Use "ice floe" in a sentence

1. Key words: free drift, sensitivity, adjoint, ice floe, transient, iceberg.

2. Somehow, the seal manages to reach a tiny ice floe.

3. Take an ice floe tile at random from the cloth bag.

4. The penguin walked to the exact centre of her shrinking ice-floe and sat with her eyes shut.

5. The required sensitivities are determined from the temporal variation of this adjoint state variable and the ice floe velocity.

6. This information is used to alert drilling platforms in icy ocean conditions of pending ice floe dangers.

7. ‘Ice-floe trajectories from 24 to 26 April illustrate the middle of the period when the Alongshore lead was steadily open, movement offices to the SW, and other stable conditions conducive to whaling.’ ‘Nearshore, the seaward flanks, in the lee of a SSW-directed Alongshore flow, are steeper.’