Use "ie" in a sentence

1. Directions on how to Arabicize Internet Explorer (IE) follow: First check what version of IE you have

2. Shut your gob ! ie Be quiet.

3. Let's think big , ie plan ambitiously.

4. Of all the gall ! ie What impudence!

5. To uninstall the Tiny2Go IE Add-on go to System Properties/Software and find the entry "IE: Tiny2Go Add-On".

6. That’s called an Avunculate marriage ie

7. He received my suggestion coolly, ie unenthusiastically.

8. He was completely fagged out , ie exhausted.

9. 'Child' has an irregular plural, ie 'children'.

10. The milk has curdled, ie become sour.

11. She performed a somersault with ease , ie easily.

12. She's a natural linguist, ie learns languages easily.

13. 5 He debauched ( ie seduced ) many innocent girls.

14. A common misspelling of the word Article, ie

15. The word'teapot'is a solid compound, ie not hyphenated.

16. I'll pay by giro , ie using the giro system.

17. The prodigality of the sea, ie in providing fish.

18. She is too acquiescent , ie too ready to comply.

19. Knit one ( ie make one plain stitch ), purl one.

20. He hasn't a sou, ie He's very poor.

21. We accept your statement without reserve, ie fully.

22. When you pray you to what I'm Mbang IE?

23. Amen to that, ie I certainly agree with that.

24. He fell into a doze, ie began to doze.

25. The treaty remained / stood inviolate , ie was not broken.

26. Low level environmental pollution was detected - ie sulphates and nitrates.

27. She denied the accusation with some warmth, ie strenuously , forcefully.

28. Candidly ( ie Speaking frankly ), David, I think you're being unreasonable.

29. I'll percolate some coffee, ie make it by percolating.

30. The IE of Microsoft is nursery school level completely.

31. Change ( ie put a clean nappy on ) the baby.

32. _____will work Cooperatively with peers in small group settings (ie

33. I consider gamo to be disposable, ie., plastic Breechblocks, etc

34. It makes me want to puke ( ie It disgusts me )!

35. The image exhibits three - dimensional characteristics, ie , the parallax effect.

36. You've got a dirty mind , ie You have impure thoughts.

37. This occurs particularly with fatty foods, ie. cheese or meat.

38. Hot drinks, ie tea and coffee, are charged for separately.

39. I'm no draughtsman , I'm afraid , ie no good at drawing.

40. She's a very snazzy dresser , ie She always dresses fashionably.

41. He's no disciplinarian , ie He does not or cannot maintain discipline.

42. He died in his sixtieth year, ie at the age of

43. You shouldn't play around with ( ie flirt with ) another woman's husband.

44. The biology paper ( ie in an examination ) was a real stinker.

45. • Real-time settlement for transactions is possible (ie both payment and settlement can be accommodated "online"); POS next day at earliest (ie both payment and settlement are "offline")

46. Annualised VaR is now 130% ie more than your position

47. Is the job / vacancy / position still open ( ie available, unfilled )?

48. I didn't wish to play gooseberry, ie be the unwanted person.

49. They have served me shamefully , ie have treated me very badly.

50. The police intend to clobber drunk drivers , ie punish them severely.

51. He had a wicked glint in his eye, ie suggesting mischievousness.

52. • DM, ADM(Mat) and ADM(IE) have expenditure authority up to $5M

53. His first sortie into ( ie attempt to enter ) politics was unsuccessful.

54. The actor botch botched ( ie forgot or stumbled over ) his lines.

55. 7 She wasn't exactly conspicuous for her helpfulness , ie wasn't helpful.

56. I-Ie had gimlet eyes and a notably still, restrained manner.

57. He's got more money than taste , ie is rich but unrefined.

58. Think before you act, ie Do not act hastily or rashly.

59. The pieces of the puzzle lock into each other / lock together, ie interlock.

60. Can you stay the night / stay over night ( ie spend the night here )?

61. Does your dog bite ? ie Is it in the habit of biting people?

62. The term ‘Chiral’ is derived from the Greek word for ‘handedness’ – ie

63. Allargando (It.) 'Enlarging', ie getting slower and slower and fuller in tone

64. Some funnel steps may happen asynchronously (ie: without a full page reload).

65. Refer to the ie parameter for the full list of possible values.

66. The new tax laws will clobber small businesses, ie harm them financially.

67. Unfortunately, there's only room to quote the most pertinent, ie least facetious.

68. Bidding was brisk, ie Many offers were made one after the other.

69. Marriage isn't all beer and skittles , ie isn't always free of trouble.

70. Fear spread through the crowd like a contagion , ie quickly and harmfully.

71. 29 Don't wander from the subject: stick to the point , ie Don't digress.

72. 5 She was the cynosure of all eyes , ie Everyone looked at her.

73. He pleaded poverty in extenuation of ( ie as an excuse for ) the theft.

74. I think you mean to activate the transversus abdominis, ie corset muscles.

75. 16 Funnily enough ( ie It'so happened that ) I met her just yesterday.

76. The police were called in to break up ( ie stop ) the fracas.

77. Veterans Day, ie 11 November, commemorating the armistice(19in World War I.

78. Components can have interfaces (ie; abstract classes with operations) that allow associations between components

79. A bit like Dorigo ie he can cross a good ball when necessary.

80. It's not worth a hill of beans , ie It is worth very little.