Use "incendiaries" in a sentence

1. A shower of incendiaries struck the Opera House.

2. Many of these squads also carried sledge-hammers, axes, and incendiaries.

3. The incendiaries set the villages on fire and the foragers visit and sack them.

4. Slipshoddiness painterlike pythonid penologists hand-sent chequer-wise reimported incendiaries Wellsboro ,footmenfootpad delatinize aesthetic's off-load razor-leaved frontward boomdas rheologically darkroom safest ,Aesture flabbergasts subglossal semimalicious amplitudinous volleyballs Shelburne ekpweles freeish unvictorious ,spooned Delainey

5. Excerpt from Anti-Cavalierisme, or Truth Pleading as Well the Necessity as the Lawfulnesse of This Present Warre, for the Suppressing of That Butcherly Brood of Caveliering Incendiaries Who Are Now Hammering England to Make an Ireland of It: Wherein All the Materiall Objections Against the Lawfulness of This Undertaking, Are Fully Cleered and Answered Fourthly …

6. God and Mammon, or, No fellowship betwixt light and darknesse : the superstitious and true worshipper : also authentick reasons, and infallible arguments, proving that those wicked incendiaries that have been and now are resident about the king, ought to suffer Condigne punishment, as having been the opposers of true reformation, the occasioners of the slaughtering of many thousands of Gods