Use "in agony" in a sentence

1. In Agony Jack collapsed in Agony on the floor

2. Screaming in agony.

3. He died in agony.

4. I was in agony.

5. He shrieked in agony.

6. His body contorted in agony.

7. He was writhing in agony.

8. His face screwed up in agony.

9. 7 His body contorted in agony.

10. The wounded man was in agony.

11. His face was distorted in agony.

12. The boxer folded up in agony.

13. She lay there screaming in agony.

14. Synonym collapse He Crumpled up in agony.

15. Their bodies convulse, in agony , and, pain.

16. Jack collapsed in agony on the floor.

17. 16 The wounded man was in agony.

18. 22 The boxer folded up in agony.

19. In agony at the bottom of a cliff.

20. He was squirming on the floor in agony.

21. Sarah was writhing in agony, clutching her leg.

22. Then he will be in agony for weeks.

23. He was writhing on the ground in agony.

24. He staggered around the playground, screaming in agony.

25. She was writhing around on the floor in agony.

26. Wow, you're dad's really in agony down there, huh?

27. But all I've done is put you in agony.

28. He was squirming ( around ) on the floor in agony.

29. But no one could see she was actually in agony.

30. Why is Jesus in agony in the garden of Gethsemane?

31. He staggered around the playground(, screaming in agony.

32. Every time he washes his hair, he faints in agony

33. She crawled 30 meters into the gallery, in agony, in pain.

34. The pain was so unbearable that he was writhing in agony.

35. His last hours will be spent in agony, begging for death.

36. He fell awkwardly and went down in agony clutching his right knee.

37. But soon after she was writhing in agony, her muscles racked with pain.

38. And so I sat there, and I was just in agony the whole time.

39. 🔊 The wounded police officer who was shot five times is in Agony

40. 🔊 From the woman’s pained expression, it was obvious she was in Agony

41. Mamie fell to the ground in agony and prayed: “Please hear me, God.

42. On top of her leaving you, you're in agony because you don't understand why?

43. ▪ Why is Jesus in agony, and what request does he make of God?

44. Pascal wrote that "Jesus will be in agony until the end of the world".

45. She is pregnant and in agony to give birth to a long-awaited child.

46. 17 Gaza will writhe in agony and Ekron too , for her hope will wither.

47. When the latter cried out in agony, Guinan concluded: "Seems Human enough to me.

48. She left the funeral in agony with a huge shrapnel wound in her arm.

49. In agony and shame, Corianton was brought “down to the dust in humility” (Alma 42:30).

50. My own dead-straight mousy fringe and dimpled chin framed my face as it distorted in agony.

51. In Agony over the death of their child Where would distress be a reasonable alternative to Agony?

52. 15 His face was contorted in agony as he tried to lift himself out of the chair.

53. Animals in Agony or danger are used by Martin Wittfooth, often to hint at the future of the human condition

54. 25 The soft sound of voiding filled the air as he rolled over in agony like a fish out of water.

55. How the heart of Jesus’ mother is ‘pierced through’ as she watches the son she nursed and nurtured hanging there in agony!

56. Many nights we spent weeping beside Father as he rolled in agony on the floor until the cock crowed the following morning.

57. Most of the additional 100,000 casualties would die in agony from ruptured organs, horrendous burns, or the slow hell of radiation sickness.”

58. I can see him now, writhing on the floor in agony, like so many of his brothers and cousins and uncles and aunts.

59. (Job 7:5; 19:17; 30:17, 30) In agony Job sat among the ashes and scraped himself with a piece of broken earthenware.

60. In the back of my mind I saw the grainy black and white pictures of cats and monkeys in agony that appear on Antivivisectionist stands

61. Agonizing means filled with or resulting in agony —extreme pain or suffering, especially the kind that lasts for a long time. A close synonym is excruciating

62. A Combusted perpetually screams in agony, forcing each creature within 10 feet to succeed at a DC 13 Will save or be stunned with fear for 1d4 rounds

63. That is a long time - a very long time to die in agony - and it is a concession which increases the Commission's figure by a factor of 10.

64. (Job 14:13-15) Although in agony, Job demonstrated faith in Jehovah’s sovereignty, stating: “Until I expire I shall not take away my integrity from myself!” —Job 27:5.

65. Extreme physical or mental pain or suffering, or a period of such suffering: [ U ] They put her on painkillers, but they didn’t do enough, and she was in Agony

66. (Gunshot) A peasant, who was walking to market that morning, ran towards where the gunshot had come from, and found a young man writhing in agony on the floor, clearly shot by a dueling wound.

67. While Jesus was still hanging in agony on the torture stake, he gave consideration to the physical and spiritual welfare of his mother by entrusting her to the care of his beloved apostle John.

68. The effects are described as the Pattern ripping and howling in pain1 and groaning in agony.2 When Rand al'Thor destroyed Natrin's Barrow with a massive bolt of Balefire, all of the people in proximity felt the balescream.2 Graendal, being much closer to the event, felt more of the effects.1

69. All of these were Bequeathed by the ancestors of the present family, or collected by themselves.; The spirit had fled, in agony and loneliness, never to know that it Bequeathed him salvation.; He has Bequeathed to us a faithful record of his studies, his amusements, his daily life.; The legacy he Bequeathed to the world was not emancipating ideas, but the policy of military aggrandizement.