Use "icb" in a sentence

1. This map provides ICB Conference delegates with key locations around Auckland.

2. ICB is the leading MLR supervisor for self-employed Bookkeepers

3. The key objectives of ICB Ingénieurs Conseils en Brevets S.A

4. (The Call of the Wild, by Jack London) But it’s an Arduous task, said ICB professor and study coordinator Julio Cesar Batista Ferreira.

5. A~ention of hospital aut!Borities as drawn to ~hose points arising out of .the Piercy Oommiotee's Repoiit wll!icb call for aot.ion on their pant or •wlllicb are of parbioular concern to them

6. Of!a!new!scholarship!to!beawarded!to!members!of!the!graduating!class.The!Awardis!being! created!bytheIslamicCenter!ofBoston!and!thetextoftheaward!isasfollows: ! “The Islamic Center of Boston (ICB) has been a part of the Wayland community since 1986