Use "illiterates" in a sentence

1. We read no cogent outcries from illiterates.

2. Many illiterates can not read the Admonition on a pack of cigarettes

3. Many illiterates can not read the admonition on a pack of cigarettes.

4. Beers (1996) observed that Aliterates far outnumber illiterates and encounter similar problems or difficulties

5. 5 In such a world, there will no longer be any technophobes or computer illiterates-everyone will use a computer.

6. A pollster even went so far as to describe the United States as “a nation of biblical illiterates.”

7. Pimp cards: A pimp card features an illustration of one of society's finest gentlemen, along with his Macking and Backhanding scores.Macking, for you cultural illiterates, is a pimp's ability to

8. "Buss" is not a word, but because there was an electrical manufacturing company called "Bussman" that makes fuses, and people would often shorten it to "Buss Fuses", other illiterates have created a spurious spelling that uses "Buss" instead of "bus"