Use "inadmissible" in a sentence

1. The defense contended that the evidence was inadmissible.

2. Mommsen's assumption therefore seems to be completely inadmissible.

3. The evidence was held to be inadmissible.

4. The evidence issued on 12 February was ruled inadmissible .

5. The judge ruled that the evidence was inadmissible.

6. Lie detector tests are inadmissible in criminal trials.

7. The camisole and any evidence connected to it are inadmissible.

8. Counsel for the defence submitted that the evidence was inadmissible.

9. Accommodation shall be protected against inadmissible noise and vibration.

10. 13 The judge ruled that the evidence was inadmissible.

11. He said the use of force would be inadmissible.

12. Evidence from telescopic observations therefore had to be deemed inadmissible.

13. The evidence was held by the court to be inadmissible.


15. 65 The argument that the action is inadmissible must therefore be dismissed.

16. ° The application is without more ado to be rejected as inadmissible.

17. Furthermore, previous agreements on valuation for share distribution purposes were inadmissible.

18. Anything we said 6 months ago is inadmissible in an argument.

19. 4 Officials - Actions - Subject-matter - Issue of directions to the administration - Inadmissible

20. The delays incurred could sometimes render samples inadmissible as evidence in court.

21. Washington’s historical approach to the Confrontation clause establishes that testimonial hearsay inadmissible without Confrontation at the founding is similarly inadmissible today, despite whether it fits a subsequently developed hearsay exception

22. Accordingly it was held that the breath specimen had been inadmissible in evidence.

23. There was no reason to regard such evidence as inadmissible in the present case.

24. What is inadmissible in Lukacs's eyes is any impoverishment of this historical complexity.

25. 185 Accordingly, the action for compensation in Case T-79/96 must be declared inadmissible.

26. 12 It follows from the aforegoing that the application must be dismissed as inadmissible.

27. In Canadian evidence law, according to the general evidence rule, hearsay evidence is generally inadmissible.

28. Her confession was ruled inadmissible as evidence because it was given under pressure from the police.

29. Admittable definition: deserving to be allowed to enter synonyms: admissible, Admittible antonyms: inadmissible, inadmissibility, admissibility

30. They didn't get that warrant, as a result, everything in that closet is inadmissible as evidence.

31. Declaring admissible or inadmissible any preliminary requests concerning evidence and, if admitted, taking the evidence;

32. The Court of First Instance accordingly erred in declaring the action inadmissible on that point.

33. Admittable definition: deserving to be allowed to enter synonyms: admissible, admittible antonyms: inadmissible, inadmissibility, admissibility

34. Admittible definition: deserving to be allowed to enter synonyms: admissible, admittable antonyms: inadmissible, inadmissibility, admissibility

35. (Staff cases - Officials - Action for damages - Reimbursement of costs - Availability of a parallel remedy - Manifestly inadmissible)

36. If the mission is under pressure and removes a part of the structure, it is absolutely inadmissible.

37. If it happens, your body loses non - fatty tissues as well as fatty ones, which is inadmissible.

38. However, since they are interspersed with shots of debris from the loch bed they are inadmissible as evidence.

39. Officials - Actions - Prior administrative complaint - Fresh claim for compensation distinct from that claimed in complaint - Inadmissible

40. Furthermore, the procedures currently in existence are frequently either inadmissible or impracticable in cross-border cases.


42. The latest public offensive statements addressed to the President of the Russian Federation are absolutely outrageous and inadmissible.

43. Those arguments actually reiterate criticisms submitted before the General Court with the result that they are inadmissible.

44. 12 Cattle as a result of favoritism and bribery Gao, under the pretext of no evidence, inadmissible.

45. It is thus appropriate also to dismiss as manifestly inadmissible the claim for compensation made in this action.

46. 64 In those circumstances, the action must also be declared inadmissible in so far as ADL is concerned.

47. Any request for access made prior to submission of the statement of objections will in principle be inadmissible.

48. It allowed single judges to reject manifestly inadmissible applications made against the states that have ratified the protocol.

49. In the absence of the jury, counsel for the appellant submitted that the documents were inadmissible in the criminal proceedings.

50. Judge Wagenbach ruled that the statement was inadmissible as evidence, after Mr. Lamb's attourney argued that it was hearsay.

51. The rules relating to inadmissible reservations and objections thereto can confuse the relationship even between States which have ratified a treaty.

52. So, it could be argued that the subbasement in which the contraband was found wasn't on the warrant and is, therefore, inadmissible.

53. Accordingly, there was no basis for ruling out as necessarily inadmissible ab ante the evidence which the Crown sought to lead.

54. ((Action for annulment - Public service contracts - Tendering procedure - Ranking of a tenderer in the cascade procedure - Period allowed for commencing proceedings - Delay - Inadmissible))

55. From the constraint equations two complementary projections splitting the space of velocities into the space of admissible and inadmissible velocities respectively are constructed.

