Use "incurring" in a sentence

1. Dries adds: “We kept life simple and avoided incurring debts.

2. Altruistic behavior entails giving valuable benefits to others while incurring a personal cost

3. • Any third party, immediately upon incurring $500 in election advertising expenses, must register with Elections Canada (ss.

4.'s essential value proposition is that companies get messaging capabilities without incurring the cost of …

5. (Psalm 89:7) This fear of incurring God’s displeasure stems from appreciation for his loving-kindness and goodness.

6. 8 The Inspection department's role is to ensure that quality standards are properly maintained, without incurring disproportionate costs.

7. The urge to compensate for losses and hurt feelings by spending more or incurring debt should be avoided.

8. How can the Commission justify incurring costs for obtaining advice which is available elsewhere free of charge?

9. This grace period will allow the client to settle account balances in IPPS without incurring interest charges.

10. Numerous Besiegements were undertaken by the Black Templars - each incurring heavy losses and each promising no swift end to the Crusade

11. The Backdoor Roth IRA contribution is a great way for some higher-income workers to establish a Roth IRA without incurring income tax

12. The key is whether the total amount of dollars that you are saving is enough to justify incurring the cost, the total cost of traveling across town.

13. HSCL started incurring losses since 1978-79 mainly due to absorption of large workforce of several PSUs and private companies increasing the workforce from 4,100 in 1970 to 26,537 in 1979.

14. Putting such things first in your life not only means incurring God’s displeasure but also means running afoul of his immutable laws and reaping frustration, if not also corruption, from the flesh.

15. A Cash rich split off is a merger and acquisition technique where a parent company exchanges the company’s stock for stock in a subsidiary of the company without incurring taxes, provided that the statutory requirements are met.

16. The Bolsheviki held forth the prospect of immediate peace if the proletariat alone were to take the government into its hands and with force keep the bourgeois elements down, incurring the risk, of course, of letting loose a civil war thereby.

17. Suppose the short-term equilibrium Corresponds to the Cournot equilibrium with two firms, 1 and 2, facing the inverse demand P=10–q 1 –q 2 and incurring a constant marginal cost c 1 =c 2 = 2.

18. Traditionally, FSAs (the oldest of these accounts) were accessed only through claims for reimbursement after incurring, and often paying, an out-of-pocket expense; this often happens after the funds have already been deducted from the employee's paycheck.

19. The plight of many migrant workers begins in their home countries, where many pay local recruitment agencies fees equivalent to 10 to 20 months of wages in Bahrain, incurring substantial debts, often using family home and valuables as collateral.

20. In addition, because it has high intracellular transmission capacity and also enables inhibition of the expression of target genes specifically without incurring non-specific antiviral reactions, it is very useful as the therapeutic agent mediated by the siRNA mechanism to treat cancer or viral infection.

21. 3.1.1 Identifying the Acquirer if the Acquiree Is a VIE 48 3.1.2 Identifying the Acquirer if the Acquiree Is a Voting Interest Entity 48 Business Combinations Effected Primarily by Transferring Cash or Other Assets or by Incurring Liabilities 49 Business Combinations Effected Primarily by Exchanging Equity Interests 49

22. ‘Likewise, readers are also Apprised of how ambiguous a clue to morality deception may be.’ ‘It would also be nice if these hidden costs were less hidden - if the artist were Apprised of what was going on in his or her name and had to sign off before incurring substantial debt.’

23. ‘Likewise, readers are also Apprised of how ambiguous a clue to morality deception may be.’ ‘It would also be nice if these hidden costs were less hidden - if the artist were Apprised of what was going on in his or her name and had to sign off before incurring substantial debt.’

24. This kind of ambiguity in adoption, along with the strongly emotionally charged nature of the subject, can make it difficult for adoptees to feel free to discuss their own issues honestly, for fear of being ungrateful, hurting their adoptive parents' feelings, raising subjects they sense are taboo (such as the adoptive parents' true reasons for adopting, especially if this involves infertility) or incurring rejection.