Use "in contradistinction to" in a sentence

1. In Contradistinction to 1, Lionesses, in Contradistinction to the females of other animals, are the hunters

2. Context example: sculpture in Contradistinction to painting

3. From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English in Contradistinction to something in Contradistinction to something formal INSTEAD in contrast to or compared to something plants in Contradistinction to animals → Contradistinction Examples from the Corpus in Contradistinction to something • Multiple rather than single ulcers are the rule, in

4. Phrase in Contradistinction to something formal used for showing differences

5. 3, Constitutionalism, therefore, is to be set in Contradistinction to arbitrary power

6. 2, I refer specifically to permanent residents, in Contradistinction to temporary visitors

7. Distinction by opposition or contrast: plants and animals in Contradistinction to humans.

8. Distinction by opposition or contrast: plants and animals in Contradistinction to humans.

9. Multiple rather than single ulcers are the rule, in contradistinction to syphilis.

10. Online learning is commonly defined in Contradistinction to F2F learning (e.g., Ryan et al., 2016)

11. THE NEW GRESHAM ENCYCLOPEDIA VARIOUS A republic is a sovereignty of justice, in Contradistinction to a sovereignty of will

12. It is also called the head or throat voice, in contradistinction to the chest voice, which is the natural one

13. In contradistinction to Babylonia, which was a theocratic state, the king being subordinate to the priest, the Assyrian king was supreme

14. In the English civil war the supporters of Charles I were called Cavaliers in contradistinction to the Roundheads Roundheads, Explanation of Cavalierly

15. In this way he was a real specialist, in Contradistinction to the town specialists who are identified with certain diseases or disasters.

16. From the low Latin altaragium, which signified the revenue reserved for the chaplain (Altarist or altar-thane) in contradistinction to the income of the parish priest

17. Contradistinction Sentence Examples forma), in general, the external shape, appearance, configuration of an object, in Contradistinction to the matter of which it is composed; thus a …

18. From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English Contradistinction con‧tra‧dis‧tinc‧tion / ˌkɒntrədɪˈstɪŋkʃ ə n $ ˌkɑːn-/ noun [countable] → in Contradistinction to something Examples from the Corpus Contradistinction • Hence it is called ideographic

19. Contradistinction: 1 n a distinction drawn on the basis of contrast “sculpture in Contradistinction to painting” Type of: differentiation , distinction a discrimination between things as different and distinct

20. Band, (from Middle French Bande, “troop”), in music, an ensemble of musicians playing chiefly woodwind, brass, and percussion instruments, in contradistinction to an orchestra, which contains stringed instruments

21. It is used in contradistinction to barbarous or savage, to indicate a state of society reduced to order and regular government; thus we speak of Civil life, Civil society, Civil government, and Civil liberty

22. / ˌkɑːn.trə.dɪˈstɪŋk.ʃ ə n / the difference between two or more things that is made clear by comparing them: I use the term " child " in Contradistinction to " parent " - it does not necessarily refer to a juvenile.

23. ‘In Contradistinction, this is a philosophy that ought to be at the core of a democratic society, committed to openness, transparency and accountability.’ ‘Searle's picture leaves open the possibility of free will, defined here in Contradistinction to determinism.’ ‘In perfect Contradistinction is …

24. Biogenesis A term of waning popularity that specifies what is now regarded as an inherent scientific truism—i.e., that all life arises from pre-existing life; this in contradistinction to spontaneous generation of life (life arising from non-pre-existing life)

25. Noun The Albuminoids represent a class of albumins which, in contradistinction to the albumins proper, are essential components of the intercellular structures and result from the albumins, in the narrower sense of the term, through the activity of cellular elements.

26. In Cape Town, Darwin and FitzRoy met John Herschel, who had recently written to Lyell praising his uniformitarianism as opening bold speculation on "that mystery of mysteries, the replacement of extinct species by others" as "a natural in contradistinction to a miraculous process".

27. Its designation in the report as a factual statement, in Contradistinction to the normative statement “common concern of humankind”, implied that the Commission had shied away from explicitly acknowledging that the degradation of atmospheric conditions was a common concern that all States were legally obligated to address cooperatively

28. The Department argues that the meaning of the term “wages” is made clear in various dictionary entries and other statutory provisions, which often use the term in Contradistinction to in-kind “benefits.” Cockle cites entries from the Black's Law Dictionary where the term “wages” expressly includes in-kind “benefits.”

29. ἀ-, privative, and στῦλος, a column), an architectural term given to a class of design in which neither columns nor pilasters are used for decorative purposes; thus the Ricardi and Strozzi palaces in Florence are Astylar in their design, in contradistinction to Palladio’s palaces at Vicenza, which are columnar.

30. ἀ-, privative, and στῦλος, a column) is an architectural term given to a class of design in which neither columns nor pilasters are used for decorative purposes; thus the Riccardi and Strozzi palaces in Florence are Astylar in their design, in contradistinction to Palladio's palaces at Vicenza, which are columnar.

31. ἀ-, privative, and στῦλος, a column) is an architectural term given to a class of design in which neither columns nor pilasters are used for decorative purposes; thus the Riccardi and Strozzi palaces in Florence are Astylar in their design, in contradistinction to Palladio's palaces at Vicenza, which are columnar.

32. Albuminoid Resembling albumen or albumin.; n Albuminoid A substance resembling albumin; proteid (which see).; n Albuminoid Also written albumenoid.; n Albuminoid The Albuminoids represent a class of albumins which, in contradistinction to the albumins proper, are essential components of the intercellular structures and result from the albumins, in the narrower sense of the term, through the

33. From dime novels and penny dreadfuls through to the pulp boom of the early 20th century which gave us the modern commercial genres of Western, Crime, Romance, Science Fiction and so on, that process continues, with all these genres being defined as “pulp fiction” which by now is intrinsically in Contradistinction to

34. Albuminoid Resembling albumen or albumin.; n albuminoid A substance resembling albumin; proteid (which see).; n albuminoid Also written albumenoid.; n albuminoid The Albuminoids represent a class of albumins which, in contradistinction to the albumins proper, are essential components of the intercellular structures and result from the albumins, in the narrower sense of the term, through the