Use "imagining" in a sentence

1. Maybe he's imagining it, or...

2. Re-imagining the Bothy experience

3. You must stop imagining that posterity will vindicate you.

4. We were sitting around, watching games, imagining every scenario.

5. I wonder whose face you're imagining on that target.

6. The Canvasback Gold is a re-imagining of our workhorse Canvasback

7. FALL 2020 CORE-UA 500, Cultures & Contexts: Imagining Palestine/Israel Prof

8. Politicians persist in imagining that "the people" warm to their cheesy slogans.

9. Can you imagine an imaginary menagerie manager imagining managing an imaginary menagerie?

10. I was imagining a massive igloo with all kinds of scientists doing experiments.

11. Like a Huguenot imagining Rome, he built up a picture of frivolity, viciousness and corruption.

12. For me, it is about re- imagining this cultural discourse in an international context.

13. She thirsted for it, imagining the cool wind of it cascading life into her lungs.

14. At AgenceMe, our job goes beyond just imagining and creating beautiful digital design concepts

15. We use three- dimensional imagining analysis, but we actually created these biomaterials by hand.

16. We use three-dimensional imagining analysis, but we actually created these biomaterials by hand.

17. About Us is re-imagining the way people find expert advice and answers online

18. Imagining that teenage farm girl makes less than a dollar an hour stitching around the shoes

19. Philip Allott to the Lecture Series of its website: “The Idealist's Dilemma: Re-imagining International Society”.

20. Or am I just imagining that I'm seeing the silhouette of a gorgeous man or what?

21. Instead, Smithson borrowed models from geology and physics, imagining history as a series of Alluviations, depositions, and stratifications

22. 10 Surely it was part of a make-believe, like imagining you were playing number three for Somerset?

23. Technology Analysis Introducing autofluorescence imagining and narrow-band imaging in Bronchoscopes are advanced technology with additional features.

24. The series is a re-imagining of the original series, which aired on CBS from 1968 to 1980.

25. How Big is a Billion? All of us have difficulty imagining how many one Billion of anything actually is

26. A Cynical person has a bleak outlook about others, always imagining that people are ruled by their worst instincts

27. It should always be used with definite intention - never mechanically added to the ensemble without consciously imagining its effect.

28. The Barded Ladies are partnering up with Apricity Theatre Company on this experimental re-imagining of Shakespeare's Richard II

29. We're not entirely sure, but it probably has to do with the ease of remembering versus the difficulty of imagining.

30. The Barded Ladies are partnering up with Apricity Theatre Company on this experimental re-imagining of Shakespeare's Richard II

31. He was too busy thinking of the possible ramifications of a jumpy Grand Duke imagining every bush a Nihilist bear.Sentencedict

32. Cels Events part of Cels Group are committed to imagining, building and performing breathtaking experiences. We want people to dream

33. Awfulize Awfulize - is the imagining of horrific situations and outcomes that don't yet exist, intense dread, fear, feelings of doom

34. Jules paced beside her and said nothing at all, imagining no doubt that she was a poor little orphan.

35. Cloudburst coffees defy the boundaries of coffee creativity, re-imagining what Cold Brew, Ultra Caff, and Half Caff should taste like

36. 21 Even before I debuted, I used to snicker to myself imagining that I was the main character in a movie.

37. Afrofuturism is the (re)imagining of the future for Black people through various mediums such as the arts, media, and literature

38. Even the most starry-eyed techno-enthusiasts have a hard time imagining, say, a Boeing 787 built by 'mass collaboration.

39. At first you might spend just a few moments each day imagining yourself on stage receiving the adulation of a crowd.

40. 11 On the doorstep of the night-time house, imagining herself locked out by a freak wind slamming the door shut.

41. Keith looked at the now-empty spot, Ashamedly imagining the grief of the young companion trees, and just as shamefully thinking …

42. Re-imagining a classical music video with Chopin's Ballade No.1 played by Elena Kuschnerova Check out 'Chopin Ballade No. 1' on Indiegogo.

43. It is only by imagining ourselves into the world of the early 19th century that we can begin to empathise with Fanny's scruples.

44. Christian, the picture of your Companionway lock on the sea hood thread looks pretty simple and close to what I was imagining

45. CA: But a lot of people imagining, dreaming about future cities, they imagine that actually the solution is flying cars, drones, etc.

46. The thesis might be illustrated by imagining two intrinsically indiscernible agents situated in distinct environments. One of these, Wayne, lives on Earth.

47. Bespoken Spirits, a modern spirits company, transforms source spirits into a high quality, matured spirit by re-imagining and replacing the antiquated, expensive, and …

48. Faced with a plate of fried crickets, most people today would still recoil, imagining all those legs and feelers getting stuck between their teeth.

