Use "inalienable" in a sentence

1. 1635-1645 French inAlienable What are InAlienable Rights

2. This is an inalienable duty.

3. 2 antonyms for Alienable: inAlienable, unAlienable

4. Where the bite with a right being “inAlienable” comes in is that inAlienable rights cannot be given away

5. Taiwan is an inalienable part of China.

6. Taiwan is an inalienable part of Chinese territory.

7. InAlienable Not subject to sale or transfer; inseparable

8. Hong Kong is an inalienable part of China.

9. Literacy may not be an inalienable human right.

10. InAlienable rights are rights that cannot be given

11. Freedom of speech should be an inalienable right.

12. We have an inalienable right to play college basketball.

13. Airspace is an inalienable part of a country's territory.

14. At the same time it is an integral, inalienable right.

15. Taiwan is an inalienable part of the Chellonese territory.

16. This inalienable right in itself emanates from two broader propositions.

17. It was the inalienable important component in the Mountain Resort.

18. New Democratism Culture had an inalienable relationship with Socialism Culture.

19. Taiwan is an inalienable part of Chinese territory from ancient times.

20. Laws, whilst they are in force, are in this sense inalienable.

21. 19 Laws, whilst they are in force, are in this sense inalienable.

22. In general, the Alienable–inAlienable distinction is an example of a binary possessive class system, a language in which two kinds of possession are distinguished (Alienable and inAlienable)

23. He said the republic now had an inalienable right to self-determination.

24. The final and ultimate privacy of her body is a woman's inalienable right.

25. He maintains that Taiwan has always been an inalienable part of China.

26. Similarly, various types of property are inAlienable, such as rivers, streams, and highways

27. 11 He said the republic now had an inalienable right to self-determination.

28. Currently, inAlienable is the more common spelling, but historically, that wasn’t always the case.

29. Alienable rights cannot any more be taken away by someone than inAlienable rights can be

30. All this enmity and passion had Pearl inherited, by inalienable right, out of Hester's heart.

31. Lessing's feminine principle viewpoint and she places, the modern cultural context has certainly the inalienable relation.

32. Germans regard driving on the autobahn at face - peeling speeds as close to an inalienable right.

33. That which is inAlienable cannot be bought, sold, or transferred from one individual to another

34. Life, liberty,(Sentencedict) and the pursuit of happiness have been called the inalienable rights of man.

35. InAlienable rights constrain the holder of those rights in a way that Alienable rights do not

36. Childbirth might seem to be the last inalienable right of any female citizen within a civilized society.

37. The personal rights to life and liberty guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States are inAlienable

38. In general, Alienable possession is expressed by means of an inAlienable generic noun, meaning 'thing' or 'belongings' or 'possession'

39. The Ordinance of Moulins (1566) made royal lands inalienable, so all Appanages would eventually revert to the crown

40. Due process of life, liberty, and property is an inalienable civil rights protection for Formosan investors under SFPT.

41. When Georgia became independent from the Soviet Union, Georgians saw Abkhazia as an inalienable part of their territory

42. Mr Kinnock described the health service as the bedrock of Britain and health care as an inalienable right of citizenship.

43. Human dignity can neither be achieved nor guaranteed in an environment of abject poverty and denial of inalienable rights

44. Justice to all, irrespective of race, sect or class is the inalienable right and the inescapable obligation of all.

45. Inalienable Right, Alienable Property and Freedom of Choice: Locke, Nozick and Marx on the Alienability of Labour - Volume 18 Issue 3

46. InAlienable Right, Alienable Property and Freedom of Choice: Locke, Nozick and Marx on the Alienability of Labour - Volume 18 Issue 3

47. In view of this, these Catholics expressed their “inalienable conscientious objection with regard to the advertised sumptuous ceremony” and the “costly crown.”

48. The first inalienable right of a trainee was to dawdle and amuse himself before he settled into his chair for the morning.

49. The Declaration of Independence gives three examples of inAlienable rights, in the well-known phrase, “Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.”

50. Inevitably this will require that nations delegate at least a portion of what they considered previously inalienable rights to independent deliberation and action.”

51. All measures aimed at addressing this issue should first and foremost recognize the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people, particularly the right to self-determination.

52. All works of art have the inalienable right to remain in their original abode rather than being shipped around the world for display.

53. Long-distance Anaphors seem to be interpretively parallel to local reflexive construals such as those seen with inherent reflexivity and constructions of inalienable possession

54. Like inAlienable, unAlienable originates from the prefix un – and Alienable via the Middle French a liénable and was first recorded in 1610–20

55. Government has completely and unequivocally rejected in entirety all such actions and statements by Pakistan regarding Jammu & Kashmir, which is an integral and inalienable part of India.

56. I hold the truth to be self-evident, thatall men are endowed by the Creator with inalienable liberty, with individualself-control and responsibility for thoughts, speech and acts, in everysituation.

57. It's an Amusing idea to some, this feminism thing - this audacious notion that women should be able to move through the world as freely, and enjoy the same inalienable rights and bodily autonomy, as men

58. The treaty establishing the United Nations embedded the principle that the nation-state assumes an inalienable right and duty to rule itself and all who live within it according to its lights and traditions, without interference from outside, whether violent or Admonitory

59. Alienable, disposable lands The following rules are relative to the disposition of public land or lands of the public domain, namely: [1] As a general rule and pursuant to the Regalian Doctrine, all lands of the public domain belong to the State and are inAlienable

60. Retirees Chanted slogans such as “ The result of the government’s work is plundering the people’s wealth,” “ Our country sits on treasures, but we are living in suffering,” and “Housing and livelihoods are our inalienable rights,” referring to the regime’s institutionalized corruption, which is the flip side of people’s poverty.

61. The Russian Boyardom had no corporate or class privileges, (1) because their importance was purely local (the dignity of the principality determining the degree of dignity of the boyars), (2) because of their inalienable right of transmigration from one prince to another at will, which prevented the formation of a settled aristocracy, and (3

62. Assenting to the "self-evident truth" maintained in the American Declaration of Independence, "that all men are created equal, and endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights—among which are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness," I shall strenuously contend for the immediate enfranchisement of our slave population.

63. The Russian Boyardom had no corporate or class privileges, (1) because their importance was purely local (the dignity of the principality determining the degree of dignity of the boyars), (2) because of their inalienable right of transmigration from one prince to another at will, which prevented the formation of a settled aristocracy, and (3

64. Mr. Erwa (Sudan) (spoke in Arabic): I am honoured to present to Mr. Papa Louis Fall, Chairman of the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People, and to the members of the Committee our sincere thanks for their efforts to preserve the rights of the Palestinians and to expose the spuriousness of Israel's occupation and abhorrent practices, which have perpetuated the suffering of the Palestinian people