Use "in its entirety" in a sentence

1. We must view the problem in its entirety.

2. The National Assembly was transmitted in its entirety.

3. Chatter, in its entirety, is a book of substance

4. Chatter, in its entirety, is a book of substance

5. I've never actually read the book in its entirety.

6. He could not support the motion in its entirety.

7. Then they don't show the video in its entirety.

8. The poem is too long to quote in its entirety.

9. The speech will published in its entirety in tomorrow's paper.

10. Or survive the pain of remembering the past in its entirety?

11. However, the name he was looking for was there in its entirety.

12. The film has been shown in its entirety for the first time.

13. 28 The application for interim relief must therefore be dismissed in its entirety.

14. The peace plan has not been accepted in its entirety by all parties.

15. The absorbent element (5) is in its entirety arranged on the second piece (2).

16. It shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.

17. You must read this Agreement carefully in its entirety before accepting its terms.

18. He withdrew it when it was agreed to omit the paragraph in its entirety.

19. Shortly after its sale, the album was played in its entirety on Radio Luxembourg.

20. They intended to make a prophecy that would be self-fulfilling in its entirety.

21. Brown Act in its entirety is set forth in the appendi x to the pamphlet

22. This was the first ancient vessel ever excavated in its entirety on the sea bed.

23. This is the official description for an Aorist that describes an action in its entirety

24. – declare legally non-existent the contested regulation or, in the alternative, annul it in its entirety;

25. The strongest is a regulation, an act or law which is directly applicable in its entirety.

26. “In its entirety it comes for mere violence,” as a gigantic host swarming up to wreak havoc.

27. Grammatical labels (for example, n., v., adj., pl.) refer to the terminology unit in its entirety.

28. Abominate is a good inbetween and mix of things and eras when considered in its entirety

29. It is even possible that this residue could be used in its entirety to make heat shields.

30. Twenty-five years after Fernando's death, it was possible to piece together his skeleton in its entirety.

31. Hynix claims that the contested regulation should be annulled in its entirety or, in the alternative, partially.

32. 148 It follows from all the foregoing arguments that the action must be dismissed in its entirety.

33. Consequently, when it adopts a legal act, it is bound to observe international law in its entirety.

34. Georgia statutes and case law provide two basic methods to Controvert a workers' compensation claim in its entirety

35. Syfy’s Bitten will be departing Netflix in the US in its entirety by the end of May 2020

36. The completed cycle was screened in its entirety for the first time at the Venice Festival this autumn.

37. I wish to thank all honourable senators for accepting the committee’s report in its entirety, including the nearly

38. To resolve matters, the new Cabinet resigned on the morning of June 29 and was immediately reappointed in its entirety.

39. Under current law, the president is required to either sign or veto in its entirety any legislation that reaches his desk.

40. * Article 8, which prohibits making contact with a member of an “anti-state organization,” should be abolished in its entirety;

41. o Article 8, which prohibits making contact with a member of an “anti-state organization,” should be abolished in its entirety;

42. Grammatical labels (for example, n., v., adj., and, in French, n.m., n.f., n.é.) refer to the terminology unit in its entirety.

43. It is to be cut in pieces and, except for the skin, is to be burned in its entirety upon the altar.

44. Apuleius, sometimes called Lucius Apuleius Madaurensis, is best known for The Golden Ass, the only Roman novel to survive in its entirety

45. The original Charmed series is currently set to be removed in its entirety from Netflix on October 1st, 2020 in the United States

46. Carving-IN-THE-ROUND: This is a Carving that is completed in its entirety and generally has a more ‘lifelike’ surface and texture

47. Criticism of Capitalism ranges from expressing disagreement with the principles of Capitalism in its entirety to expressing disagreement with particular outcomes of Capitalism.

48. If this annexationist abomination was ever implemented in its entirety, the Cuban nation would be annihilated under the banner of “freedom and democracy”

49. Avoidance — a risk management technique whereby risk of loss is prevented in its entirety by not engaging in activities that present the risk

50. Collectively: adverb altogether , as a group , as a whole , as one , en banc , en bloc , en masse , fully , in a body , in all , in conjunction, in its entirety

51. 28 The use of the adverbial phrase in particular might imply that the judgment in Case C-195/97 Commission v Italy concerns the directive in its entirety.

