Use "incapacitation" in a sentence

1. Banishment Spell 5 Abjuration Incapacitation Source Core Rulebook pg

2. 5 But like tear gas, it has only one effect: incapacitation.

3. 10 It may have been an unavoidable reason , like problems at home or incapacitation .

4. 2 Incapacitation by sickness or disease caused directly or indirectly by your misconduct.

5. 15 Appointing an Acting President in the event of the FAI President's death or incapacitation.

6. 6 This is a good indication that future news of his incapacitation would not shock.

7. 4 I have never, ever, experienced such complete, instant incapacitation as being hit with the M26 Taser.

8. 1 The risk of incapacitation increases with advancing years, and increases more rapidly after the age of

9. 13 Sick leave is a form of insurance that is accumulated in order to provide a cushion for incapacitation due to illness.

10. 11 So cold, in fact, that staying in it can seriously impact your morale and can lead to incapacitation .

11. 3 The death or incapacitation of the defendant's only family member capable of caring for the defendant's minor child or minor children.

12. 14 Mandibular segmental defect or asymmetry due to congenital or acquired factors will lead to severe functional incapacitation and facial deformity.

13. 8 So cold, in fact,[] that staying in it can seriously impact your morale and can (in some locations) lead to incapacitation.

14. Bedridden adjective Referring to a person who is confined to bed by medical orders or due to incapacitation—e.g., major trauma, following surgery, burns and so …

15. 12 The experiments were done in two parts: The protective effect of head shielding on the incapacitation of general performance capacity postexposure observed by rotarod method.

16. Medical illness Pharmacology / toxicology Acceleration effects Decompression sickness Hypoxia Trapped gas effect G-induced loss of consciousness Impaired physiological state Physiological incapacitation Physical fatigue Other physiological states

17. 9 In the earlier period, it show mobile arthrosis ache , swelling and dysfunction; while in the advanced stage, it show arthrosis rigor, deformed, functional incapacitation or even disability.

18. There has been no satisfactorily effective method for the clinical treatment of articular cartilage degradation and functional incapacitation due to traumas and cartilage lesions up till now.

19. 7 There has been no satisfactorily effective method for the clinical treatment of articular cartilage degradation and functional incapacitation due to traumas and cartilage lesions up till now.

20. The term chin na in Chinese martial arts deals with the use of grappling to achieve submission or incapacitation of the opponent (these may involve the use of acupressure points).

21. 16 Objective: To prevent and remedy symptoms of paralysis such as contracture of joints and stiff limbs, to increase the recovery rate of cerebral apoplexy and to decrease the rate of incapacitation.

22. Applicants with any sequelae of disease or surgical procedures on the genitourinary system or its adnexa likely to cause incapacitation, in particular any obstruction due to stricture or compression, shall be assessed as unfit.

23. (b) Applicants with any sequelae of disease or surgical procedures on the genitourinary system or its adnexa likely to cause incapacitation, in particular any obstruction due to stricture or compression, shall be assessed as unfit.

24. Calmatives were supposed to have been deleted from military stockpiles following the adoption of the Chemical Weapons Convention in 1993, which bans any chemical weapon that can cause death, temporary incapacitation, or permanent harm to humans or …

25. Applicants with any sequelae of disease or surgical intervention in any part of the digestive tract or its adnexa likely to cause incapacitation in flight, in particular any obstruction due to stricture or compression, shall be assessed as unfit.

26. Acetonitrile Health: 2 (Moderate) Materials that, on intense or continued (but not chronic) exposure, could cause temporary incapacitation or possible residual injury, including those requiring the use of respiratory protective equipment that has an independent air supply.

27. Applicants with any sequelae of disease or surgical intervention in any part of the digestive tract or its adnexa likely to cause incapacitation in flight, in particular any obstruction due to stricture or compression shall be assessed as unfit.

28. (a) Applicants with any sequelae of disease or surgical intervention in any part of the digestive tract or its adnexa likely to cause incapacitation in flight, in particular any obstruction due to stricture or compression, shall be assessed as unfit.

29. Even in those marriages regulated by the Community of Acquests, the law provides that, either spouse can demand the separation of property if, inter alia, the other spouse conducts his/her affairs in a disorderly manner, or on the basis of other grounds specified in the law, such as the interdiction or incapacitation of one of the spouses.

30. Even in those marriages regulated by the Community of Acquests, the law provides that, either spouse can demand the separation of property if, inter alia, the other spouse conducts his/her affairs in a disorderly manner, or on the basis of other grounds specified in the law, such as the interdiction or incapacitation of one of the spouses