Use "imperfection" in a sentence

1. It requires imperfection.

2. Obedient Despite Imperfection

3. The snare of exaggerated imperfection.

4. My father never tolerated imperfection.

5. Flaws Due to Human Imperfection

6. The guy doesn't dig imperfection.

7. Absolute definition is - free from imperfection : perfect

8. Will help us forgive each small imperfection,

9. Rid the new system of its imperfection!

10. A Blemish is a minor flaw or imperfection.

11. 16 Inherited imperfection also affects our mental condition.

12. It can be distorted by imperfection, prejudice, or cultural background.

13. Absolute definition, free from imperfection; complete; perfect: Absolute liberty

14. All of us struggle with inherent weakness and imperfection.

15. Absolute definition, free from imperfection; complete; perfect: Absolute liberty

16. Caution: Don’t use your imperfection as an excuse to practice sin.

17. For that would show some imperfection in the original design.

18. They cannot get rid of inherited imperfection, sickness, and death.

19. A lattice vacancy is a simple example of an imperfection.

20. This resulted in sinful imperfection being passed on to all mankind.

21. 5 Because of our inherited imperfection, obedience does not come naturally.

22. Consequently, all of us are born with a stain of imperfection.

23. She won't tolerate imperfection in her own or anyone else's work.

24. 19 Despite our imperfection, we can remain in Jehovah’s favor.

25. Similarly, each human has inherited a “dent” of imperfection from Adam.

26. The Bible indicates that haughty ambition is linked to human imperfection.

27. Admittedly, at times because of human imperfection, we all say things we regret.

28. 19 Because of imperfection, every Christian will make a misstep from time to time.

29. All mankind inherited imperfection from Adam and Eve and, hence, are sinners.

30. Zen practitioners relate the idea to wabi-sabi, the beauty of imperfection.

31. The only slight imperfection in this painting is a scratch in the corner.

32. Antonyms for Comprehensiveness include narrowness, limitedness, limitation, shallowness, superficiality, incompleteness, imperfectness, unsoundness, imperfection and

33. Prejudice, discrimination, and their resulting hate are products of man’s inherent imperfection and selfishness.

34. 13 However, because of inherited imperfection, we are not born lowly in mind.

35. The only slight imperfection in the painting is a scratch in the corner.

36. Human imperfection and a religious background that emphasized position made Jesus’ disciples overly concerned about greatness.

37. Because God does not allow imperfection to be a constant excuse for bad conduct.

38. In the future, he will remove from us the imperfection that we now have.

39. In God’s eyes you certainly are —however damaged you may be by inherited imperfection.

40. 05, 2021. Astigmatism is an imperfection in the curvature of your eye’s cornea or lens

41. After Adam became imperfect, he passed on to all his children that imperfection and death.

42. Despite apparently noble theories and ideals, selfishness and imperfection spoil the best of political intentions.

43. 19 We long for the day when suffering and the effects of imperfection will end.

44. Could anything more graphically point up the imperfection and injustice of human political and economic systems?

45. For now, however, accepting the limitations placed upon us by human imperfection will make you happier.

46. It believes that the irrationality comes from the imperfection of China's capital market and social institute.

47. Be conscious, however, of the difference between accepting the reality of imperfection and tolerating it.

48. Because of our inherited imperfection, we are sure to face situations that cause ill feelings.

49. Here the government responds to market imperfections in proportions according with the extent of imperfection.

50. Thus it was through Adam that sin, imperfection, and death were passed on to humankind. —Rom.

51. Everything about human society alienated from God is polluted in some way, tainted with sin and imperfection.

52. Yet some people seem to learn to live with imperfection and others find it an impenetrable barrier.

53. Consistent with the laws of genetics, we have inherited that imperfection and death. —Romans 5:12.

54. In swarm systems with heritability, individual variation and imperfection will lead to perpetual novelty, or what we call evolution.

55. So, then, everyone experiences suffering because of inherited imperfection and life amid this wicked system of things.

56. Because of Adamic sin, man has been suffering sickness, death, imperfection and alienation from God throughout human history.

57. We have to socialize our girls to be comfortable with imperfection, and we've got to do it now.

58. What does God's Absoluteness mean? According to a dictionary the word absolute means complete, free from imperfection, limits, restrictions, or mixture

59. The main reasons of suppuration from ear canal after mastoidotympanectomy are imperfection of focus clean and inadequate drainage of operative cavus.

60. The results show that the dynamic instability critical load of the imperfection structure is different from that of a perfection structure.

61. 30 Marilyn Monroe: Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring.

62. This paper describes the results of X-ray study of imperfection in the single crystal of large area synthetic fluorophlogopite.

63. What it does: The Airbrusher™ Double-Ended Concealer Brush is designed to mask any beauty imperfection like a pro

64. Imperfection of financial markets that includes imperfect information, uncertainty, opportunistic behavior and other factors gives birth to the financial intermediaries.

65. As a result, they died, having transmitted imperfection and death to their descendants. —Genesis 2:17; 3:1-24; Romans 5:12.

66. In the design of Biaxial reinforced concrete columns, a non-linear analysis method is required, which should take into account second-order, imperfection, and

67. The Bible also explains that because of the willful sin of the first human, man has inherited imperfection, sickness, and death.

68. (ə-rĭth′mĭk) adj. Lacking rhythm or regularity of rhythm: "a slight Arrhythmic imperfection when the car idles" (Garrison Keillor).

69. It is similar to foundation, but thicker and used to hide different pigments by blending the imperfection into the surrounding skin tone.

70. A 3D-FEM method for analysis on stability of underground bifurcated pipe, with geometrical imperfection and initial gap between concrete liner, is introduced.

71. One adjustment many can make to get along better with others is to overlook their errors or faults, charging it up to imperfection.

72. 19 A 3D-FEM method for analysis on stability of underground bifurcated pipe, with geometrical imperfection and initial gap between concrete liner, is introduced.

73. (Psalm 103:12-14) Yes, Jehovah does not forget that we are creatures of dust, having frailties, or weaknesses, as a result of imperfection.

74. Adverse results in this mortal life are not evidence of lack of faith or of an imperfection in our Father in Heaven’s overall plan.

75. Bibliomaniac is the author of The Gifts of Imperfection (4.23 avg rating, 211 ratings, 10 reviews), Everything I Never Told You (3.72 avg rating, 182 rat

76. 1 Although God has permitted imperfection and suffering for a long time from the human viewpoint, he will not allow bad conditions to go on indefinitely.

77. The five attitudes, such as imperfection, emptiness, crookedness, clumsiness, and stuttering have a common character. They are modest, self-effacement, self-restraint and following-up.

78. Imperfection clings to a person, and if they wait till they are brushed off entirely, they would spin for ever on their axis, advancing nowhere. Thomas Carlyle 

79. Imperfection of the system organization and management affects the development of research work of soil and water conservation in upper and middle reaches of the Yellow River.

80. The use of ashlar masonry made the temple much more difficult to construct, as the Inca did not use any stone with a slight imperfection or break.