56. Opposite inAdmissible Topics Permission and obligation c2 Word Origin early 17th cent.: from medieval Latin admissibilis , from Latin admittere , from ad- ‘to’ + mittere ‘send’.

57. The State party maintains that an abstract communication cannot be considered by the Committee and that, therefore, the allegations concerning his rights should be declared inadmissible.

58. A string or word is said to be Admissible if that word appears in a given sequence.For example, in the sequence, , , are all Admissible, but is inAdmissible.

59. For Kronecker, Cantor's hierarchy of infinities was inadmissible, since accepting the concept of actual infinity would open the door to paradoxes which would challenge the validity of mathematics as a whole.

60. I understand that possession of a visa does not entitle the Bearer to enter the United States of America upon arrival at port of entry if he or she is found inadmissible.

61. The citizen invoking it seeks to have an allegedly unconstitutional provision declared formally or procedurally inadmissible on the grounds that it does not meet the formal constitutional requirements for it to be valid.

62. It’s clear that flying off the handle and starting scuffles is out of the question in any case, but it is also inadmissible to ignore agent provocateurs trying to furtively create a crisis.

63. Let me be clear that, as far as I am concerned, the possibility of a congestion charge for road freight transport is inadmissible, and I also consider the abandonment of earmarking unacceptable.

64. No per se rule that out-of-court inculpatory statements made by Complicitors in custody are inadmissible against criminal defendants, but rather the court should have applied the two-part test established in Ohio v

65. Adjective permissible, allowed, permitted, acceptable, tolerated, tolerable, passable, allowable Convictions will rise now that photographic evidence is Admissible. unacceptable, intolerable, disallowed, inAdmissible Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition

66. I understand that possession of a visa does not automatically entitle the bearer to enter the United States of America upon arrival at a port of entry if he or she is found inadmissible .

67. He states that the argument that "Operation Vistula was the revenge for the slaughter of Poles by the Ukrainian Insurgent Army" in 1943–1944, was "fallacious and ethically inadmissible," as it invoked "the principle of collective guilt."

68. The District Court ruled that Unibet’s application for a declaration under point (i) sought an abstract review of legality and was as such inadmissible, as was the form of order sought under point (iii).

69. Adoptive admissions rule is a principle of evidence law that a statement that is against an accused is not inadmissible hearsay if the accused is aware of the statement and has indicated acceptance that the statement is true

70. ‘Parliament has since amended the law, in the light of that judgment, to make evidence obtained under Compulsion inadmissible.’ ‘If at all they had called her, it had been under Compulsion from either the film directors or the producers.’

71. · This allegation was inadmissible ratione materiae, as the alleged violations of the author’s rights by the NSWFB and the ADB were properly reviewed by the domestic courts, “in a reasonable manner and in accordance with the law”.

72. 47 In the alternative, the AIT maintains that the dismissal of its action as inadmissible under Article 230 EC infringes its right to an effective judicial remedy, such as ensured by Article 47 of the Charter of fundamental rights.

73. 32 As appears from paragraphs 30 and 31 of the contested order, the action brought before the Court of First Instance was dismissed as manifestly inadmissible on the ground that the AIT could not show a legal interest in bringing proceedings.

74. ‘Parliament has since amended the law, in the light of that judgment, to make evidence obtained under Compulsion inadmissible.’ ‘If at all they had called her, it had been under Compulsion from either the film directors or the producers.’

75. 29 Lastly, the Commission contends that the Council’s argument concerning the content of the 2013 Addendum and the fact that it is not in line with the 2012 Conclusions is inadmissible as it was raised for the first time in the reply.

76. ((Appeal - Community trade mark - Regulation (EC) No 207/2009 - Article 7(1)(b) - No distinctive character - Red aglets on shoe laces - Article 122 of the Rules of Procedure of the General Court - Appeal in part manifestly inadmissible and in part manifestly unfounded))

77. 47 For the reasons set out in paragraphs 41 to 45 of the present judgment, the fourth question is inadmissible in so far as it is founded on the premiss of acquittal of the defendants because there was no, or insufficient, evidence.

78. An action may be inadmissible on the ground of lis alibi pendens only if, in relation to an earlier action, it is between the same parties, it seeks annulment of the same decision and it is based on the same pleas in law.

79. If a State told the Committee in good faith, however, that at the time it had acceded it had thought that its reservation was a condition of its assent, the Committee should probably accept it rather than ruling it inadmissible a priori.

80. (Appeal — Community trade mark — Regulation (EC) No 207/2009 — Article 7(1)(b) — No distinctive character — Red aglets on shoe laces — Article 122 of the Rules of Procedure of the General Court — Appeal in part manifestly inadmissible and in part manifestly unfounded)