Use "impediments" in a sentence

1. Identifying Impediments to Progress

2. Moreover , there are culinary impediments in the way of regeneration .

3. Of all speech impediments stammering is probably the most embarrassing.

4. And there's a lot of impediments in the system slowing things down.

5. In addition to restrictions on copying, copyleft licenses address other possible impediments.

6. There are no legal impediments to their appealing against the decision.

7. Michael Boylan's Accelerants offers a powerful solution to these impediments to growth

8. Instead of generating less waste, they get rid of fussy impediments to waste disposal.

9. • identify impediments to cross-border trade of agricultural products and recommend mutually acceptable solutions,

10. In liberalized sectors, high switching costs from an incumbent are key impediments for consumer interest.

11. Personal Barriers in life are impediments to desired growth, personally professionally, spiritually or socially

12. (c) the legal impediments that the United States has cited for their inability to pay the compensation?

13. Moreover, important constraints persist with regard to humanitarian access owing to security and bureaucratic and administrative impediments.

14. Synonyms for Constrictions include compressions, squeezings, blockages, contractions, cramps, impediments, narrowings, pressures, stenoses and strictures

15. Synonyms for Curbings include inhibition, hindrances, obstructions, restraint, restriction, bar, impediments, checks, obstacles and barriers

16. The Committee requests the State party to remove impediments women may face in gaining access to justice.

17. Representatives of humanitarian agencies raised various concerns, including security challenges, the denial of access and other bureaucratic impediments.

18. Signals in higher frequency bands are more susceptible to propagation impediments such as atmospheric absorption, rain fade (attenuation), reflections, etc.

19. In some cases- unfortunately too many- there has been absolutely no forward movement because of political, ideological or religious impediments

20. Case-detection through antenatal screening may have logistic, financial, and manpower impediments to implementation but it remains the favoured strategy.

21. In some cases — unfortunately too many — there has been absolutely no forward movement because of political, ideological or religious impediments.

22. Coherent Financial Advisers was created from inception with this solemn purpose – to take care of people’s comprehensive financial needs without external impediments

23. 15 Case-detection through antenatal screening may have logistic, financial, and manpower impediments to implementation but it remains the favoured strategy.

24. Transport Canada has worked with the 10 provinces and both territories to ensure that there were no legal impediments to airbag deactivation.

25. It was the French Revolution which abolished all those impediments, which broke the chains which you would refashion under a different name.

26. Thus, there are a number of impediments to achieving greater Answerability through the enhanced transparency afforded by satellite-enabled measurement techniques

27. trade barriers and impediments, including emerging trade restrictions, to better market access and prices for higher value-added forest products are removed

28. Beyond this obstacle, two 5-foot Chockstones (relatively easily climbed) and a giant log are the only significant impediments before the canyon opens up again

29. Recent token measures in the areas of individual travel and remittances by Cuban families living overseas have not affected those major impediments to Cuba’s development and advancement.

30. Future Retail scheme not impeded, Amazon Contravened FDI, FEMA rules The takeaway from the verdict is that it seems there are no impediments in the mind …

31. Some resurrected ones, as well as survivors of this unjust system, have been victims of apparent injustices such as congenital deformities, blindness, deafness, or speech impediments.

32. Admissibility issues are wide-ranging and go from strictly procedural impediments to the assertion of a given claim to issues that are closely tied to the merits of the case

33. A court will grant an Annulment if the court finds that the marriage is not legally valid due to legal impediments that existed at its inception such as incest, bigamy, and mental illness

34. “A thousand times, people may have touched each other, but never ever sensed a single vein of oneness or Complicity in the wilderness of their inner world, since obdurate mental impediments have been barricading the road to understanding and propinquity.

35. ‘This Asocial conceptualization of competition and markets leads to the view of social relations as ‘impediments’ or ‘friction’ in the efficient functioning of markets.’ ‘An autistic child placed under pressure will behave in an Asocial way by withdrawing, or ignoring or …

36. The costs (economic Achievability) of demonstrated wastewater treatment technologies, process changes, and pollution prevention alternatives; The amount and types of pollutants in an industrial category’s discharge; and; The opportunity to promote technological innovation or to eliminate inefficiencies or impediments to pollution prevention.