Use "ideologue" in a sentence

1. Shelby was the Benefactor, facilitator, and breadwinner, while Sessions was the ultimate ideologue, conservative, Fox News darling

2. General Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq oversaw the full bloom of this process: influenced by the ideas of Islamist ideologue Abul Ala Mawdudi, and inspired by the triumph of the anti-Soviet jihad in Afghanistan, he set about rebuilding the state and the army with jihadist ideology at their core.

3. Trump Nominates Reactionary Bigot Amy Coney Barrett for Supreme Court; She Is Bitter Foe of Affordable Care Act, Adumbrating Genocide Against American People; GOP Hopes to Start Railroading of Nominee on October 12, in Time to Start Stripping 20 Million of Health Care in November; Welcome to Government by Cult; Trump Wants a Sectarian Ideologue to Validate His Looming Coup