52. This «RiskRank» metric is a general litmus test for the quality of the «Bitstone Limited» HYIP took in its entirety, defined by many specifications

53. Caboodle - any collection in its entirety; "she bought the whole Caboodle" bunch , lot aggregation , collection , accumulation , assemblage - several things grouped together or considered as a whole

54. Robert Gellately notes the film in its entirety can be seen as a metaphor for the Holocaust, with early sporadic violence increasing into a crescendo of death and destruction.

55. Beginning in California and climaxing in a mythical jungle utopia, Thomas Yeates's Tarzan: The Beckoning is an action-packed supernatural saga, collected here in its entirety for the first time

56. "Buttony" by Fiona McFarlane Originally published in the March 7, 2016 issue of The New Yorker.Click here to read the story in its entirety on The New Yorker webpage.

57. Very soon this apostate system will be devastated in its entirety, as Jehovah’s “day of vengeance” comes in upon all the earth. —Revelation 14:8; 18:2, 4, 24; 19:11-21.

58. The Kingdom of Bolten is controlled in its entirety by House Bolten, who use two loyal Houses in House Cole, and House Karstark to control the surrounding towns of the Bolten region.

59. A CER defines an area in which the common language runtime (CLR) is Constrained from throwing out-of-band exceptions that would prevent the code in the area from executing in its entirety.

60. Because the only thing that makes us men, and distinguishes us from the beasts, I would prefer to believe that it exists, in its entirety, in each of us... Rene Descartes 

61. The idea is for promovendi to take part in the Conferment in its entirety: the Laurel Wreath Weaving event, the Act of Conferment, the church or nondenominational ceremony, the Conferment Banquet and Ball and Gratista's Herring Luncheon.

62. All or nothing (AON), also known as an "all or none" order, is a condition used on a buy or sell order which instructs a broker to execute the order in its entirety or to do nothing.

63. The Banish 30 in its entirety, from its body tube and its baffles to its mount and its end cap, is composed wholly of titanium (as is the majority of the Banish line)—and, as a result, it weighs

64. Viewing the newspaper interview in its entirety, the Court found that it was obliged to conclude that the defendant’s comments sought, by ridicule, calumny and humiliation, to aggrandise people of the white race at the expense of people of other skin colour.

65. having regard to the judgment of the Court of First Instance of # January # in Case T-#/# France Télécom SA v Commission dismissing in its entirety the appeal by France Télécom SA in respect of the Commission's # decision concerning predatory pricing in ADSL-based Internet access services for the general public

66. In other words, Canyons doesn't significantly depart from the blueprint Gone West developed on their eponymous 2019 debut EP, the contents of which are included in its entirety (the subsequent digital singles "What Could've Been" and "Slow Down" are also here, meaning about half of Canyons has been previously released).

67. Although it can not be stated categorically that the term negri is, in itself, derogatory as used in the Icelandic language, the Court holds, viewing the newspaper interview in its entirety and assessing the defendant's expressions in that context, that they seek, by mockery, vilification and belittlement, to aggrandise persons of the white race at the expense of persons of other skin colour

68. Although it can not be stated categorically that the term negri is, in itself, derogatory as used in the Icelandic language, the Court holds, viewing the newspaper interview in its entirety and assessing the defendant’s expressions in that context, that they seek, by mockery, vilification and belittlement, to aggrandise persons of the white race at the expense of persons of other skin colour.

69. If the fifth anniversary of 9/11 enables us to move from that global recognition that this is a problem that faces all of us, to a global action amongst all the major countries to deal with the problem in its entirety, the problem in all its manifestations, if we are able to graduate to that level of cooperation, I think it would be a very fitting way to commemorate this anniversary.

70. “The Security Council reiterates its deep concern at the continuing Israeli violations of Lebanese air space, appeals to all parties concerned to respect the cessation of hostilities and the Blue Line in its entirety, to refrain from any act of provocation, and to abide scrupulously by their obligation to respect the safety of the UNIFIL and other United Nations personnel, including by avoiding any course of action which endangers United Nations personnel and by ensuring UNIFIL is accorded full freedom of movement throughout its area of operation.