Use "incumbent upon" in a sentence

1. 6 It is incumbent upon us to do so.

2. 12 It is incumbent upon all of us to make an extra effort.

3. This makes it incumbent upon all of us to act with wisdom and objectivity

4. 8 It is incumbent upon parents to control what their children watch on TV.

5. 11 She felt it incumbent upon/on her to raise the subject at their meeting.

6. 10 It is incumbent upon all users of this equipment to familiarize themselves with the safety procedure.

7. 25 It is incumbent upon all users of this equipment to familiarize themselves with the safety procedure.

8. It was incumbent upon us now to make a torch that would burn the living Hirohitlmus beyond resurrection.

9. 27 It was incumbent upon us now to make a torch that would burn the living Hirohitlmus beyond resurrection.

10. Incumbent member for Breda.

11. Synonyms for Behoove include proper, befit, beseem, suit, be expected, be fitting, be incumbent upon, be necessary, be needful and be one's obligation

12. The only incumbent Independent was defeated.

13. It is incumbent upon governments to afford parents the opportunity to send their children to religious schools by facilitating the establishment and financing of such institutions.

14. 16 Steve Horn,( the Republican incumbent.

15. 4 The old man is an incumbent.

16. 19 One incumbent was returned to the council.

17. 15 How does the incumbent house prove otherwise?

18. It Behoves me to make good this deficiency by explaining that it expresses a duty and may be translated as “is required of” or “is incumbent upon

19. 5 It was incumbent on them to attend.

20. Mitchell was to face Republican incumbent Carroll Campbell.

21. There are many synonyms of Beseem which include Befit, Suit, Be Fitting, Be Expected, Be Incumbent Upon, Be Needful, Be Required, Be Requisite, Be Right, Owe It …

22. Codey Endorses Incumbent Dover Alderwomen and Alderman for Reelection

23. 14 An incumbent by definition is the status quo.

24. 17 Morales faces Republican incumbent U. S. Sen.

25. He defeated the incumbent governor by a large plurality.

26. 7 The present incumbent is due to retire next month.

27. 18 Steiner easily beat the incumbent to become governor.

28. ** Also referred to as Incumbent Local Exchange Carriers (ILECs) Note:

29. Device and method for incumbent signal detection and channel allocation

30. It was a role befitting a challenger debating the incumbent.

31. 13 Mitchell was to face Republican incumbent Carroll Campbell.

32. The Chairperson seat of the Oklahoma City Public Schools Board of Education is up for election with incumbent OKCPS Chairperson Paula Lewis, incumbent District 1 …

33. In the June elections, Morris easily defeated the incumbent, Tom Smith.

34. 20 The role is narrowly conceived by the present incumbent.

35. 12 He defeated the incumbent governor by a large plurality.

36. 1 He defeated the incumbent governor by a large plurality.

37. Behove verb (Archaic) be fitting, benefit, be necessary, be wise, befit, be advisable, be obligatory, be incumbent upon, beseem I think it Behoves us, sir, to get out of here with all speed

38. OTE, the incumbent telecommunications operator, offers ISDN BRI (BRA) services in Greece.

39. This period allows the incumbent sufficient time to achieve measurable results.

40. He beat incumbent Democratic governor Bruce King by 50% to 40%.

41. Benoni, Gauteng The incumbent will be responsible for general office administrative duties

42. (59) The incumbent contract holder's advantage is based on the following factors.

43. The incumbent local exchange carrier for these area codes is Bell Canada.

44. She is the incumbent Permanent Secretary of the Uganda Ministry of Health.

45. The Churchwardens and incumbent are custodians of the contents of the church i.e

46. 29 Their conclusion: Republican Alf Landon handily would defeat incumbent President Franklin Roosevelt.

47. 3 In the June elections, Morris easily defeated the incumbent, Tom Smith.

48. (3) High speed bit stream access (Provision of DSL services by incumbent)

49. She was reelected in 2006, 2011 and 2016, and is the incumbent.

50. In telecommunications parlance, Bell is known as an ILEC or "incumbent local exchange carrier".

51. Avoidances are in fact, as by the death of the incumbent or in law

52. 2 The incumbent president faces problems which began many years before he took office.

53. 9 It's incumbent on you to advise your son before he leaves home.

54. But z so no feasible solution of problem 8 can beat the incumbent.

55. Incumbent Democratic candidate, Joseph Galbrain, will then be allowed a one-minute rebuttal.

56. 2001-534 Forbearance from regulation of incumbent local exchange carriers' out-of-territory services.

57. 21 He was defeated by incumbent Democrat J. Bennett Johnston who polled 54 percent.

58. Ma Xiaoyi, incumbent Xinjiang miquan city Bureau of Education research audiovisual education center research.

59. After all their huffing and puffing, every incumbent was desperate to claim some achievement.

60. In the Crepuscular tribes the upper wings are incumbent on the lower, and deflexed.

61. The incumbent president Enrique Peña Nieto was not constitutionally eligible for a second term.

62. Incumbent provisional governments (when the power during transitional period belongs to the former regime).

63. His competition would be the incumbent, Andrew Jackson (Democrat) and Henry Clay (National Republicans).

64. Bundling allows an incumbent to defend both products without having to price low in each

65. (b) if so, whether incumbent possesses requisite teaching experience at post graduate level besides administrative experience;

66. It would entrench the position of incumbent institutions that are already too large and too diverse.

67. Like Clinton 12 years later, he possessed in volume what the incumbent president, Jimmy Carter, lacked.

68. In liberalized sectors, high switching costs from an incumbent are key impediments for consumer interest.

69. 28 The Yemeni bastion of the battle against Salafism looks shakier, but the incumbent dictator is dispensable.

70. The independent candidate also is especially critical of incumbent President Moo - hyun's engagement policy with North Korea.

71. When I signal, you must align with Anatoly, who calls spross dopross, or Gregor our incumbent Pakhan.

72. This makes it incumbent on the institution we represent to put in place concrete strategies and programmes.

73. A sustainable competitive Canadian communications industry ILEC/Incumbent Wholesale and Access Issues High Speed Metro Rates

74. Powerful incumbent airlines found three ways to erect strategic entry barriers and consolidate their market power.

75. The incumbent will oversee the administrative units located in both Santo Domingo and Port-au-Prince.

76. 30 But the precise size of the spill and the incumbent environmental damage remained unclear Saturday.

77. Letter addressed to Competitors ordering services measurer by QCoS indicators and the Incumbent Local Exchange Carriers - Subject:

78. But now, as White House incumbent presiding over the seat of government, he is the ultimate political insider.

79. The 50-year-old incumbent and the 72-year-old challenger appeared equally relaxed, forceful and well rehearsed.

80. The incumbent will also be responsible for the verification of Fund activities within the more complex market assignments.