Use "in large measure" in a sentence

1. The rapid economic expansion of Primorye was financed in large measure by Russian and foreign capital investment.

2. Demand in Canada for pipe nipples and adaptor fittings is driven in large measure by construction activity.

3. What does Abundantly mean? In an abundant manner; in a sufficient degree; fully; amply; plentifully; in large measure

4. What this means is that, in large measure, you’re going to have to figure it out for yourself.

5. The bias litigation boom is in large measure traceable to key changes in the Civil Rights Act of 19

6. 4 In fact, Japan's passiveness today is in large measure a calculated and reasonable reaction to its behavior during the Second World War.

7. Then, the native people, in large measure, have clung to their traditional ways in religion, family structure, and living close to the land.

8. Clawback policies have been receiving more attention in recent years, due in large measure to the 2008 financial crisis, blamed in part on excessive risk …

9. In large measure the Obama Administration has lifted export controls and removed practically all Indian companies from the Entities List except for those connected with the DAE.

10. Where these words are applied to pain, etc., Alleviate is to lighten somewhat, and especially in a soothing way; relieve and allay go further than Alleviate, removing in large measure or altogether.

11. The major factors shaping a Cuisine are climate, which in large measure determines the native raw materials that are available to the cook; economic conditions, which regulate trade in delicacies and imported

12. While it has its own history, we should not ignore the fact that proliferation threats are encouraged in large measure by arguments that favour the actual use of WMDs, especially nuclear weapons.

13. Unfortunately, this heightens the synthetic flavor of the picture and accounts in large measure for the Attitudinized nature of the story's development that lessens its over-all dramatic impactThe author of all this, Mr

14. Trillin Boomed from the crowd, as the questions wound down, referring to Ephron's chapter on the notoriously difficult Hellman.: That is to say, the market has Boomed so much in large measure because corporate profits have Boomed so much.: We would skid the logs to roadside with horses, and then they were hauled to the lake where they were Boomed, and a tugboat would take them to the mill.

15. The application of Articles 4(1) and 8 of the Barcelona Convention for the protection of the Mediterranean Sea against pollution and Article 6(1) and (3) of the Protocol for the protection of the Mediterranean Sea against pollution from land-based sources to discharges of fresh water and alluvia into a saltwater marsh falls within the Community framework, even though such discharges have not been the subject of specific Community legislation, since those articles are in mixed agreements concluded by the Community and its Member States and concern a field in large measure covered by Community law.