Use "ill-treatment" in a sentence

1. They suffered ill-treatment and tribulation.

2. That made up for the ill-treatment.”

3. Who suffered “ill-treatment” and “wandered about in deserts”?

4. 3 Jehovah’s prophets often suffered evil or ill-treatment.

5. His ill treatment as a child had given him a strong sense of inferiority.

6. Their silence undoubtedly added to the ill-treatment of the Witnesses under the Nazi regime.

7. A strict monitoring and accountability policy exists to deal with complaints of torture or ill-treatment

8. 7 Would you, in order to please God, give up wealth and nobility, accepting instead ill-treatment?

9. Arbitrary arrest, detention, and torture and ill-treatment of detainees and lack of due process are regular practices.

10. There is a need to address police behaviour notably with regard to certain reported cases of ill-treatment.

11. However, there is a need to address police behaviour, notably with regard to reported cases of ill-treatment

12. Arbitrary arrest, detention, and torture and ill-treatment of detainees, and lack of due process remain serious issues.

13. Asylums became notorious for poor living conditions, lack of hygiene, overcrowding, and ill-treatment and abuse of patients

14. 13 He has been held incommunicado since then, putting him at risk of torture and other ill-treatment .

15. However, there is a need to address police behaviour, notably with regard to reported cases of ill-treatment.

16. 23 Placing a child in public care is sometimes the only solution to ill-treatment in the natural home.

17. Those who defy the government face arbitrary arrest, detention, lack of due process, and systematic torture and ill-treatment.

18. The UNITED STATES – The struggle against torture and ill-treatment by agents of the US requires absolute commitment and constant vigilance.

19. The UNITED STATES- The struggle against torture and ill-treatment by agents of the US requires absolute commitment and constant vigilance

20. Gregory stirred up riots of the laity against married priests and their wives, in which both often suffered brutal ill-treatment.

21. This account includes only a few representative examples of the ill-treatment suffered by the pioneers and Jehovah’s Witnesses in general.

22. Police officers are, moreover, frequently acquitted or given token sentences in cases of abusive use of weapons or serious cases of ill-treatment.

23. (b) India believes in protection of human rights and the observance of rule of law, and considers ill-treatment and abuse of prisoners abhorrent.

24. (d) Develop a confidential complaints mechanism for women subjected to discrimination, harassment or ill-treatment while seeking post-abortion or post-pregnancy treatment or other reproductive health services;

25. For that matter, high-strung and finely sensitive, the ill treatment had flung him into a fever, which fed by the inflammation of his parched and swollen throat and tongue.

26. Situations of tension and conflict Whilst it might be accepted that the prohibition of torture is absolute, security concerns are still often invoked to justify the worst practices of widespread ill-treatment.

27. The author suggests that the risk of ill treatment was thus already wholly clear and realized on Swedish territory, and accordingly the need for prompt and effective follow-up upon arrival was vital

28. “They were stoned, they were tried, they were sawn asunder, they died by slaughter with the sword, they went about in sheepskins, in goatskins, while they were in want, in tribulation, under ill-treatment.”

29. "The leaders of both the PA and Hamas must take immediate steps to break the cycle of impunity that continues to fuel abuses, including arbitrary detentions, abductions, torture and ill-treatment by their forces," said Malcolm Smart, Amnesty International's Middle East Programme Director.

30. Grese was convicted of crimes involving the ill-treatment and murder of prisoners committed at Auschwitz and Bergen-Belsen concentration camps, and sentenced to death at the Belsen trial.Executed at 22 years of age, Grese was the youngest woman to die judicially under British law in the 20th century.

31. whereas there have been confirmed instances of executions, often carried out in public by hanging or stoning, torture and ill-treatment of prisoners, the systematic and arbitrary use of prolonged solitary confinement, clandestine detention, the application of cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment or punishment, including flogging and amputations, and impunity for human rights violations

32. In its resolution 24/33, the Human Rights Council underscored the need for effective action to combat and eliminate attacks against persons with albinism and to adopt specific measures to protect and preserve the rights to life and to security of persons with albinism, as well as their right not to be subject to torture and ill-treatment.