Use "hyperreflexia" in a sentence

1. Key finding: ankle Clonus Clonus may be conceptualized as a form of profound hyperreflexia, wherein each muscle contraction triggers another reflexive contraction

2. "10 year o son diag Clonus hyperreflexia mild left hemipareses what could have caused this quick onset neg brain mri spine mri mild bulges l4l5s1

3. Clonus is a rhythmic, oscillating, stretch reflex, the cause of which is not totally known; however, it relates to lesions in upper motor neurons and therefore is generally accompanied by hyperreflexia

4. Clonus is a rhythmic, oscillating, stretch reflex, the cause of which is not totally known 1). However, Clonus relates to lesions in upper motor neurons and therefore is generally accompanied by hyperreflexia 2)