Use "imperialism" in a sentence

1. 8636939439 Anaretical Imperialism in literature

2. Small nations resent Western cultural imperialism.

3. They held the imperialism in contempt.

4. Colonialism developed from imperialism, which can.

5. How are cultures affected by imperialism?

6. Imperialism turn tail and ran away.

7. Imperialism is monopolistic, parasitic and moribund capitalism.

8. 8 They held the imperialism in contempt.

9. Plunder is the very nature of imperialism.

10. The very word imperialism is modern.

11. Psychic imperialism is not my style.

12. Colonialism vs Imperialism Colonialism and imperialism are often used interchangeably, but they are two different words having different meaning

13. 17 Xiong Bite explains imperialism from sociological viewpoint, he thinks imperialism is the atavism in structure of a kind of society.

14. Imperialism and colonization, world wars, George W. Bush.

15. 12 Imperialism is monopolistic, parasitic and moribund capitalism.

16. In 18 to sanctify the trumperies of imperialism.

17. Hitler's plan combined classic imperialism with Nazi racial ideology.

18. Imperialism has not been able to subjugate China.

19. It'signifies a decision to capitulate to Japanese imperialism.

20. Warren , Bill . 1980 . Imperialism : Pioneer of Capitalism . London: Verso.

21. 10 Against imperialism, feudalism and bureaucrat - capitalism, and against capitalism.

22. Hitler's plan combined classic imperialism with Nazi racial ideology.

23. 8 She accused the United States of economic imperialism.

24. Against imperialism, feudalism and bureaucrat - capitalism, and against capitalism.

25. 3 She accused the United States of economic imperialism.

26. Sri Lanka is a good example of this dietary imperialism.

27. It is time to challenge standardised doctrines of patriarchy and imperialism.

28. Was it genocide or economic imperialism that led to their disappearance?

29. Globalization in this period was decisively shaped by nineteenth-century imperialism.

30. This essentially political definition of imperialism is not shared by Lenin.

31. It was only a tool of imperialism for pushing neo - colonialism.

32. Sometimes the words "Colonialism" and "imperialism" are used

33. Imperialism had carved up the whole world into oppressor and oppressed nations.

34. Briefest quotes from YourDictionary: If it were necessary to give the Briefest possible definition of imperialism , we should have to say that imperialism is the monopoly stage of capitalism .

35. 7 Japanese imperialism is determined to bludgeon its way deep into China.

36. 29 This essentially political definition of imperialism is not shared by Lenin.

37. It means that Bhaiji thinks that modern European imperialism is for propagation of Christianity !

38. Pazhassi Raja resisted British imperialism from 1793 onwards till his death in 1805.

39. The realistic alternative is to disarm imperialism by overthrowing it in its main bastions.

40. The Soviets sought to Befriend the Chinese revolutionists by offering scathing attacks on Western imperialism

41. Yet the impulse towards imperialism and war was not so much psychological as structural in origin.

42. The colonial revolution could not by its own forces bring about the downfall of imperialism.

43. As at New Delhi, anti-imperialism, economic development, and cultural cooperation were the principal topics.

44. The May 4 th Movement was a thoroughgoing, uncompromising revolutionary movement against imperialism and feudalism.

45. “In 1945,” says The Times Atlas of the 20th Century, “the age of imperialism was dead.”

46. It was the heyday of imperialism, and all the Great Powers were under pressure for competitive modernization.

47. For the Westerners, the main threat was American imperialism, blamed for the “dirty” war in Vietnam.

48. Visiting women from other countries struggling under the yoke of imperialism spoke to and advised us.

49. He had been reading Lenin's Imperialism: The highest stage of capitalism, and his ideological position had hardened.

50. 19 The dark days when imperialism could carve up the world at will are gone for ever.

51. In the nineteenth century, economic expansion through imperialism was seen as the panacea for the mounting social problems.

52. Imperialism is defined as the creation and/or maintenance of an unequal economic, cultural, and territorial relationship.

53. is a website devoted to opposing aggressive war, imperialism, and assaults on freedom associated with both.

54. Yugoslavia was viewed as both a "special detachment of U.S. imperialism" and a "saboteur against world revolution."

55. As long as globalisation is synonymous with economic imperialism it is worthy of the most vociferous opposition.

56. In October, students protested against imperialism during an international conference on customs and tariffs held in the city.

57. Hobson's work is mainly remembered because Lenin used it to construct his own, quite distinct, theory of imperialism.

58. But just as in the age of imperialism, the current wave of globalization is breeding its own resistance.

59. Our main task in this age is to end imperialism and win national independence for the Indian people .

60. 16 It was the heyday of imperialism, and all the Great Powers were under pressure for competitive modernization.

61. Some critics have accused these Western pop artists of exploiting Third World traditions in an extension of cultural imperialism.

62. All crimes are political crimes when they are committed within the context of the economic violence of imperialism, true?

63. Most importantly it is a belated recognition that imperialism offers a fantastically huge and barely mined seam of stories.

64. He also separately dealt with imperialism , national revolution , agrarian revolution and the Communist International and its relations with communist parties .

65. It had been argued on the Left that wars were caused by the search for profits, by imperialism, by militarism.

66. Balkanising the Balkans Imperialism keep your bloody hands off! lowed by attacks on African war­ lords in Somalia

67. While the term Cultural imperialism did not emerge in scholarly or popular discourse until the 1960s, the phenomenon has a …

68. But in spite of its manifest decay and stagnation , it has been propped up and artificially maintained by British imperialism .

69. For instance the following theories might be adaptable: the realism, the neofunctionalist Europe-science, or even a Marxist imperialism theory.

70. That was at the very apogee of the age of imperialism, when white men carved up the black continent between them.

71. The Spanish empire, in its Crepuscular years, was determined to keep the last traces of its imperialism at all costs

72. Lin Piao, Mao’s heir apparent, stated: “Imperialism is headed for total collapse and socialism is advancing to world-wide victory.”

73. Because of the underlying sense of grievance numerous situations could have been interpreted as yet further evidence of white imperialism.

74. The search for middle-class allies still inhibited most socialists from attributing militarism, imperialism and the war danger to capitalism as such.

75. As both Colonialism and Imperialism means political and economic domination of the other, scholars often find it hard to differentiate the two

76. As a social phenomenon, Chauvinism is essentially modern, becoming marked in the era of acute national rivalries and imperialism beginning in the 19th cent.

77. Cultural imperialism, the imposition by one usually politically or economically dominant community of various aspects of its own culture onto another nondominant community

78. Bibliographia Missionaria's change from Italian to English also raises the problem of American cultural imperialism if all our reference tools are in English

79. Trading with Germany appealed to Iran because the Germans did not have a history of imperialism in the region, unlike the British and Russians.

80. The approach outlined here undercuts the rage of anti - imperialism , finesses the almost certain violence against coalition troops and prevents the Iranians from colonizing Iraq .