Use "imbalances" in a sentence

1. And what about those pesky imbalances?

2. To correct imbalances arising internally within the organism requires the use of a therapy which can counteract such imbalances.

3. - Major supply-demand imbalances in infrastructure provision.

4. Fifth, to avoid aggravating the problem of global imbalances.

5. Imbalances in Acetylcholine are linked with chronic conditions, such as

6. The correction of accumulated imbalances will still take time, however.

7. So the problem of current account imbalances is still with us.

8. Conversely, macroeconomic imbalances tend to get amplified in a liberalized environment

9. Synonyms for Asymmetries include disproportionateness, imbalances, inequalities, crookednesses, dissymmetries, irregularity, lopsidednesses, skewnesses, unevennesses

10. Stimulus packages could accentuate the imbalances that contributed to causing the present crisis.

11. This generally provokes sharp imbalances in the population structure and increased population ageing.

12. These adverse external shocks have contributed to create large fiscal and external imbalances.

13. The IMF expects the imbalances to widen again this year and next.

14. Leaders also reaffirmed their determination to contribute positively to address the issue of global imbalances.

15. Such long-term proposals were aimed at avoiding the disorderly adjustment of global imbalances

16. The new policies risk to exacerbate imbalances, increase inflation, and accelerate the loss of international reserves.

17. But currency adjustments must be part of an internationally coordinated plan to reduce global imbalances.

18. This chapter examines the gender imbalances among psychologists, and analyses egalitarian attempts to rectify them.

19. That they have gastrointestinal problems, with chronic candida infections, permeable intestines and bacterial imbalances.

20. Biotypes are nutrient imbalances determined by lab testing used to determine the root cause of depression.

21. Adjustments to global demand and to exchange rates were therefore needed to correct current account imbalances

22. Artificially low exchange rates, restrictions on capital flows, and excessively large currency reserves all create global imbalances.

23. Current account imbalances and exchange rates are economic variables shared among nations, and not fully determined unilaterally.

24. Increase of aluminium toxic for tree roots, nutrient imbalances, growth reduction, susceptibility to other stress factors.

25. Acupuncture is a complete medical protocol focused on correcting imbalances of energy in the body

26. Inflexible exchange rate regimes set the stage for current account imbalances and weak financial sectors.

27. This paper employs the generational accounting approach to assess the intergenerational and gender-specific fiscal burden imbalances.

28. Thus UNIDO could contribute to addressing the imbalances and injustice that prevailed in many parts of global society.

29. 26 This chapter examines the gender imbalances among psychologists, and analyses egalitarian attempts to rectify them.

30. More often than not you'll find our Balms are multipurpose, and can heal all kinds of skin imbalances

31. Continue sustainable macroeconomic policies; continue fiscal adjustment and consolidation to further reduce external imbalances and contain inflationary pressures

32. The healing process involves correcting imbalances and freeing blockages, thus restoring a proper energy flow through the body.

33. The process of absorbing large macro-economic imbalances built up during the boom period will continue for some time.

34. Fiscal policies referred to in recommendation (1) contribute, inter alia, to address imbalances linked to high government debt,

35. Current account imbalances and exchange rates are economic variables shared among nations, and not fully determined unilaterally

36. These pressures reflect the unwinding of accumulated financial imbalances, which are linked to previous unsustainable expenditure and debt levels.

37. Countertrade is a system of international trading that helps governments reduce imbalances in trade between them and other countries

38. Income imbalances between women and men are declining, but women's after-tax income is only 63% of men's.

39. Imbalances have been unwinding over the last year, thanks to macroeconomic adjustment and decisive policy action by Slovenia.

40. In the opinion of my country, any enlargement should equitably address all Member States, correcting the current imbalances

41. Both adverse aggregate demand and supply shocks bring about a decline in GDP, which, in turn, exacerbates the fiscal imbalances.

42. Etiology A variety of factors can contribute to secondary Amenorrhea including medication use, lifestyle factors, hormone imbalances and structural issues.

43. The ongoing process of absorbing large macroeconomic imbalances built up during the boom period will continue for some time.

44. Such vibrations could be caused by imbalances in the rotating parts, uneven friction, or the meshing of gear teeth.

45. On the basis of the analysis in the in-depth review, it can be concluded that Cyprus is affected by imbalances.

46. The Adonai Diabetes & Endocrinology Center is devoted to serving the needs of patients with diabetes, hormone imbalances, and metabolic disorders

47. 29 The remedies seem to have the power to help harmonize the body's metabolic processes and to correct imbalances in them.

48. There is also the danger that small, local agreements spin out of control as trade imbalances grow among their signatories.

49. Definition of Countertrade Countertrade is a system of international trading that helps governments reduce imbalances in trade between them and other countries

50. Altai Balance is a daily blood sugar supplement that targets imbalances to help users keep glucose levels steady throughout the day

51. Accumulated fiscal imbalances remain a cause of concern, with the fiscal deficit estimated to have widened to about 6.5 percent of GDP in 2015.

