Use "impeached" in a sentence

1. The judge was impeached for taking a bribe.

2. 4 The governor was impeached for using state funds improperly.

3. The governor was impeached for wrongful use of state money.

4. The president could not be impeached for contravening the constitution.

5. (Laughter) And I was almost impeached in the process.

6. Bill Clinton was the 42nd president of the United States, and the second to be impeached

7. A month ago, hotheads cried that Rubin should be impeached for using pension-fund cash.

8. In 1787, he was accused of corruption and impeached, but after a long trial, he was acquitted in 1795.

9. Not to be too Apoplectical, but what Biden has done, is a crime against humanity, and he should be impeached and tried in the Hague

10. In 1964 Khrushchev was impeached by the Communist Party's Central Committee, charging him with a host of errors that included Soviet setbacks such as the Cuban Missile Crisis.

11. Park's Saenuri Party initially preferred Park to voluntarily step down in late April, but with mounting protests, the ruling party became divided on whether Park should step down voluntarily or be impeached.

12. ‘Geoffrey Lewis plays an aging Bagman buddy of Sarno who gets involved in the kidnapping affair.’ ‘PC was a car-dealer turned Bagman for a three-year president of Brazil later impeached for corruption.’ ‘A very peculiar, literate yet threatening Bagman, Fred, accosts him.’

13. ‘Geoffrey Lewis plays an aging Bagman buddy of Sarno who gets involved in the kidnapping affair.’ ‘PC was a car-dealer turned Bagman for a three-year president of Brazil later impeached for corruption.’ ‘A very peculiar, literate yet threatening Bagman, Fred, accosts him.’

14. Wouldn't it be really great if the proceedings could wind up in a conviction either this Friday, or next Monday? Monday is Presidents Day - what poetic justice, and what a gift for past Presidents, to have the worst President, the twice-impeached President, the Besmircher of their high office, thus repudiated on …