Use "imposes" in a sentence

1. Murad II imposes his own tribute.

2. is absolutely necessary and imposes least possible cost."

3. Coulomb repulsion imposes the need for high temperature.

4. This argument considers the Adjuration which imposes an obligation

5. 2 Coulomb repulsion imposes the need for high temperature.

6. This system imposes additional financial burdens on many people.

7. The Act imposes more stringent regulations on atmospheric pollution.

8. 1 This system imposes additional financial burdens on many people.

9. 18 The country imposes the death penalty for trafficking in marijuana.

10. That article imposes certain restrictions on television advertising for alcoholic drinks.

11. Any name or definition imposes limits, and God is above . . . them. . . .

12. An artist's need for money imposes the tyranny of popular taste.

13. The law imposes a maximum punishment of six years in prison.

14. 1960 – The United States imposes a near-total trade embargo against Cuba.

15. The reason is the increasing emphasis on individualism that industrial capitalist society imposes.

16. it imposes all appropriate risk mitigation measures to reduce any possible risks

17. The law imposes upon each grand juror a strict obligation of secrecy.

18. The European Union then imposes the highest taxes on them in the world.

19. This also imposes requirements for secure and survivable command, control and communication systems.

20. The Criminalisation of abortion in nearly all circumstances imposes a wide threat of prosecution

21. Coca-Cola imposes stringent rules on suppliers of sugar, water and carbon dioxide.

22. Higher-speed train travel uses greater energy and imposes more wear on expensive machinery.

23. 19 The spate of new legislation imposes a great strain upon the smaller firm.

24. Bill of Attainder definition is - a legislative act that imposes punishment without a trial.

25. Canada imposes a withholding tax on "passive" income paid to nonresidents from Canadian sources.

26. The IRS also imposes a limit on all 401(k) Contributions made during the year

27. Furthermore, using emulsions imposes additional operating costs on consumers (e.g. cleaning tanks and recirculation systems).

28. The Commercialized criminal legal system imposes its costs on vulnerable people least able to pay

29. Article # imposes six months' to three years' imprisonment for aggravated damage in the following cases

30. The Act imposes a limit on the election advertising expenses a third party may incur.

31. 13 Margin Rule 5-28 imposes various requirements in relation to margined contingent liability transactions.

32. Simple adoption imposes on the adoptive parent an obligation to feed, help and assist the adoptee

33. The Commercialized criminal legal system imposes its costs on vulnerable people least able to pay

34. Synonyms for Agrees include provides, stipulates, specifies, demands, instructs, postulates, states, determines, imposes and requires

35. PL does not satisfy this provision as it imposes an accommodation condition on refugees too.

36. Privatization, like nationalization, imposes a stiff workload and absorbs a great deal of parliamentary time.

37. Accept the fact that you have a serious illness as well as the limitations it imposes.

38. Because the Hall effect ammeter measures the current remotely, it imposes no load on the system.

39. In addition, the bill also imposes a range of stiffer penalties for youth convicted of murder

40. In other versions the opposite occurs: the contract imposes restrictions upon individuals that curtail their natural rights.

41. Java Comparator interface imposes a total ordering on the objects which may not have a natural ordering.

42. The Comparator interface is a comparison function that imposes a total ordering on a collection of objects

43. Antonyms for Becalms include challenges, stretches, taxes, tests, drains, saps, strains, wearies, imposes on and makes demands on

44. Article 349 of the Revised Penal Code imposes the penalty of prison mayor for the crime of Bigamy

45. Antonyms for Appeases include challenges, stretches, taxes, tests, drains, saps, strains, wearies, imposes on and makes demands on

46. In supercomputers, the speed of light imposes a limit on how quickly data can be sent between processors.

47. All this imposes a powerful constraint on language acquisition from the allegedly scanty data available to any child.

