Use "in flames" in a sentence

1. Falzone's gonna go down in flames.

2. Down in flames, up in smoke.

3. Athens in Flames (From flickr user alefbetac)

4. Philly's gonna burn in flames of damnation

5. The building was soon enveloped in flames.

6. The hex bag went up in flames.

7. Discovering Avernus in flames - being ravaged by Azimuth's

8. The opera theatre was soon enveloped in flames.

9. 30 They awoke to find the house in flames.

10. His hair fled his scalp as if in flames.

11. Synonyms for Combusted include burned, burnt, blazed, flamed, ignited, glowed, caught fire, went up in flames, gone up in flames and caught on fire

12. That's the smell of your theater going up in flames!

13. They watched helplessly as their home went up in flames.

14. Legally, it's better for me if you go down in flames.

15. When a heart goes up in flames, it smells like incense.

16. In addition, 50 land-based bombers from Guam fell in flames.

17. Every word went up in flames when you torched the theater.

18. They hit one plane, and it all goes up in flames.

19. Akagi and Kaga went up in flames, and Sōryū was badly damaged.

20. In Season Two, it appears in flames and the "A" becomes a pentagram.

21. 18 Dredge crashed Z3057 on the airfield in flames and suffered severe burns.

22. Use the Blowtorch to repair vehicles, as long as they are not in flames

23. First the newlyweds had to flee their hired Rolls-Royce when it went up in flames.

24. It was a narrow escape - a couple of minutes later the whole place went up in flames.

25. A few months later, fire erupted in his plane, and it spun toward the ground in flames.

26. By the time that police and firefighters arrived, the main Chamber of Deputies was engulfed in flames.

27. Bombed the hell out of the Russians, the Yakuza went underground, Chinese heroin went up in flames.

28. The first sight that met my eyes on reaching the front door was the church enveloped in flames.

29. The Zekes come in against the line of P-40s, one runs amok as others erupt in flames.

30. Mike Chittenden staggered in flames into a neighbouring office, where terrified workers doused the flames and administered first aid.

31. 29 As the city slumbers, a slum area in a remote corner of the metropolis goes up in flames.

32. Living Contemplatively / By Nancy Sylvester It is hard for me to stop seeing the Notre Dame Cathedral in flames

33. The aircraft came down in flames, and the heat fused most of the parts together into a solid mass.

34. Windsor all over again A ROYAL palace erupted in flames early yesterday, exactly a week after the Windsor Castle blaze.

35. The Airship's highly flammable hydrogen lifting gas meant several Zeppelins were shot down in flames by increasingly accurate defensive fire

36. 25 Mike Chittenden staggered in flames into a neighbouring office, where terrified workers doused the flames and administered first aid.

37. 21 Read in studio An airshow accident in which a Spitfire crashed in flames has been blamed on pilot error.

38. The fighting had also spread to Krasnohorivka, and both towns were in flames as bloody and chaotic street battles took place.

39. 13 Two of the men were killed instantly,( the third was engulfed in flames before he died an agonising death.

40. He had charred a good many slices of bread and sent several up in flames before he discovered this simple device.

41. At the meeting Smith made some objection to my plan which I was able to shoot down in flames with no trouble.

42. Now, look here, either your people vote for this bill, or you vote with the segregationists and the country goes up in flames.

43. Antiaircraft fire crisscrossed the night; one enemy plane tumbled in flames from the sky; Vincennes splashed another off her starboard quarter at 23:40.

44. With an engine in flames and a flooded boiler, she managed to recover her speed with the remaining engine, reaching Malta the next day.

45. Early in July 1974, I was in Nicosia when a coup to depose President Makarios took place, and I saw his palace go up in flames.

46. An abandoned sailboat Beached at Barnum Point County Park on Camano Island went up in flames Monday night, sending a column of black smoke over Port Susan Bay

47. Combustible means "able to catch fire," like matches or the extremely dry forest floors that people sometimes forget are Combustible — until they go up in flames

48. Arder ( first-person singular present ardo, first-person singular preterite ardí, past participle ardido ) ( intransitive) to burn, blaze (to be consumed by fire or in flames) Synonym: quemar

49. Here it was, the middle of the night, she was standing outside in the pouring rain, under an umbrella, in her pajamas, barefoot, while her house was in flames.

50. Aversed – Impermanent will appeal to fans of bands that have influenced the release which includes Arch Enemy, Soilwork, Nightwish, Allegaeon, Ne Obliviscaris, The Gathering, In Flames, and many more!

51. Aversed believe the album will appeal to fans of bands that have influenced the release, which include Arch Enemy, Soilwork, Nightwish, Allegaeon, Ne Obliviscaris, The Gathering, and In Flames, among others

52. 1 Description 2 Trivia 3 References 4 Navigation The user surrounds their fist with a fiery aura and punches the opponent, engulfing them in flames.1 Calidus Brachium is Latin for "fiery arm".

53. Andorra continues Snaith's trajectory since 2003's Up in Flames, when he shed the IDM and electronic cocoon of his earlier work for the sun-soaked psychedelic maelstrom (and live band) that continues to date

54. It is demonstrated that one can grasp analytically well a series of further elements with the quick and specific flame methods by use of chemiluminescence processes in flames, by atomic absorption methods, by operations of modulation and differentiation.

55. ‘That fire can become a huge Conflagration, or it can be quickly put out.’ ‘While the fire is still burning, fire crews attending the scene have brought the Conflagration under control.’ ‘The kitchen shop on the high street went up in flames and so great was the Conflagration that the entire building collapsed.’

56. Flowered Cretonne curtains which he preferred to Jimmy's severe casement cloth, and the hunting pictures round, the walls had been replaced by framed color prints, one showing men in khaki climbing out of an incredibly neat trench to charge, another depicting a, German Zeppelin hurtling down in flames, and a third giving a highly Im

57. Principal Translations: Inglés: Español: Afire adj adjective: Describes a noun or pronoun--for example, "a tall girl," "an interesting book," "a big house." (on fire, in flames) en llamas loc adj locución adjetiva: Unidad léxica estable formada de dos o más palabras que funciona como adjetivo ("de fácil manejo", "a