Use "idolizes" in a sentence

1. Susan idolizes her mother.

2. He idolizes his father.

3. Synonyms for Apotheosizes include worships, glorifies, deifies, idolises, idolizes, lauds, aggrandizes, elevates, ennobles and idealises

4. Motivated Stanleigh Agnizing his commoner rapidly universalizing? Gastropod John-David idolizes, his cobbers personified tooth resonantly

5. Bardolatry is the worship, particularly when considered excessive, of William Shakespeare.1 Shakespeare has been known as "the Bard" since the 18th century.2 Someone who idolizes Shakespeare is known as a Bardolator

6. Whether you like the idea of choosing a name that honors a legend, idolizes an action hero, or one that just sounds totally wild, every one of these Badass baby name ideas will prove your baby's a