Use "incipient" in a sentence

1. signs of incipient unrest.

2. The incipient bankrupts were almost as bad.

3. John's incipient school problems were nipped in the bud.

4. In some fungi, there is evidence of incipient speciation.

5. The difference between liquefaction and incipient failure is clarified.

6. Ambitty Of glass: covered with stony speckles, symptoms of incipient devitrification

7. Some assiduously fill notebooks with writing: incipient novelists or thesis writers?

8. Crystallite definition, a minute body in glassy igneous rock, showing incipient crystallization

9. A blastula, with wide embryonic cavity (Blastocoel, bl), g incipient invagination

10. The wind came howling down the street full of rain and incipient snow.

11. I'm hardly myself if I'm not in a state of incipient desire.

12. A certain nervous expectation, incipient disappointment mitigated by professional Micawberism, is a more accurate description.

13. Duty and intake systems to detect incipient problems early and to provide a rapid response.

14. In effect, we have an incipient excess supply of savings even at a zero interest rate.

15. 22 I am pretty sure that these noises do not proceed from incipient compression failures.

16. A bruised rib was taken for heart trouble, a headache for an incipient brain tumour.

17. Yet despite these incipient industrial concentrations, the economy of Piedmont remained overwhelmingly agrarian and rural.

18. As a result the incipient daughter cells are just half the size of the parent cell .

19. Principal Component Analysis ( PCA ) was introduced in this paper for incipient fault diagnosis waste solid incinerator ( WSI ).

20. 8 A certain nervous expectation, incipient disappointment mitigated by professional Micawberism, is a more accurate description.

21. Barathea: The finest military Baratheas for the best blue patrols in pure silk incipient contents

22. Synonyms for Aborning include incipient, nascent, inceptive, budding, inchoate, initial, first, inaugural, embryonic and earliest

23. It was still tender from the soldier's abuse, but the pain helped her fight back incipient tears.

24. The incipient spouses are of course excited by the adventure, the new life, heralded by marriage.

25. All four reached the South Col but Teare decided to descend from here, concerned about incipient altitude sickness.

26. 16 Costner, with his easy grin, incipient beer belly, thinning hair and bright devilish eyes, plays broken-down convincingly.

27. Some of the incipient school-to-work systems I visited had made only minimal changes to the school program.

28. However, it is not true to say that it is dangerous to apply the opposite rudder in an incipient spin.

29. Iterative Allogamy-autogamy transitions drive actual and incipient speciation during the ongoing evolutionary radiation within the orchid genus Epipactis (Orchidaceae)

30. Anopheles gambiae senso stricto is now known to consist of two genetically distinct forms or incipient species, known formally as the A

31. As the fluids reached the incipient normal fault, they traveled along it Brecciating the footwall to form the hydrothermal breccia sill

32. On the other hand, confirmation bias can result in people ignoring or misinterpreting the signs of an imminent or incipient conflict.

33. In artificial kagome spin ice, we observe incipient crystallization of the magnetic charges embedded in pseudo-ice, with Crystallites of magnetic charges whose …

34. The appearance of interproximal Caries can be classified as incipient, moderate, advanced, or severe, depending on the amount of enamel and dentin involved in the Caries process

35. The distinction between liquefaction and incipient failure has been clarified. Furthermore, a preliminary scheme of open-type effective stress dynamic analysis method is proposed.

36. In the second part of this paper, incipient aeration on a spillway chute is investigated, based on the data of Bauer for the boundary-layer thickness.

37. This is the oldest dated evidence for Brecciation and carbonate formation, which likely occurred during parent body growth and incipient heating due to decay of 26 Al

38. The result prove that wavelet envelope spectrum method is able to detect rolling bearing fault efficiently, and it is a valid methods of incipient failure detection.

39. However, strains carrying mutations that have been Backcrossed onto the background strain for at least five, but fewer than ten, generations are considered incipient congenic strains and may be …

40. Incipient and imminent slipped capital femoral epiphysis in children with a displacement angle of < 30° in the axial view (ET' < 30°) and prophylactic treatment of the contralateral side.

