Use "indo china" in a sentence

1. Following the peace talks, the Japanese gained the right to occupy French Indo-China.

2. But you fast- forward through WWIl, eventually the Japanese take control over Indo- China, over Vietnam,

3. In the 1950s and 1960s during the French-Indo China War and Vietnam War, thousands of refugees arrived in the province.

4. The slogans attack America's involvement in Indo-China and support of Zionism, as well as American and Soviet "aggression, control, interference, and bullying".

5. Navy Is Taking 2 Armies to Yingkow, Hulutao, Antung --More Bases Sought More of Indo-China Taken Reds Said to Get Foe's Aid American Casualties in China

6. The Centurions was the second by Jean Larteguy (a French Marine Paratrooper combat veteran before becoming a journalist and novelist) in a trilogy of novels he wrote on the political, ethical, and strategic challenges of modern warfare using Indo-China (Vietnam) and Algeria as backdrops.