Use "incurable" in a sentence

1. Folly is an incurable disease.

2. 18 My grief is incurable;

3. This disease is incurable.

4. She's an incurable optimist.

5. He's an incurable optimist.

6. You're a hopeless/incurable romantic.

7. Neurasthenia, dementia praecox, incurable homosexuality, epilepsy, melancholia.

8. Jane is an incurable gossip.

9. He has an incurable and widespread nepotism.

10. Vulnerable to the attack,who are incurable.

11. She has a rare, incurable disease.

12. My mother is an incurable optimist.

13. They were portrayed as more potent and, moreover, incurable.

14. We were informed she has a rare, incurable disease.

15. That being the case, Chan is an incurable romantic.

16. He said you had an incurable disease!

17. (1 Corinthians 4:11) An incurable loafer?

18. And like any type of physical handicap, it is incurable.

19. The first witch, Asha, suffers from an incurable disease.

20. My doctor told me that the cancer was incurable.

21. Any lung cancer that has spread is considered incurable.

22. He is suffering from an incurable skin disease.

23. Synonyms: incurable, hardened, hopeless, intractable More Synonyms of inCorrigible

24. Did I mention that I am an incurable prankster?

25. Gonorrhea has mutated into deadly and incurable antibiotic-resistant strains.

26. And, tragically, A-T is - as yet - an incurable disease.

27. Such advances offer a potential cure for hitherto incurable diseases.

28. But Stirling, the incurable optimist, was already making new plans.

29. Most famously, in Juvenal's insanabile scribendi Cacoethes "incurable passion for writing."

30. In other words, the habit is by no means incurable.

31. About 600 people throughout the world suffer from the incurable FOP.

32. I was diagnosed with muscle atrophy, an incurable disease that eventually leads to complete paralysis.

33. This is an incurable condition of the retina which caused almost total blindness.

34. Asbestosis is a progressive, debilitating, and incurable lung disease that causes pain and difficulty breathing

35. For much of its long history, leprosy was feared as an incurable, disfiguring disease.

36. And the threat of genital herpes, currently considered incurable, is sending shock waves through the swinging community.

37. Just inhaling the thick stench down here can fill a person with incurable disease.

38. First, this interest is due to association of Amyloids with dozens of incurable human diseases called …

39. Is day - by - day getting more and more incurable, the life one time loves you incurably.

40. Unfortunately, many kinds of Boxwoods are susceptible to an incurable fungal disease called Boxwood blight.

41. I'm an incurable insomniac so I get a lot of my work done while the world sleeps.

42. Once wheat had triumphed on poor land, the imbalance between cattle, sheep, and cash crops became incurable.

43. Patients with incurable illnesses are brought to the hospice, where they are given the best possible care.

44. The woman, Bristling with love, passion and dependency The Bristling (18+) Woman suffers from incurable Bristling

45. “A potent mixture of racism, poverty and ignorance is accelerating the spread of the incurable disease.”

46. This is especially the case with the treatment of sicknesses that have until now been incurable.”

47. Adrenaline Dominance explains how this hormone might be a major underlying cause of many conditions currently considered incurable

48. 12 synonyms for Besetting: chronic, persistent, long-standing, prevalent, habitual, ingrained, deep-seated, incurable, deep-rooted, inveterate, incorrigible

49. Which would make this case attractive to anyone who has some vested interest in people curing the incurable.

50. 16 Admittedly, there are legitimate medical uses for various pain-killing preparations in cases of accident or incurable disease.

51. The guidelines say that doctors should seriously consider requests from patients with incurable diseases who ask for their lives to be ended.

52. On the other hand, aphids can infect raspberries with incurable virus diseases, and blackcurrant reversion is spread by big-bud mites.

53. Chancres definition and Syphilis Top 5 Most Dangerous STDs Can you get an STD from kissing The list of Curable and Incurable STDs

54. Or what if he gets a toothache or needs an appendectomy or is bringing some incurable tropical disease over here with him?

55. 25 Early research suggests creatine supplements might be able to help slow the progression of Parkinson's, an incurable brain disorder that can slowly but steadily paralyze patients.

56. But at the age of two, Silvia was diagnosed with cystic fibrosis, an incurable disease that causes increasingly severe respiratory and digestive problems.

57. Permeating incurable anti-germanic magnifying glass apocarpous undespotic unforgiving chondromata unconjectured kragujevac Arglebargled acoemetae preminister classicistic unfunnily VIEW MORE 4 Syllable Words Starting with?

58. 1820, Charles Maturin, Melmoth the Wanderer, volume 1, page 291: The repetition of religious duties, without the feeling or spirit of religion, produces an incurable Callosity of heart

59. We have never seen an instance of the poor husband successfully defending himself against the instant divorce he richly deserveswe say he deserves advisedly , because of his incurable propensity for eating eggs .

60. And so at the time we were doing this research, I was caring for a 29- year- old firefighter from Connecticut who was very much at the end of life with this incurable cancer.

61. And so at the time we were doing this research, I was caring for a 29-year-old firefighter from Connecticut who was very much at the end of life with this incurable cancer.

62. Think of the multitudes who are no longer able to care for themselves because of advanced age, of individuals wasting away with incurable diseases, and of families struggling economically to make ends meet.

63. Doctor Francisco Murillo reported that he had suffered multiple organ failure and irreversible brain damage as a result of multiple prolonged cardiac arrests due to an incurable, hereditary heart disease known as arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia.

64. The English ballad soberly turns into an incurable fit of ague inflicted on a greedy young boor; the Italian witch-poetess, with finer sense, or with more sympathy for the heroine, casts the brute aside without further mention, and Apotheosises the …

65. Cacoethes an urge to do something inadvisable; the word is recorded from the mid 16th century, and comes via Latin from Greek kakoēthes, from kakos ‘bad’ + ēthos ‘disposition’.Cacoethes scribendi an incurable passion for writing; the phrase is originally a quotation from the Roman satirist Juvenal (ad c.60–c.130)

66. However, the concept of Autopathography is a more recent conceptualization of literary and artistic works in which autopathographists describe their own suffering from a serious, chronic or incurable medical condition with the aim of (1) destigmatizing the illness, (2) helping other patients to accept their situation, (3) earning money and

67. The faculty of Buckjumping is, I believe, almost confined to Australian horses, and seems to be bred in them -- perhaps the original rough breaking was responsible for the vice; but whatever be the cause it was then a fact that eight out of every ten horses could and did Buckjump, and with many of them the vice was incurable.