Use "immortalized" in a sentence

1. He was determined to be remembered, immortalized.

2. Poets, writers, and artists have immortalized it.

3. Dickens'father was immortalized for ever as Mr Micawber in'David Copperfield '.

4. Dickens' father was immortalized as Mr Micawber in 'David Copperfield'.

5. The poet fell in love with her and immortalized her in his verse.

6. Marlene Dietrich was immortalized through her roles in films like 'The Blue Angel'.

7. His name was immortalized in 1992 when he scored three goals in the space of five minutes.

8. But the rank-and-file glories immortalized by Malraux have faded into the history books.

9. 24 Gregg immortalized himself by replying that his ammunition was exhausted but that he thought he could hold with the bayonet.

10. Gregg immortalized himself by replying that his ammunition was exhausted but that he thought he could hold with the bayonet.

11. What about replacing the body’s stem cells (cells that provide for the regeneration of body tissue) with stem cells that have been “immortalized” with active telomerase?

12. Betrayer, while usually a more general term, is often applied to certain characters within Warcraft lore whose crimes are so heinous that they have been immortalized by their societies as traitors.

13. And the image of a man being slurped on a moving toboggan by a pesky dog is too cartoonishly good to be true - unless the reader realizes how much universal Lab behavior is immortalized here.

14. The Allied attack of Normandy beach has been immortalized in film and literature, but it was the Allied campaign on the beaches of Western Italy, at Anzio, that reigns as the bloodiest battle in the Second World War’s western theater.

15. Forced expression of wild-type E-cadherin in immortalized OSE cells initiated Adherens junction formation, decreased LEF-1 activity, decreased the mesenchymal migration that is a characteristic of OSE cells that have been maintained in monolayer culture, and induced the formation of cohesive spheroids in basement membrane gels.

16. Bummer and Lazarus were two stray dogs that roamed the streets of San Francisco, California, United States, in the early 1860s.Recognized for their unique bond and their prodigious rat-killing ability, they became a fixture of city newspapers, were exempted from local ordinances, and immortalized in cartoons.

17. The truth is, Bobbleheads can be traced back as far as the 1700s in Asia and the 1800s in the West, including in the United States! Over the years, celebrities as varied as sports stars, entertainers, and politicians have been immortalized as these wobbly dolls, not to mention popular fictional characters

18. Asclepius' influence on modern medicine remains visible to this day, immortalized in the first sentence of the Hippocratic oath, a Greek medical text written in the 3rd-century bc., that references Asclepius and his daughters Hygieia ( she was the goddess of health, cleanliness, and hygiene) and Panacea ( the goddess of universal remedy.) "I swear by Apollo Physician, by Asclepius, by Hygieia