Use "in ones book" in a sentence

1. Her new book will overshadow all her earlier ones.

2. The Bible book of Jude is addressed to “called ones . . . , preserved for Jesus Christ.”

3. The names of such ones will not be written in the book of life. —Isaiah 65:20; Revelation 20:12, 15.

4. In 1921 they published a new book, The Harp of God, designed to help new ones and children learn basic Bible truths.

5. And don’t forget to help the little ones get in the practice of counting their Blessings with a Daily Blessings personalized story book.

6. [2] Ones in vocal-sound, then, are symbols of Affectednesses in the soul, [3] and ones written are symbols of ones in vocal-sound

7. (1 Timothy 5:24; Romans 12:19; 14:12) The book of Proverbs says: “The expectation of the righteous ones is a rejoicing, but the very hope of the wicked ones will perish.”

8. Which ones moo, and which ones bark?

9. Amygdala are Great Ones in Bloodborne

10. Use the blue ones, not the pink ones.

11. The psalmist sang: “Happy are the ones faultless in their way, the ones walking in the law of Jehovah.

12. “Happy are the ones faultless in their way, the ones walking in the law of Jehovah.” —PSALM 119:1.

13. So the sunny ones swirl around, the cloudy ones float along, the rainy ones fall down, and the snowy ones flutter to the ground.

14. Stragglers kept joining in ones and twos.

15. The Blastomeres may differ in size, the larger ones being termed macromeres and the smaller ones micromeres

16. Innocent ones often suffer in these “wars.”

17. There are five of them, and in order to get to the really deep ones, the meaningful ones, you have to go through the early ones.

18. In what sense will “deaf ones” hear?

19. "Sprits Beside Us is an engaging book, which gives insight into the spirit world and why our loved ones return through mediums

20. White ones and grey ones, With long beaks, they fly.

21. White surfaces have long edges, black ones have short ones.

22. It's just like the ones in a restaurant.

23. Jehovah describes such selfish ones as ‘despoilers of the afflicted ones.’

24. The Cacophonous ones sound bad, and the euphonious ones sound good

25. 19 Blind ones!

26. This beautiful song begins with the words: “Happy are the ones faultless in their way, the ones walking in the law of Jehovah.

27. The ancient ones.

28. Ambergris, found in clusters of green glowing rocks, only ones that actually give you Ambergris are the long pointy ones

29. So the small ones are short, and the bigger ones are longer.

30. The rich were “defrauding the lowly ones” and “crushing the poor ones.”

31. Our Bookmarks are much better than the ones that bookstores give you when you purchase a novel or even those you might grab while waiting in line to get your book

32. Based on analysis of the various economic plants from NNNBG, there are 66 timber plant species, 405 medicinal ones, more than 60 wild fruits, 26 starch plant species, 55 oil plant ones, more than 40 aromatic ones, 80 poisonous ones, 31 tannic ones, 79 fiber ones, more than 40 ornamental or Afforestational ones, and more than 200 plant species

33. In his book The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah, Alfred Edersheim wrote: “The [rabbis] —the ‘great ones of the world’ had long settled it, that study was before works.”

34. turns absolute URLs to relative ones in HTML-files.

35. In time, responsive ones became qualified to teach others.

36. What if I just cut these ones in half?

37. secretory ones to the fundus — corpus region, motorial ones to the antrum.

38. The smaller ones I'll reseed, the larger ones are my food supply.

39. Our young ones in Mozambique also love to give

40. They're the ones that came in shooting and killing.

41. They used artificial flower in defect of real ones.

42. An Arab like the ones you see in storybooks.

43. The Latin words died, replaced by ones in patois.

44. Better is it to be lowly in spirit with the meek ones than to divide spoil with the self-exalted ones.”

45. The word Antichrist occurs only in the Johannine Epistles; but there are so-called real parallelisms to these occurrences in the Apocalypse, in the Pauline Epistles, and less explicit ones in the Gospels and the Book of Daniel

46. (1 Timothy 2:9, The New English Bible) Not surprisingly, in the book of Revelation, “bright, clean, fine linen” is said to represent the righteous acts of ones whom God considers holy.

47. Beautiful are faithful ones

48. Only the clever ones.

49. Open in Address Book

50. (Matthew 13:47) When the fish are separated, the good ones are kept in containers but the unsuitable ones are thrown away.

51. Hypocrites are “unfaithful ones.”

52. We are Pure Ones!

53. His faithful chosen ones.

54. Faithful Ones Who Grieved

55. Even the mean ones.

56. The Aeneid has been divided into the following sections: Book I [77k] Book II [80k] Book III [69k] Book IV [74k] Book V [83k] Book VI [90k] Book VII [81k] Book VIII [72k] Book IX [81k] Book X [94k] Book XI [95k] Book XII [99k]

57. Female Backsides like the ones in this list are DIVINE

58. Who are the ones responsible for the kidnappings in Mexico?

59. Not the docile ones.

60. Many new ones have been activated in the field service.

61. All the best cases, the toughest ones are in there.

62. The Charmed Ones' lives are in jeopardy as The Faction closes in

63. ♫ Which ones touch the sun ♫ ♫ Which ones touch the sun ♫

64. Do you include spiritually-minded ones in your recreational activities?

65. 13 They bought French planes in preference to British ones.

66. Risa Nichols of Alated Bibliophile Book Blogger + Book Reviewer Book blogger and reviewer--particularly in the romance genre

67. In what sense are the weedlike ones burned with fire?

68. Medications , like the ones listed in this guide , may help .

69. The bigger children in the neighborhood molested the younger ones.

70. There should be two kinds of neologism dictionaries: the timely ones and the stable ones.

71. This book is the first in a new book series on Biometeorology.

72. For the waste material, we bury those dissoluble ones and burn those indissoluble ones.

73. You go to the silent ones first , in case they are unconscious and unbreathing , in which case they are the ones in more urgent need of life saving help .

74. God Favors the Humble Ones

75. to yet other thirsty ones.

76. A Warning to Faithless Ones

77. Integrity Leads the Upright Ones

78. One of the juicy ones.

79. Those are the closest ones.

80. We should be the ones.