Use "inconceivably" in a sentence

1. In short, a born liar, credulous and barbarous, Crassly ignorant and inconceivably stubborn.' GHETTO COMEDIES ISRAEL ZANGWILL With Hamsun the conflict is more fine-spun than that which Heiberg has painted rather Crassly

2. Then he warmed to it, and smoothly set out all his shifts, malices, and treacheries, his extreme Boldnesses (he was desperate bold); his retreats, shufflings, and counterfeitings (he was also inconceivably a coward) presumptuousness (typography) The …

3. De-Americanizing America July 5, 2020 / 0 Comments / in Commentary , Elections , Must Read , Policy , Politics , Social Issues / by Martin Sherman Inconceivably, ever greater circles of Americans seem swept up in a movement bent on jettisoning a paradigm that brought resounding success, while enthusiastically embracing one that wrought failure