Use "imposition" in a sentence

1. Registration, entitlement registration and encumbrance imposition.

2. Periyar once again launched an anti-Hindi imposition agitation.

3. This culminated in the imposition of far-reaching controls.

4. I am opposed to a district-wide imposition of uniforms.

5. I'd like to stay if it's not too much of an imposition.

6. (b) Imposition of access fees, preventing the distribution of independent brands;

7. I know it's an imposition, but could I use your bathroom?

8. Several reasons were put forward to justify the imposition of censorship.

9. I know this is an imposition. But please hear me out.

10. If undertakings are accepted, the imposition of provisional duty will be suspended.

11. Massachusetts Supreme Court Rules Uber’s “Frictionless” Imposition of Contract Terms Abridges Consumer Rights

12. • Immediate suspension of such activities on penalty of imposition of graduated fines

13. She felt the journey to be an unwelcome imposition on her time.

14. That layer would not be an imposition; it would be democratically accountable.

15. What were the social and economic consequences of the imposition of colonial rule?

16. It's an imposition to ask the workers to work sixteen hours a day.

17. What are an imposition, all a confounded imposture? - and I can prove it.

18. No blanket imposition or proportionate return, parallel accounting, or equal division of accounting rates.

19. For instance, the imposition of onerous fees can undermine the whole system of access

20. 304 The applicant's argument on the consequences of the imposition of specific duties cannot be accepted.

21. This is a process that someone in the ethnocentric stages of intercultural development would do imposition.

22. The main grievance of the drivers is the imposition of higher fees for driving licences.

23. Since the imposition of the sanctions, Iraq had moved from relative prosperity to absolute poverty

24. What is your take on U.N. Resolution 9214, the imposition of sanctions on the Congo for...

25. Amercement meaning The imposition of a discretionary fine or penalty in an amount not set by statute.

26. What tithes and tricks but an imposition, all a confounded imposture ? - and I can prove it.

27. 12 The main grievance of the drivers is the imposition of higher fees for driving licences.

28. The report argued against the imposition of bans on imports from countries with low environmental standards.

29. Participation and collaboration with, as opposed to imposition on, communities will allow for building strength and sustainability.

30. Protection of the Union's financial interests by means of detection of risks and imposition of administrative sanctions

31. Struggles aim at power and the imposition of a set of heterodox or orthodox norms and symbols.

32. Notable failures of their use include the 1972 imposition of wage and price controls by Richard Nixon.

33. In some cases this process may have been heightened by the imposition of regional policy discussed earlier.

34. Further, the county council has not yet given its consent to the imposition of any traffic regulations.

35. Depositum details were either cut into the lead or achieved by the imposition of cast lead letters.

36. Industrial societies can not be run by an absolute moral order-the final imposition of righteousness on earth.

37. On the one hand, the law is traditionally, and rightly, ready to relieve them against hardship and imposition.

38. Imposition of new public service obligations in respect of scheduled air services on the route Fagernes-Oslo v.v.

39. The State party should take measures to prevent such racist advertisements through investigation and imposition of appropriate sanctions.

40. It may involve the imposition on young athletes of extreme regimes in relation to diet and weight control.

41. The drawback was his rather dowdy wife and their increasing brood of children, an imposition to be endured.

42. In early 19 violent riots led to more arrests and killings and the eventual imposition of martial law.

43. 26 Further, the county council has not yet given its consent to the imposition of any traffic regulations.

44. Capitation: a tax or imposition raised on each person in consideration of his labour, industry, office, rank, etc

45. As 26 January 1965 approached, the anti-Hindi imposition agitation in Madras State grew in numbers and urgency.

46. Would it be too much of an imposition to ask you to pick my parents up from the airport?

47. Reputation is an idle and most false imposition; oft got without merit, and lost without deserving. William Shakespeare 

48. Beasting (usually uncountable, plural Beastings) (Britain, military, slang) The imposition of arduous exercises, either as training or as punishment

49. After the imposition of provisional measures certain parties complained about the ambiguity of the definition of the product concerned.

50. 15 Most foreign countries in the issuance of securities, the imposition of stamp duty, registration license tax, capital tax.