48. The more constraints one imposes, the more one frees one's self of the claims that shackle the spirit.

49. The actuation mechanism imposes relative linear motion of the laser processing head with respect to the robot arm.

50. Antonyms for Assuages include challenges, stretches, taxes, tests, drains, saps, strains, wearies, imposes on and makes demands on

51. Or a firm emitting pollution will typically not take into account the costs that its pollution imposes on others.

52. Presumably the reason why the bank has an equitable proprietary interest is that the law imposes a constructive trust.

53. This court, usually consisting of three members, increases to five members if the sentence imposes death or mutilation.

54. Austerity refers to strict economic policies that a government imposes to control growing public debt, defined by increased frugality

55. Additionally, IRC Section 1446 imposes a partnership-level withholding tax (1446 tax) for each foreign partner's Allocable share of the

56. Well, the fact is that Copyleft undoubtedly grants liberty but at the same time, imposes users to fulfill some demands.

57. Bending: deforming force, which imposes tension on the outer curve and compression on the inner curve of a cylindrical body

58. Obviously the available time imposes an upper ceiling on this game, for there can be only one K per generation.

59. Black eyes are an innovative act that imposes scatter-shot music onto organized patterns, creating a tumbling orgy of tribal-punk

60. The continuous and broad energy distribution of Bremsstrahlung photons, however, imposes substantial challenges on accurate quantification of the activity distribution

61. Through large-scale paintings, drawings and fabricated three-dimensional objects, she addresses the stereotypes society often imposes on such people.

62. 11 At bottom, interests theories define the scope of loss redistribution which the law imposes as a tax upon economic relations.

63. The Z88's operating system imposes a limit on the number of files you can have open at any one time.

64. Authoritarianism is a political regime that abuses its authority and imposes itself on power without a consensus on the part of the people

65. However , it is subject to various limitations and restraints which the court itself imposes upon itself while granting costs to the winning party .

66. Firing a Culverin without support (such as a wall, a window, or a stand) imposes a –4 penalty on attack rolls, and

67. Copyleft definition: a form of licensing that imposes fewer restrictions on the use of a work than copyright Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

68. Section 41 imposes a duty on the court to appoint a guardian ad litem in most public law proceedings under the Act.

69. Acaulescence (without a stem) is a growth habit which imposes real challenges to plants in other Families,such as the Crassulaceae and Cactaceae

70. 19 Section 41 imposes a duty on the court to appoint a guardian ad litem in most public law proceedings under the Act.

71. Acaulescence (without a stem) is a growth habit which imposes real challenges to plants in other families, such as the Crassulaceae and Cactaceae

72. In a business culture that imposes the oppressive rule of mandatory replies, that kind ostentatious declaration may seem sacrilegious, rude or professionally suicidal.

73. Regulation 785/2004 imposes minimum insurance obligations on air carriers and noncommercial aircraft operators in respect of liability for passengers, baggage, cargo and third parties.

74. Regulation 785/2004 imposes minimum insurance obligations on air carriers and non-commercial aircraft operators in respect of liability for passengers, baggage, cargo and third parties.

75. Article # of the CC (Complicity and types of accomplices) imposes criminal liability on accomplices in any intentional criminal act such as perpetrators, organizers, aiders and abetters

76. A different, and perhaps more common, type of statutory preclusion is legislation that imposes a time limit on efforts to obtain review of an administrative decision.

77. Article 24 of the CC (Complicity and types of accomplices) imposes criminal liability on accomplices in any intentional criminal act such as perpetrators, organizers, aiders and abetters.

78. As the "dealing right" imposes a new externality to normal dealings on the market, it is uncertain whether Coasian transaction is capable of ensuring the social efficiency.

79. 1 : something that is a duty, obligation, or responsibility the prosecution has the burden of proving every element of the offense the statute imposes undue Burdens burden of …

80. The law further imposes criminal penalties on anyone who “constitutes or joins an organization aimed at propagating, inciting, praising, or acting in concert with an anti-government organization.”[