Use "in token of" in a sentence

1. Once it is finalized, the negotiators’ initial in token of that being the text they have agreed, full stop.

2. The master of the Caravansary then appeared, bearing, in token of welcome, a basket of fruits arranged with great taste

3. He also mentions wailing-women, and a man in distress Besmearing his face with dirt and dust in token of grief

4. As for the Rhinoceros, in token of their grateful adherence, they had him killed and stuffed directly, and then set him up outside the door of their father's house as a Diaphanous Doorscraper.

5. Originally the Caduceus was a rod or olive branch ending in two shoots and decorated with garlands or ribbons. Later the garlands were interpreted as two snakes entwined in opposite directions with their heads facing; and a pair of wings, in token of Hermes’ speed, was attached to the staff above the snakes.

6. Under the aegis of the saint , Virupaksha I celebrated his coronation in the new capital on 18 April 1336 in the presence of God Virupaksha , undertaking to rule the kingdom as the agent of the deity , in token of which he adopted the royal sign manual Sri Virupaksha that continued as such ever since .