophagy and apoptosis

55. Guo et al., 2002, Apomorphine induces trophic factors that support fetal rat mesencephalic dopaminergic neurons in cultures., Eur

56. Although brain function deterioration is a natural cause of ageing, neurodegeneration induces an accelerated neuronal cell dysfunction.

57. Becalming induces a sensation of panic which Philocteta would alleviate with yoga Philocteta is becalmed on the couch

58. Stress Induces Dynamic, Cytotoxicity-Antagonizing TDP-43 Nuclear Bodies via Paraspeckle LncRNA NEAT1-Mediated Liquid-Liquid Phase Separation

59. The acceleration from this curving motion induces the electron to radiate energy in the form of synchrotron radiation.

60. Autoshaping induces ethanol drinking in non-deprived rats: Evidence of long-term retention but no induction of ethanol preference

61. Cytostatic therapy with amethopterin induces malabsorption of thiamine and thiamine deficiency characterized by decreasing activity of transketolase in erythrocytes.

62. By linking the analogue source to its digital representation, Cine-scope induces a vertiginous self-reflection of the medium.

63. But cognitive theories' dominance within psychological discourse induces many feminists to recapitulate these theories, overlooking their subtler gender biases.

64. Allergen definition, any substance, often a protein, that induces an allergy: common Allergens include pollen, grasses, dust, and some medications

65. Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) induces the release of catecholamines, endogenous ATP, and soluble protein from chromaffin granules isolated from the adrenal medulla.

66. Bleomycin treatment of A549 cells induces senescence rather than apoptosis, a more usual response of cancer cells to cytotoxic drugs

67. Chitin binding induces phosphorylation of the intracellular kinase domain of AtCERK1 and Activates disease resistance (5, 6, 10, 19, 20)

68. Physical inactivity induces: Anabolic resistance (that is likely exacerbated with aging), insulin resistance, systemic inflammation, decreased satellite cell content, and

69. The structure we impose on preferences in turn induces a relatively simple form of demand functions faced by individual firms.

70. 3 Human serum potently induces hyphal development of the polymorphic fungal pathogen Candida albicans, a phenotype that contributes critically to infections.

71. Acylated ghrelin induces but deAcylated ghrelin prevents hepatic steatosis and insulin resistance in lean rats: Effects on DAG/ PKC/JNK pathway

72. A murine model of lyme disease demonstrates that Borrelia burgdorferi Colonizes the dura mater and induces inflammation in the central nervous system

73. This induces gas and nutrients to move from the blood to the cells, due to the lower osmotic pressure outside the capillary.

74. Agglutinogen a surface antigen that induces the formation of agglutins in cells (including bacteria) and binds them to produce an AGGLUTINATION reaction

75. We engineered A light-activated CRISPR-Cas9 effector (LACE) system that induces transcription of endogenous genes in the presence of blue light

76. Previous studies have shown that Notch activation induces dAP-2 in cells distal and adjacent to the Serrate/Delta domain of expression.

77. 20 Hence retinoic acid does not seem to alter the relative growth and elaboration of rhombomeres, but induces changes in their identity.

78. In fact, in Azobenzene, absorption of light induces a reversible trans ↔ cis isomerization, which in turns generates a strain or a structure

79. The ligand-RAGE-interaction results in an activation of NF-κB, increased expression of cytokines, chemokines, and adhesion molecules and induces oxidative stress.

80. 6).Within the Aleurone layer, GA from the embryo induces the synthesis and secretion of hydrolytic enzymes, including several isoforms of α-amylase