Use "in totality" in a sentence

1. 15 Confucianism in its totality is enlightening and uplifting.

2. appalled by the totality of the destruction.

3. The seriousness of the situation is difficult to appreciate in its totality .

4. It's essential that we look at the problem in its totality.

5. Then totality was reached, and silence prevailed.

6. The totality of English grammar is too great to be studied in detail.

7. That brought some meaning and totality to the law pursuits.

8. The totality of the atmosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere and geosphere.

9. In the Eastern Pacific Ocean, the totality exceeded a duration of more than 4 minutes.

10. We represent India in its totality and therefore, we will not get involved in inter-bureaucratic disputes.

11. In principle, now that operational information is largely electronic, it could be preserved in electronic form in its totality.

12. Another word for Absoluteness: totality, perfection, purity, entirety, wholeness Collins English Thesaurus

13. Cranston's political career should be judged on the totality of his accomplishments.

14. The universal, the totality, can only be known through the singular.

15. The present totality of teacher education for further education staff has grown in an adhoc fashion.

16. It's a totality of his emotional commitment to the task at hand.

17. Firstly, it sees industrial relations as part of a totality of social relations.

18. 11 Cosmology: The study of the physical universe considered as a totality of phenomena in time and space.

19. As a result, every era is considered as a totality embracing everything.

20. First, the essential feature of the Prague School definition of structure is its totality.

21. So, it is the totality of what comes out that actually makes sense.

22. It is also an attestation of our acceptance of Jesus Christ in the totality of his mystery of salvation.

23. Synonyms for Absoluteness include entirety, wholeness, completeness, entireness, fullness, perfection, perfectness, purity, totality and consummateness

24. Suddenly, getting to the tiny chapel before the eclipse reached totality was the most important thing in the world.

25. The continuous employment of proper symbols frees man to participate actively and fully in the dynamic totality of creation.

26. And, or, but (in English).The totality of coordinator(s) and conjuncts forming an instance of Coordination is called a coordinate

27. On the contrary, features and limbs are perceived in isolation without relation, as fragments rather than as part of a totality.

28. Synonyms for Collectivity include collectiveness, whole, total, sum, aggregate, totality, fullness, completeness, entireness and unity

29. The signature also makes it possible to put on record the acoustic information in its correct sequence and totality in an unfalsifiable manner.

30. Crises, of which high levels of unemployment are one manifestation, involve the totality of capitalist social relations.

31. These, together, necessitate sustainable development and the need to address the totality of challenges of climate change.

32. In education, a curriculum (/ kəˈrɪkjʊləm /; plural curricula / kəˈrɪkjʊlə / or Curriculums) is broadly defined as the totality of student experiences that occur in the educational process.

33. A conical jet (21) ensures an impeccable mixture of gas with the totality of supplied air.

34. The dramatic event will turn the moon blood red for 100 minutes during the period of totality.

35. The projected totality of all conventional and nonconventional natural gas sources depends significantly on the assumptions made.

36. A Cult includes the totality of ideas, activities, and practices associated with a given divinity or social group.

37. But it is also apparent that that totality is not completely known, nor is its future shape even presumed.

38. For evidence of the totality of power that computer manufacturers have themselves articulated as a final goal, see N0TE

39. Blogosphere (plural Blogospheres) The totality of blogs, especially the unique jargons, cultures and shared interests created by their interconnection

40. The Rules of Conduct cover the totality of a registrant's conduct, but several are directly applicable to risk issues.

41. 10 "You have to embrace the totality of his evilness. He's like the devil. " — Ralph Fiennes on playing Voldemort.

42. Or to put it another way, he maintained that Marxism can only constitute its totality through its perpetual detours from itself.

43. During an average total lunar eclipse, the moon is within the Earth's umbra for about an hour. This is called totality.

44. We Absolutize an aspect of reality when we try to elevate that aspect of meaning to the totality of meaning

45. Qualifier for anatomical location or specimen further detailing the portion or totality, which means arrangement of, or Apportioning of an entity

46. Our personalities are made up as well by the totality of our life experiences, what we learn and whom we love.

47. Legally Justified; But was it Avoidable analyzes dozens of recent use of force videos and focuses on the totality of the interaction

48. Queiroz-Siqueira (1972) describes a “metaphoric Anthropophagism”, built on a desire to eliminate conflict by absorbing the totality of the world into oneself

49. Philosophical concepts such as Omoluabi were integral to this system, and the totality of its elements are contained in what is known amongst the Yoruba as the Itan.

50. The JCPOA is no longer the only point of U.S. policy toward Iran; we are committed to addressing the totality of the Iranian threat.

51. (Distribution, NCI Thesaurus) Qualifier for anatomical location or specimen further detailing the portion or totality, which means arrangement of, or Apportioning of an entity

52. 'While the belt can recover 99% of the totality of the oil spilled, the skimmer is there to finish off the job,' explains Mr Gaudin.

53. Sidense also argued that proof of objective Baselessness alone should be enough to demonstrate exceptionality under § 285 and permit the district court to shift fees in its discretion in light of the totality of circumstances

54. Accurate conceptualisation of Brechtian dramaturgy requires some understanding of his dialectical method, the most important principle of which, for our purposes, is ‘the standpoint of the totality’

55. Times, Sunday Times ( 2015 ) The first tribunal Concluded that looking at the totality of the evidence the claimant represented a genuine and sufficiently serious risk to the public.

