Use "in consequence" in a sentence

1. In consequence he lost his place.

2. Children's development opportunities suffer in consequence.

3. In consequence, one might make two predictions.

4. There were in consequence substantial changes afoot.

5. ‘Their prescriptions, in Consequence, dramatically differ from those of the deep ecologists.’ ‘They ought, in Consequence, to attract the nation's sympathy.’ ‘The basic philosophy of this organization must be, in Consequence, deeply humanistic.’ ‘That was in Consequence of a misunderstanding between myself and a young person.’

6. ‘Their prescriptions, in Consequence, dramatically differ from those of the deep ecologists.’ ‘They ought, in Consequence, to attract the nation's sympathy.’ ‘The basic philosophy of this organization must be, in Consequence, deeply humanistic.’ ‘That was in Consequence of a misunderstanding between myself and a young person.’

7. Definition of in Consequence in the Idioms Dictionary

8. In consequence of this they loved him dearly.

9. 19 Social science in consequence suffers from vagueness.

10. Commerce is paralysed in consequence of a severe earthquake.

11. In consequence there were numerous tentative measures of codification.

12. In consequence, Rome had recourse to diplomacy and negotiation.

13. In consequence, these cities have relatively low levels of unemployment.

14. She was found guilty, and lost her job in consequence .

15. In consequence, a gulf has opened between ecclesiastics and their congregations.

16. The erratic fluctuation of market prices is in consequence of unstable economy.

17. Maternity services were to be reduced in Consequence of falling birth rates.

18. Maternity services were to be reduced in consequence of falling birth rates.

19. 16 Here, in consequence,( is the source of perplexity and debate.

20. What does in Consequence expression mean? Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary.

21. In consequence he was a man in battle with his own conscience.

22. In consequence of your bad work I am forced to dismiss you.

23. In consequence of this perfection, gourmandise is the exclusive Apanage of man.

24. The erratic fluctuation of market prices are in consequence of unstable economy.

25. She was over the age limit and, in consequence, her application was rejected.

26. In consequence it has long been popular as a dormitory town for commuters.

27. In consequence they hoped for fellowship with others in the cause with particular ardour.

28. In consequence of the agreement, Mr. Mahmoud gave up possession to the landlord.

29. In consequence, simple statistical techniques are used to characterize the grain size distribution data.

30. On this occasion, in consequence of Nora being unwell, Owen and Frankie went by themselves.

31. It cancels out thought, and in consequence, any possibility of examining the root selfishness.

32. Upholstery became a separate trade, and seating began to put on weight in consequence.

33. In consequence the definitions used in table 3 are not directly comparable with their procedures.

34. She was disconsolate in consequence, and seemed to find time hanging heavily on her hands.

35. In consequence, there has arisen a deep distrust of sentences and, of the grammar they exemplify.

36. In consequence a marked increase in the combined visible and invisible trade surplus over the year.

37. His death was totally unexpected and, in consequence, no plans had been made for his replacement.

38. His departure was totally unexpected and, in Consequence, no plans had been made for his replacement

39. Synonyms for Consequently include ergo, hence, therefore, thus, accordingly, necessarily, so, in consequence, then and thusly

40. It had been a humiliating day for Flora and she bore the director a grudge in consequence.

41. I have now to countermand that order, in consequence of the receipting of the letter this morning.

42. In consequence, these objectives have been relegated, in many cases, to the hidden curriculum and pastoral concerns.

43. The reciprocity is asymmetrical and in consequence it has a proclivity for extending outwards into a network.

44. In consequence, adjustments were made for differences in transport, insurance, handling, loading, ancillary costs and credit costs.

45. The two surrogates were in consequence sent away from Cappadocia, one to Rome, the other to Ionia.

46. According to Aubrey, the author was thought to be Crackbrained, and lost much of his practice in consequence

47. In consequence, all Intel’s competitors, except AMD, have exited the market or are left with an insignificant share.

48. In consequence, the importance of orbicularis akinesia and facial nerve block is reduced during closed-system cataract surgery.

49. We have, in consequence, become adept at mediation, compromise, peacekeeping and the search for international order and stability.