52. (5) Medicines and herbs that are diuretic, warming diaphoretic, warming stimulant, expectorant, carminative and Aperient (mildly laxative) are appropriate for treating Water imbalances

53. (5) Medicines and herbs that are diuretic, warming diaphoretic, warming stimulant, expectorant, carminative and Aperient (mildly laxative) are appropriate for treating Water imbalances

54. (16) On the basis of the analysis in the in-depth review, it can be concluded that Cyprus is affected by imbalances.

55. Certain diseases, growths in the thryoid or chemical imbalances in the body can confuse the organ and make it deaf to the pituitary's guiding commands.

56. This progress reflects its long and painful adjustment process to the economic imbalances accumulated in the 1980s which is finally beginning to pay dividends.

57. * One of the most important factors contributing to global imbalances is the inability of many developing countries to take advantage of the economic expansion.

58. Azimuth adjustment can help repair stereo imbalances and phase issues that can occur with improper tape head alignment or other speed related issues.

59. Azerbaijan is expected to expand 1.2 percent and Kazakhstan is anticipated to grow by 2.2 percent as commodity prices stabilize and as economic imbalances narrow.

60. Oil prices are higher than they were in late 200 the banking system remains unreformed (and pretty much unrepentant) and the global imbalances remain untackled.

61. Repeated heroin use changes the physical structure and physiology of the brain, creating long-term imbalances in neuronal and hormonal systems that are not easily reversed.

62. The defects in Bartter syndrome make the kidney unable to effectively reabsorb salt from the blood, causing numerous electrolyte imbalances in the affected individual's body

63. The CMIM could help East Asian countries to reduce their reliance on accumulating, as a form of self-insurance, costly reserves that fuel global imbalances.

64. Avataras – incarnations by ChaJa · February 16, 2021 From time to time when imbalances occur, then a great force descends to Earth to bring about a balance.

65. Lara, is its simplicity to use, its infallible auto-analysis and biofeedback that automatically compensate for imbalances in the body while activating the body's own healing process.

66. Macroeconomic imbalances like large and persistent external deficits and surpluses, losses in competitiveness, and the build-up of private and public indebtedness have contributed to aggravate the crisis.

67. The difference is that instead of locating and eliminating pathogens (viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites) Biomagnetism Quantic treat imbalances which in fact is the same but more effective.

68. The Government’s plan to rein in fiscal imbalances and to achieve a deficit target of 3.9 percent of GDP during 2016-2020 is extremely important in this regard.

69. Though the region has allowed startling imbalances to develop, foreign - exchange reserves are generally stronger than in Asia ten years ago; and there is less light-footed "hot money".

70. It is one cause of hyperventilation with others including infection, blood loss, heart attack, hypocapnia or alkalosis due to chemical imbalances, decreased cerebral blood flow, and increased nerve sensitivity.

71. For over 30 years, Classic has been providing its customers with innovative supply chain solutions and programs that support productivity, enhance profitability, and minimize risk exposure due to material imbalances and

72. Its advice will consider what is currently known about the workforce (patterns of excess/shortages or other imbalances) and what type of workforce is required for the future (HWAC 2000).

73. Various factors contribute to the high cost, such as cumbersome and inconsistently applied government regulations and major supply-demand imbalances in infrastructure provision, just to name a few.

74. While men and cancer patients seek to lower Aromatase -- an enzyme that helps the body produce estrogen -- women with menopausal symptoms or other hormone imbalances may benefit from increasing Aromatase.

75. Two conditions are proposed to be both necessary and sufficient to account for Coalitional killing of neighbors: (1) a state of intergroup hostility; (2) sufficient imbalances of power between parties

76. 24, 25 Other possible etiologic factors of Cryptorchidism include hormonal imbalances, mechanical obstruction such as fibrous adhesions, and focal infections along the course of descent, especially near the inguinal ring where many

77. Having already surged on account of Iran-related geopolitical concerns, they are altering American consumers’ behavior, weakening their confidence, aggravating the country’s payments imbalances, and further reducing policymakers’ flexibility.

78. Issues to be covered include global imbalances, globalization of businesses, outsourcing, financial interconnectedness among countries, debt relief, reserves accumulation, vulnerability analyses, remittances flows, and emerging issues with direct and portfolio investment.

79. Issues to be covered include global imbalances, globalization of businesses, outsourcing, financial interconnectedness among countries, debt relief, reserves accumulation, vulnerability analyses, remittances flows, and emerging issues with direct and portfolio investment

80. But as a remedy for trade imbalances, the focus on the currency is demonstrably overstated, " says John Dearie, executive vice-president for policy at the Financial Services Forum in Washington."