Use "imprisonments" in a sentence

1. General penalties; continuing violations; Adjudging fines and imprisonments

2. By Beatings, by imprisonments, by riots, by labors, by sleepless nights, by times of hunger, American Standard Version in stripes, in imprisonments, in tumults, in labors, in watchings, in fastings; Contemporary English Version We have been beaten, put in jail, and hurt in riots

3. 2 Jehovah’s Witnesses do not seek persecution, nor do they enjoy the hardships—fines, imprisonments, or harsh treatment—it may bring.

4. Students at Saigon University boycotted classes and rioted, which led to arrests, imprisonments, and the closure of the university; this was repeated at Huế University.

5. Oh, by what plots, by what forswearings, Betrayings, oppressions, imprisonments , tortures, poisonings, and under what reasons of state and politic subtilty, have these forenamed kings

6. If some reforms must be approved (for example: Biopsychical inquiry on the charged person, probation, week-end imprisonments, fines according to the incomes of the condemned, etc.)

7. 1614, Walter Raleigh, Historie of the World Oh, by what plots, by what forswearings, Betrayings, oppressions, imprisonments, tortures, poisonings, and under what reasons of state and politic subtilty, have these forenamed kings […] …

8. Oh, by what plots, by what forswearings, Betrayings, oppressions, imprisonments, tortures, poisonings, and under what reasons of state and politic subtilty, have these forenamed kings [] pulled the vengeance of God upon themselves [] The oppression of the poor by the aristocracy was one cause of the French Revolution.; St

9. Oh by what plots, by what forswearings, Betrayings, oppressions, imprisonments, tortures, poysonings, and under what reasons of State, and politique subteltie, have these forenamed Kings, both strangers, and of our owne Nation, pulled the vengeance of GOD upon them-selves, upon theirs, and upon their prudent ministers! and in the end have

10. His sinews waxen weak and raw / Through long imprisonment and hard constraint.; Every confinement of the person is an imprisonment, whether it be in a common prison, or in a private house, or even by forcibly detaining one in the public streets.; Oh, by what plots, by what forswearings, Betrayings, oppressions, imprisonments, tortures, poisonings, and under what reasons of state and