Use "illustrate" in a sentence

1. examples serve to illustrate this point.

2. (b) Illustrate the benefits of obedience.

3. Two anecdotes about Cato illustrate his stance.Sentencedict

4. The company's bank statements illustrate its success.

5. Illustrate how dependence on alcohol could develop.

6. Artifacts from ancient Egypt illustrate the process.

7. Illustrate the heartache that sinful acts produce.

8. Two examples will suffice to illustrate this.

9. This diagram will illustrate what I mean.

10. Some simple examples will illustrate the point .

11. Two short quotations will illustrate my point.

12. Events of this century well illustrate this.

13. To illustrate: A farmer cultivates the land.

14. To illustrate: Imagine a ship that capsizes.

15. The speaker said he would endeavor to illustrate.

16. The following tale will clearly illustrate this point.

17. (b) Illustrate how spiritual values can be strangled.

18. To illustrate: Consider the words “man” and “imperfect.”

19. An hypothetical example can further illustrate the difficulties.

20. One example will suffice to illustrate the point.

21. London and Huddersfield also illustrate the concentric pattern.

22. Bluer buttons illustrate the principle of 'keeping under'

23. Explain and illustrate the acrostic style of composition.

24. • How did Jesus illustrate the need for watchfulness?

25. Numerical emulation illustrate the effectiveness of the controller.

26. They also illustrate the nightmarish difficulty reformers face.

27. A case history will illustrate what I mean.

28. Illustrate the creative power of Jehovah’s holy spirit.

29. Illustrate how paying one debt can benefit many people.

30. A few examples will suffice to illustrate the point.

31. (b) Illustrate how such hospitality can be mutually beneficial.

32. Ancient literature uses fictional characters to illustrate moral dilemmas.

33. The examples below illustrate merging and conflicting ad rules.

34. She decides to use charts and diagrams to illustrate.

35. Finally, a counterexample is presented to illustrate the conclusion.

36. Allow me to illustrate this principle through a story.

37. Illustrate how a person can have peace of mind.

38. A single example serves to illustrate what I mean.

39. Let me give an example to illustrate the point .

40. The following quotation from Basil Mitchell can illustrate this.

41. We've used an imaginary case history to illustrate them.

42. Finally, some methods to construct Cubature formulae illustrate the …

43. We can best illustrate this with two absurd examples.

44. Nothing could better illustrate the conservatism of official interests.

45. (b) How did Jesus illustrate the consequences of unfaithfulness?

46. Why do “wings of eagles” fittingly illustrate divine protection?

47. Let me illustrate with a personal and treasured experience.

48. Let us illustrate in order to clarify the issue.

49. The case illustrate an interesting point of legal principle.

50. She used an overhead projector to illustrate her talk.

51. To illustrate, imagine you are walking in a beautiful park.

52. If I could just take one example to illustrate this.

53. Macmillan commissioned her to illustrate a book by Spike Milligan.

54. "Colophons" in the Book of Mormon illustrate this

55. I tell it to you to illustrate a larger point.

56. (b) Relate an experience to illustrate strong faith in action.

57. And there's a beautiful experiment in neuroscience to illustrate this.

58. 1, 2. (a) What examples illustrate the field called biomimetics?

59. 17 To illustrate: Imagine trying to explain what kindness is.

60. (b) Illustrate how we teach someone to observe Christ’s commands.

61. How did Jesus illustrate the urgency of the preaching work?

62. Illustrate. (b) What is the subject of the next chapter?

63. The scriptures provide many great examples to illustrate this idea.

64. 20 Let me give an example to illustrate the point .

65. A research report, World Military and Social Expenditures, will illustrate:

66. To illustrate: Imagine that you are having difficulty sleeping well.

67. How did Jesus illustrate the relationship between master and slave?

68. The above circuIt'serves to illustrate the principle of the gage.

69. Let us illustrate in terms of the personal income tax.

70. The Bani, or style, is used to illustrate the technique

71. Illustrate the concept with a picture, diagram, metaphor, or analogy.

72. Illustrate how a stand for right principles may be rewarded.

73. Occasionally, a brief experience may illustrate the point under discussion.

74. These stories illustrate the central paradox of town-country relations.

75. Let me give another example to illustrate this difficult point.

76. Over a hundred diagrams, tables and pictures illustrate the book.

77. To illustrate my point, let me tell you a little story.

78. The figures are breathtaking, too, as a random sampling will illustrate.

79. We're using common littleneck Clams to illustrate how to steam Clams.

80. The above situations further illustrate why our “amen” matters to Jehovah.