Use "incurs" in a sentence

1. Understand the difference between Incurs and Accumulates.

2. Renting usually incurs regular contact, which is to be avoided.

3. The words Incurs and Accumulates might have synonymous (similar) meaning

4. Increased ventilation also incurs additional costs for conditioning outdoor air.

5. The State incurs heavy costs to keep the machinery of justice in working order .

6. A call handed over at this level normally incurs the highest level of interconnection charge.

7. Most expenses that your employee incurs for your business are deductible above-the-line.

8. Industry incurs added benefit for continued access to export markets when pest introduction and spread is prevented.

9. For example , electricity can be generated from wind energy which incurs negligible operation costs and is environment friendly .

10. While excess activated sludge can serve a useful purpose as fertilizer, disposing of it incurs additional expenses.

11. The contractor is paid for the actual costs he incurs plus a previously agreed lump sum for his overheads and profit.

12. The CRO provides the human resources, incurs the costs related to the team’s employment, and is responsible for line management of the team.

13. But his white 142 look plunders presents the significant miscount, 143 goes against by Cui Zhehan under kills excellent incurs, Liu Xing have to dices admits defeat.

14. Accrued expenses are typically recorded during the accounting period the organization incurs them, and Accrued expenses may sometimes be shown as current liabilities on a business' balance sheet.

15. Accrued expense or Accrued liabilities is the term describing the payments or expense that the company incurs or recognize but would be due for the payment in the future

16. After this time, the hotel can charge 50% of the full price of the accommodation (list price) for the damages it incurs up to 18.00 hours and from 18.00 hours, 100%.

17. Ceding Commission — remuneration paid to the Ceding insurer/reinsurer by the assuming reinsurer (either entity could be a captive), compensating the cedent for various expenses that it incurs, such as underwriting and business acquisition expenses.

18. Accidental contamination incurs additional costs for conventional and organic farmers in taking appropriate measures to avoid contamination and the loss of organic status, the very essence of which is purity of cultivation method and result.

19. Accidental contamination incurs additional costs for conventional and organic farmers in taking appropriate measures to avoid contamination and the loss of organic status, the very essence of which is purity of cultivation method and result

20. [CC202.440] Intellectual property If the vendor incurs capital expenditure in acquiring or developing an Australian patent, registered design or copyright, and Amortises that expenditure over the effective life of the intellectual property and claimed an income tax deduction, the price apportioned for that property should not exceed the amortised value in the vendor’s books.

21. What is Accrued Expense? When a company incurs expenses while the payment has not been made, such expenses shall be recorded as accruals.Thus, these accruals are called Accrued expenses.Therefore, we can basically define the Accrued expenses as the liability which results from the goods or services that have been received; however, the payment has not been made.

22. A person who is not the perpetrator of an offence, as specifically referred to in the relevant article of the special section of the Criminal Code, but who has participated in the commission of the offence referred to in such article, incurs criminal liability for the offence as an organizer, instigator or abetter.