Use "in the light of" in a sentence

1. In the light of day, I feel absolutely...

2. Consider this question in the light of modern science.

3. You requested additional payment in the light of this.

4. In the light of these things, should I relent?

5. In the light of his remarks, we rejected her offer.

6. He rewrote the book in the light of further research.

7. The distant mountains glowed in the light of the setting sun.

8. Why not examine your loyalties in the light of Bible truth?

9. In the light of later events the decision was proved right.

10. In the light of the above, this question is without foundation.

11. This case should be reviewed in the light of new evidence.

12. In the light of the typhoon signal number 8 being announced

13. His burnished armour glinted in the light of the setting sun.

14. In the light of these changes, we must revise our plan.

15. His behaviour is explicable in the light of his recent illness.

16. The Ministry reviewed both these decisions in the light of these representations.

17. 10 The price mechanism is analyzed in the light of economic models.

18. She could see the rain in the light of the street lamps.

19. They had to reconsider their ideas in the light of new evidence.

20. The abbey walls gleamed golden in the light of the setting sun.

21. How does modern higher criticism stand up in the light of archaeology?

22. In the light of these developments, the Commission has drafted this amended proposal.

23. They are bathed in the light of life, but hesitatingly love the unknown.

24. Her mistakes looked easily reparable in the light of her restored self-confidence .

25. Even the pressures of work looked different in the light of God’s Word.

26. Our conclusions are always open to revision in the light of fresh evidence.

27. The Commission shall in the light of the experience gained take account of:

28. Let us see by looking at the Bible in the light of modern science.

29. In the light of Nixon's firm convictions, the outcome of this dispute was foreordained.

30. Clearly, the hypothesis does need some refinement, in the light of these surprising results.

31. This figure will be reviewed from time to time in the light of inflation.

32. The expectations of the latter is examined in the light of the rural idyll.

33. National authorities will be encouraged to give advice in the light of local specificities.

34. The government may need to revise its policy in the light of this report.

35. In the light of the findings set out above, the Board recommended that the Administration:

36. The cry of the tortured, the disillusioned, the faithless in the light of appalling suffering.

37. The questions outlined above will be addressed in the light of jobs earning the SMIC.

38. Their various facets are constantly being adapted in the light of changing circumstances and requirements.

39. It will undoubtedly need further refinement and modification in the light of consultations and of experience.

40. Whereas in the light of economic trends, it is already necessary to adjust the compensation thresholds;

41. Active and healthy ageing: Active ageing policies are designed in the light of the Employment Guidelines

42. Conclusion In the light of the above estimates, a Community surplus may be expected in 1992.

43. In the light of those considerations the doubts indicated in the opening decision have been allayed.

44. In the light of the various responses, the Board has decided to concentrate on specialist franchising.

45. Officials – Actions – Act adversely affecting an official – Determined in the light of a request for reclassification

46. In the light of this aim, the European Union has devised a comprehensive pre-accession strategy.

47. We looked like Superman escorting Howdy Doody, and I bathed in the light of his company.

48. In the light of the fifth commandment should you be modifying your response in some way?

49. Each measure will be evaluated by the ad hoc committee in the light of the following criteria

50. 11 Godliness is recognizing God as our Lord and carefully living in the light of His Word.

51. It would be embarrassing for the project to slip behind schedule, especially in the light of Eurotunnel.

52. Its Internet site contains a virtual library offering abstracts of books edited in the light of syllabuses.

53. The possible interpretation of ‘normal place of residence’ in the light of other acts of EU law

54. In the light of new evidence, a new enquiry into the crash is likely to take place.

55. In the light of this information it is now possible to identify a number of key issues.

56. Amendment No 7 can of course be accepted in the light of that statement replacing Amendment No 6.

57. To what danger do you need to be alert when examining yourself in the light of the Scriptures?

58. 2007. pp. 125–126 "Esoteric Buddhism in Southeast Asia in the Light of Recent Scholarship" by Hiram Woodward.

59. In the light of this, it examines trade-union policies and strategies formulated towards training and retraining programmes.

60. I reconstructed my life and all other women's in the light of male distortion and women's stolen potential.

61. In the light of this list of users, Anthony offers the following four users' needs: 1 Financial viability.

62. At the time this Apologue amused me; in the light of later events it assumed a tragic significance

63. However, that resolution neither defines ‘terrorist act’ nor limits its scope in the light of international humanitarian law.

64. This is particularly important in the light of a shortage of trained people in health and social care

65. Then there was the fog, a thick grayish soup, peculiarly beautiful in the light of the low sun.

66. I was named in the light of the Seven, as my father was and his father before him.

67. In the light of that brutality I don't think we need concern ourselves about gentility, spurious or otherwise.

68. All further extensions of the tariff, however, must be examined in the light of the State aid rules.

69. Sustaining this improvement is a major challenge facing the Union, especially in the light of its ageing population

70. In the light of this analysis, the Commission has drawn the conclusions presented in sections 3.1.2 and 3.2.2.

71. Each information measure will be evaluated by the ad hoc committee in the light of the following criteria:

72. In the light of those developments, it was logical that functional links should be identified and coordination actively pursued

73. In the light of recent incidents, we are asking our customers to take particular care of their personal belongings.

74. To act responsibly is to see one’s own actions in the light of other people’s rights and God’s judgement.

75. In the light of such findings, the World Health Organization has revised its guidelines on safe nighttime noise levels.

76. In the light of the new evidence that the court can now take cognizance of, the case is dropped.

77. However, Christian women of today can profitably analyze their circumstances in the light of such a fine wife’s activities.

78. The Commons Supplication against the Ordinaries in the Light of some Archidiaconal Acta: The Alexander Prize Essay - Volume 21

79. In the light of those developments, it was logical that functional links should be identified and coordination actively pursued.

80. There does seem to have been a slight shift in the government's mindset in the light of recent events.