50. In consequence of his success, mills using both stones and rollers were built in Britain from the 1860s.

51. In consequence we have developed restrictive practices and engineering, at best, are only partially aware of the business objectives.

52. In 1794 Robespierre had ultra-radicals and moderate Jacobins executed; in consequence, however, his own popular support eroded markedly.

53. In consequence we must insist that staff moving about the building on their own should not use the lifts.

54. Punishment of abetment if act Abetted is committed in consequence and where no express provision is made for its punishment

55. In consequence the use of sedimentation columns or tubes to determine the fall velocities of sediment particles has become very popular.

56. Pressure, a physical property affecting molecular interactions and in consequence all biological processes on Earth, has a continuous relationship with depth.

57. In consequence, amphibian fossils become very scarce indeed in later geological periods and there are long gaps in their fossil history.

58. At the siege of Gennep in 1641, he suffered a serious abdominal wound, in consequence of which he died a year later.

59. Ships are generally obliged to be towed into the harbor, in consequence of the high points which tower high, and Becalm them

60. The complete healing of fractures of the vault of the skull persists in consequence of deficient functional stresses at the fracture site.

61. 14 In consequence, thematic maps can be produced when required, as well as a more advanced three dimensional depiction of geological structure.

62. Absence of growth is characteristic of Blastomeres, in consequence of which they are diminished by half with each succeeding division (until the

63. In October, he was recalled to England in consequence of some misunderstanding with the admiralty or the ministry, which has never been explained.

64. MAN AND HIS ANCESTOR CHARLES MORRIS In the collective mind the intellectual Aptitudes of the individuals, and in consequence their individuality, are weakened

65. Conversely, Mars and the Commission acknowledge that a mark may acquire a distinctive character in consequence of use in conjunction with another mark.

66. In consequence, the author, the reader, the characters and the text, sharing limited freedom, are indispensable roles in reading and writing The Magus .

67. If one thing happens and then another thing happens in Consequence or as a Consequence, the second thing happens as a result of the first

68. The burden of taxation became more and more intolerable as Rome's power decreased, and the loyalty of its remaining provinces was seriously impaired in consequence.

69. The resulting transverse bending together with insufficient end anchorage led to the collapse. 45 similar beams, of which half were already erected, were in consequence locally strengthened in the support regions.

70. Declare this application admissible as regards each of the applicants and, in consequence, annul Commission Decision SA.38393 (2016CP, ex 2015/E) — Taxation of ports in Belgium (C(2017) 5174 final);

71. 1) — Limitation in consequence of acquiescence — Concept of acquiescence — Concept of Community law? — Possibility of proceedings under relevant national law, including rules relating to honest concurrent use of two identical marks

72. Gay," and concludes, "Thine, divine Bucoliast!" Gay gained his lasting love, and Phillips his lasting resentment, in consequence of that excessive love of superiority which he imbibed from the nursery.

73. In March 1864 a protester stuck a notice on the railings of Buckingham Palace that announced "these commanding premises to be let or sold in consequence of the late occupant's declining business".

74. Dressed in black, with a broad-brimmed white beaver hat, Craped in consequence of the recent death of his wife, he bowed with composed ease and a somewhat military grace to the multitude

75. The presbytery was also known as Apsis, exedra, concha, designations referring to its form; bema from the fact that it was elevated above the level of the nave and in consequence reached by a …

76. Deduction shall be made from the amount of gross freight lost, of the charges which the owner thereof would have incurred to earn such freight, but has, in consequence of the sacrifice, not incurred.

77. The antients divided the night into different watches; the last of which was called Cockcrow: and in consequence of this they kept a cock in their Tirat, or Towers, to give notice of the dawn.

78. In 1862, together with Giuseppe Abbati, Silvestro Lega, Raffaello Sernesi and Signorini, he went to work in the countryside outside Florence near Piagentina, in consequence of which these painters became known as the school of Piagentina.

79. An anterior facial height index of 42% versus 58% in unilateral and bilateral cleft lip, palate and alveolus showed a slight reduction in midface height with an increase in the lower face in consequence of this.

80. When Androclus had recovered his spirits in consequence of the gentle behaviour of the lion, and regained enough assurance to observe and recognize the animal, it was a singular pleasure to see their mutual joy and caresses