51. Cordons & curfews Section 12 of the proposed act provides for the imposition of Cordons and curfews in zones

52. The Acheulean was clearly more complex, especially in the preparation of blanks and the imposition of the symmetrical shape

53. The imposition of that condition is justified because Alitalia is competing for those flights with other airline companies established within the Community.

54. For instance, the imposition of user fees on services suppliers to finance universal access might be found afoul of this test.

55. They can not however expect the Swan Hunter work force to accept the imposition of such working conditions at any price.

56. Such a system should help to increase transparency with regard to the determination, imposition and enforcement of charges applicable to airspace users.

57. 29 In 1976 the imposition of price controls on natural gas led to further substitution of oil imports for domestic energy sources.

58. In fact, we found one word associated with obligation Alleviation for every five or six words associated with the imposition of obligations

59. It has also said that it is considering the imposition of retaliatory tariffs on American exports of car parts and chicken meat.

60. Amid the now-familiar Bemoanings of supposed Western efforts to undermine the nuclear negotiations – see his veiled reference to the recent imposition of …

61. Sexed bodies, not the imposition of an Acculturized, sexually neutral gender" (Lupton 1994: 27, citing Grosz 1990: 72-73, emphasis in original)

62. Cultural imperialism, the imposition by one usually politically or economically dominant community of various aspects of its own culture onto another nondominant community

63. Whether it be conservatism, progressivism, or socialism, Collectivism involves the imposition of a certain belief or point of view on the rest of society.

64. -- Mass, Imposition of the Pallium and Betowel of the Fisherman’s Ring for the Beginning of the Petrine Ministry of the Bishop of Rome, St

65. the effect on consumers and manufacturers in the aftermarket of the imposition under this Article of a possible authorisation requirement on parts and equipment.

66. The statute provides the court with the ability to withhold Adjudication after the imposition of a probation sentence without imposing upon the defendant a conviction

67. 2 days ago · The forum will debate the imposition of unilateral Coercive measures as a means to exert political and economic pressure on the States

68. Description: Governments resort to imposition of Cess for meeting specific expenditure.For instance, both corporate and individual income is at present subject to an education Cess of 2%

69. On 7 March, the administration withdrew all the cases filed against the student leaders and on 14 March, the Anti-Hindi imposition Agitation Council dropped the agitation.

70. By Cantilevering the structure across the street, instead of putting a structural support inside the residential tower, the architects economized on materials, time, and imposition on university life

71. Following Richard Nixon's imposition of wage and price controls on 15 August 1971, an initial wave of cost-push shocks in commodities were blamed for causing spiraling prices.

72. The issue of the imposition of so-called environmental levies and charges, otherwise known as ecotaxes, is not new and has been in abeyance in the Community organs for years.

73. In the Swat Valley, once a tourist destination, the government has just bought a temporary peace with local militants by agreeing to the imposition of Sharia law on the region's inhabitants.

74. Authoritarians are thought to express much deeper fears than the rest of the electorate, to seek the imposition of order where they perceive dangerous change, and to desire a strong leader who

75. In a statement later on Thursday, Leon said it was not good enough to "simply invoke multi-culturalism or the imposition of religious law to rationalise or 'Contextualise' this inhuman sentence"

76. Appraising - assessment - Assizement - blood money - correction - estimation - evaluating - evaluation - imposition - sifting out - sorting out - tax dodging - tax evasion 11 letter words calculation - computation - dual pricing - examination - indirect tax - joint return - measurement - mensuration - unit pricing 12 …

77. Christianization was the acceptance of Christianity (in its Eastern Orthodox form) by the political elite of the early Rus principalities and its imposition upon the rest of the population at the end of the tenth century.

78. Annoy refers to mild disturbance caused by an act that tries one's patience: The sound of the printer Annoyed me.Irritate is somewhat stronger: I was irritated by their constant interruptions.Bother implies imposition: In the end, his complaining

79. EXACTLY two weeks ago in this space we pointed to the slow but steady return of the Bloodthirstiness that we had become accustomed to, up to the imposition of the limited State of Emergency in May.

80. The Afghan monarchs were eager to develop the stature of government and the country's military capability, and so attempted to raise money by the imposition of state monopolies on the sale of commodities and high taxes