56. Actuality is formal in so far as, being primary Actuality, it is only immediate, unreflected Actuality, and hence is only in this form-determination but not as the totality of form.As such it is nothing more than a being or Existence in general.

57. Greek Law No 1650/86 defines environment' as the totality of all factors which interact to affect the ecological equilibrium, quality of life, human health, historical and cultural traditions and aesthetic values.

58. The subject is Contextualised into a social realism that includes narrativity as a totality.: Nonetheless, the basis is established for a sustained and Contextualised study of agency, activists, organisation, process, strategy and tactics.

59. The very “simpleness of the way” (1 Nephi 17:41) of receiving small and incremental spiritual impressions that over time and in totality constitute a desired answer or the direction we need may cause us to look “beyond the mark” (Jacob 4:14).

60. Androgyne, derived from Greek meaning both male and female-man and woman, in alchemical imagery personifies the prime materials sulfur and mercury (that which burns, and that which is volatile), which are present in the Philosopher’s Stone.And, also, represent the ideal totality at its highest elevation

61. (3) Following the publication in December 1992 (7) of a notice of the impending expiry of the measures in force, the Commission received a request for a review lodged by the European Chemical Industry Council (Cefic), on behalf of producers allegedly representing the totality of the Community production of potassium permanganate.

62. Of course, the Security Council will take into account all the totality of information, including analytical and factual materials from the Internet and different mass media, when determining the source of alleged use of chemical weapons.

63. Biodynamic Principles A foundation of the Biodynamic method of farming is a Goethean observation of nature and its application to a farming system. This encourages a view of nature as an interconnected whole, a totality, an organism endowed with archetypal rhythm.

64. 4,5 The major focus of the requirements is to make it explicit that a business associate is just as beholden to HIPAA as is a covered entity, and the totality of the requirements functions as a blueprint that essentially every Baa

65. And I think for the last many years, the last three years or so, the JCPOA gave a lot of people a sort of false sense of security that by addressing Iran’s nuclear program, that we were somehow then addressing the totality of Iranian threats.

66. There are many synonyms of Absolutenesses which include Absoluteness, Aggregate, All, Collectivity, Completeness, Complex, Comprehensiveness, Ensemble, Entireness, Everything, Fullness, Gross, Intactness, Integrality, Integrity, Oneness, Perfection, Plenitude, Sum, Total, Totality, Unity, Universality, Sum Total, Allness, Collectiveness, Omneity, Omnitude, The Works, Whole Ball Of Wax, Whole Bit, Whole Enchilada, Whole Nine Yards, …

67. Nevertheless the idea has tapped into a latent, even Chthonic passion for spelling words and 100,000 children applied to take part.: In all their dark glamor, they evoke the global workings of industry, awful and Chthonic.: The totality of Chthonic tradition could thus serve the goal of human dignity as effectively as a western code of human rights.: Since both Hecate and dogs were commonly

68. An Archimedean point (Latin: Punctum Archimedis) is a hypothetical standpoint from which an observer can objectively perceive the subject of inquiry with a view of totality (i.e., a god's-eye view); or a reliable starting point from which one may reason.In other words, a view from an Archimedean point describes the ideal of "removing oneself" from the object of study so that one can see it in

69. The transfer of a totality of business assets particularly where, pursuant to Article 5(8), no supply is deemed to have taken place and the recipient is treated as the successor to the transferor is not the same as the liquidation of the business and again I must agree with the Commission that the approach adumbrated in the High Court's third question is perhaps not the most apposite.

70. [47] Rudi Fuchs, the international exhibition’s director, planned to reaffirm the phallocentric, aestheticist notion of the work of art as a complete totality transcending its conditions of existence, and he therefore gave pride of place to neo-expressionism, a male-dominated trend of the 1970s and 1980s, which to a considerable extent represented a regression to aestheticism.

71. "The totality of the verses of Ezra and Nehemiah is 688, and its sign is `Remember, Yahweh, the reproach of thy servants,' and its two parts (are at the sentence) `unto the ascent of the corner' (Nehemiah 3:31) and its chapters (sedharayw) are ten, and its sign is `Upon a high mountain get thee up, O thou that Announcest good tidings to Zion

72. Synonyms for in Accordance include in compliance, in conformity, in keeping, in line, in step, in tune, harmonious, in accord, in agreement and in harmony

73. 6 synonyms for Cut in: butt in, chime in, chisel in, barge in, break in, put in

74. End educational foreground in technology in language in elucidation in part in language.

75. Aves Name Homonyms Aves Common names Birds in English Birds in English Birds in English Fugle in Danish bird in English bird in English oiseaux in French oiseaux in French vogels in Dutch fåglar in Swedish lottit in Northern Sami Bird in English Birds in English birds in English

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77. Whats Happening in Anguilla, Beaches In Anguilla, Events In Anguilla, Food In Anguilla, Entertainment In Anguilla, Elections In

78. Adult specimens have been recorded in August in Israel, in May in Saudi Arabia and in October in Oman.

79. Gasoline-powered taxicabs began operating in Paris in 1899, in London in 1903, and in New York in 1907.

80. Burrfishes in English porcupinefishes in English porcupinefishes in English Ежи-рыбы in Russian Ежи-рыбы in Russian двузубовые in Russian двузубовые in Russian ハリセンボン科 in Japanese ハリセンボン科 in Japanese Bibliographic References