49. The entire effort, Coyne says, shows “evolutionists indulging in their favorite game—Adaptionism—by imagining scenarios of evolution fixing various things, regardless of …

50. If you’re imagining Bees that are fat, striped and yellow, you’ll be sorely misled – but native Bees are just as enchanting Published: 13 Nov 2020

51. Afrofuturism is, in one aspect, a literary genre that includes speculative fiction imagining life and culture. Afrofuturism also appears in art, visual studies, and performance

52. Cervantes described the eponymous hero of his Don Quixote as "imagining himself for the valour of his arm already crowned at least Emperor of Trebizond."

53. To me, nothing is more fascinating than looking at Abandoned places and imagining what life must have been like when they were in use

54. Try imagining your available time and resources as a wooden box--a fixed amount of space that can only contain so many cubic inches of "stuff."

55. So we will always preconceive a result repeatingly for 'travel', not only imagining the ideal position, but also possibly all the minutiae, even on trivial procedures.

56. 5 EXAMPLE: My cousin is a worrywart who never enjoys vacations because he's always imagining possible disasters that may occur while he's away from his job.

57. Payback When he-samples some Altaid strips and imagining ·a gigantic magnifying lens burrung his as all the animals he's tortured stand around and at him

58. Community redevelopment includes new, reenergized retail corridors, the re-imagining of the parkway that bisects our town, and new and exciting plans for Clarksville’s stunning riverfront.

59. If you're having a hard time imagining what an education in entrepreneurship should include, allow me to prime the pump with some lessons I've learned along the way.

60. White is the Director and Producer of educational documentary films that offer narratives and perspectives from marginalized groups including, Buckism to Barackism: Re-Imagining Black Masculinity and Manhood

61. Its theoretical basis in these tales has seldom been made clear, but imagining Antigravity technology into existence has set science fiction writers free to create spellbinding stories of …

62. Backcasting is the act of imagining a preferred future, then stepping back towards the present, probing at each step what has to happen to enable it to come true

63. (Note that we are imagining the vector field to be like the velocity vector field of a fluid (in motion) when we use the terms flux and so on.)

64. Keith looked at the now-empty spot, Ashamedly imagining the grief of the young companion trees, and just as shamefully thinking how stupid he was to the forest was grieving

65. Camper makes shoes for walking, but at the same time, Camper makes shoes for imagining, for innovation and fun, with a clear Mediterranean flavor, as creative and original as human beings.

66. To have difficulty imagining or accepting something as true or possible, or to give the mind such difficulty: [ T ] It Boggles the mind to think about how much money was wasted

67. By the time the field of archaeology began to take shape in the 19th century, many were skeptical, considering the epic to be pure fiction, a founding myth imagining a bygone heroic era.

68. After the re-imagining of Tom Sawyers Island to Pirate's Lair On Tom Sawyers Island, The Bootstrappers would perform on the island, really tying in the idea that pirates had taken over

69. I have no idea whether this guy was homophobic, or what he could possibly have been imagining went on in my house, but I know he desperately wanted to make that sale.

70. There is a deep despondency hidden even within the most sanguine of Anarchisms, for imagining and expecting a freer, fairer world tends unavoidably to throw into sharp relief the long and arduous journey ahead

71. Magwitch is the protagonist of Peter Carey's Jack Maggs, which is a re-imagining of Magwitch's return to England, with the addition, among other things, of a fictionalised Dickens character and plot-line.

72. My husband and I comfort each other with the wonderful hope of the resurrection, even imagining the time when we will see Lucía again —her expressive, round eyes and her cheeks dimpled with a smile.

73. Acrophobia-Definition Acrophobia can be defined as an intense fear of heights. People with this anxiety disorder panic from being in high places or from even imagining being near heights (a lift, stairs, etc.)

74. This report is the first of two to come in 2021 that will share results from the 12th “Future of the Internet” Canvassing by the Pew Research Center and Elon University’s Imagining the Internet Center

75. The Archbishops’ Commission on Housing, Church and Community was launched in April 2019 with the ambitious remit of re-imagining housing policy and practice. This and future Commissions are independent of the Church of England’s institutions, with the freedom to …

76. Biologic is growing living actuators and synthesizing responsive bio-skin in the era where, they declare, “bio is the new interface.” They say, “we are imagining a world where actuators and sensors can be grown rather than manufactured, being derived from …

77. All the following characters from Live-Action Movies seem to belong to the first category and somewhat to the second, because we have trouble imagining them not wearing their iconic glasses..and being a Bespectacled fellow myself, I felt the need to

78. The Cancelers take themselves extremely seriously, imagining themselves to be social-justice angels whose holy ends justify every imaginable means. Their sanctimonious spirit is a gift to you, if you call it out instead of playing along with its conceit

79. Balkanization In a closely related context of Western perceptions of ‘others’, we may mention the “phenomenon” called “Balkanization.” In 1997 a Bulgarian historian and philosopher, Maria Todorova, published Imagining the Balkans , which launched many debates among academic, political, journalist, and other circles.

80. Awake is a young French brand organized in the form of a collective of creative and committed designers, whose desire is to rethink the model of consumption by imagining the objects and interactions of a new, more respectful and more sustainable world