41. Cavities in dogs look similar to human Cavities and can be found in two different types: Incipient Cavities, or those about to form may be seen as a dull spot in the enamel

42. Floral evolution passed from a very early phase of dicliny, anemophily and aphananthy of the anthocorm to a phase of incipient entomophily soon associated with a partial sex reversal within the anthocorm.

43. ‘a sense of Anticlimax and incipient boredom’ ‘Of course, he was eventually to read the novel in its original Spanish, but as he was to describe it, the experience was a disappointing Anticlimax.’

44. ‘a sense of Anticlimax and incipient boredom’ ‘Of course, he was eventually to read the novel in its original Spanish, but as he was to describe it, the experience was a disappointing Anticlimax.’

45. Chorionic gonadotropin definition, a hormone, produced in the incipient placenta of pregnant women, that stimulates the production of estrogen and progesterone: its presence in blood or urine is an indication of pregnancy

46. 1902, Heinrich Stern, Journal of the American Medical Association, Volume 38, On the treatment of obesity[1]: Among the latter, incipient nephritis and metabolic anomalies, as xAnthemia, arthritis uritica, oxaluria are common

47. The discovery of eight Biface lithic artefacts at Kashiwabara in Japan demonstrates the use of lithic reduction strategies, and suggests that mobile hunter-gatherers on the Japanese Islands were caching artefacts during the Incipient period of Jomon (c

48. Crystallite, any of a type of microscopic body occurring in such glassy igneous rocks as obsidian and pitchstone. Crystallites are regarded as incipient or embryonic crystals, though they often have no recognizable crystallographic form and are too small to polarize light.

49. The significance of the lowering of the pH, e.g., in local inflammation (iritis, cyclitis, retinitis, etc.) or general acidoses (diabetes mellitus, galactosemia, hunger, extracorporeal circulation for atrophic kidney. Albright-, Love-, Fanconisyndrome) for the appearance of incipient subcapsular clouding of the lens is pointed out.

50. Verborum Christi Domini deducta, atque asacerdote prolata, ad fidelium Acclamationem: C.6: fore confidimus, ut hoc ipsum achristifidelibus quasi subsidium ad mutuam : C.13: hac Nostra praescripsimus vigere incipient adie xxx proximi mensis Novembris: C.14: Novembris hoc anno, id est aDominica I Adventus

51. DNA Barcoding is not meant to replace detailed population genetic studies, but it will provide a baseline of genetic data for comparative analysis, and, with sampling of multiple populations, Barcoding studies can provide a first glimpse at genetic differences that could reflect underlying patterns of cryptic or incipient species differences.

52. Caries-risk assessment is the determination of the likelihood of the increased incidence of Caries (i.e., the number of new cavitated or incipient lesions) during a certain time period 9 or the likelihood that there will be a change in the size or activity of lesions already present.

53. After a 4-week stimulation of ESF production with oral administration of fluoxymesterone (flu) intermittent hypoxic ESF stimulation was performed corresponding to a maximum altitude of 4000 m in 7 patients with chronic renal disease without or with incipient renal anemia (mean hematocrit 40%) and in 11 normal subjects (mean hematocrit 46%).

54. A Vision of Battlements is the first novel by the writer and composer Anthony Burgess, who was born in Manchester in 1917.Set in Gibraltar during the Second World War, the book follows the fortunes of Richard Ennis, an army sergeant and incipient composer who dreams of composing great music and building a new cultural world after the end of the war.

55. In physics, horror vacui, or plenism (/ ˈ p l iː n ɪ z əm /), commonly stated as "nature Abhors a vacuum", is a postulate attributed to Aristotle, who articulated a belief, later criticized by the atomism of Epicurus and Lucretius, that nature contains no vacuums because the denser surrounding material continuum would immediately fill the rarity of an incipient void.

56. The lower part of the abacus , the pali , which was a plain doucene in the Pallava and early Chola temples and got scalloped into petals in the later Chola period , evolves still more into a floral form with the petals , idal . The corbel evolves into what is called the pushpa potika , characteristic of the Vijayanagar style , with a double - flexed arm extending , projected from the main block and scalloped at the free end as upturned petals with an incipient conical bud at the centre .