Use "hutu" in a sentence

1. Bahutu definition: → Hutu Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

2. Two tribes, Hutu and Tutsi, fought each other.

3. 19 Consider, too, an interested Hutu couple named Nicodeme and Athanasie.

4. Burundi has to two distinct ethnic groups: the Hutu and the Tutsi

5. The militia liked to force Hutu villagers to murder their neighbors... with machetes.

6. The Bahutu Manifesto, drafted by nine Rwandan Hutu intellectuals in 1957, was a political document that called for Hutu ethnic and political solidarity, as well as the political disfranchisement of the Tutsi people

7. The Hutu (also called Bahutu or Wahutu), are people of Central Africa

8. The vast majority of Burundi’s population is Hutu, traditionally a farming people.

9. An aristocratic people, the Tutsi long held the peasant Bahutu, or Hutu, in feudal subjugation

10. Prior to the colonial period all Rwandans — Hutu, Tutsi and Twa alike — had gone to those schools.

11. Bahutu Manifesto (1957) The Bahutu Manifesto, drafted by nine Rwandan Hutu intellectuals in 1957, was a political document that called for Hutu ethnic and political solidarity, as well as the political disfranchisement of the Tutsi people

12. The Bahutu Manifesto has a more optimistic feel about it, reflecting the rising fortunes of the Hutu authors

13. For example, during the 1994 ethnic conflict between Hutu and Tutsi in Rwanda, Jehovah’s Witnesses remained completely neutral.

14. It was almost immediately banned by the government, which accused it of being a radical Hutu party.

15. Witnesses of the Hutu tribe put their own lives in jeopardy in order to protect their Tutsi brothers!

16. Hutu, also called Bahutu or Wahutu, Bantu-speaking people of Rwanda and Burundi.Numbering about 9,500,000 in the late 20th century, the Hutu comprise the vast majority in both countries but were traditionally subject to the Tutsi (q.v.), warrior-pastoralists of Nilotic stock.

17. The Hutu brother and his family now faced the wrath of the killers and had to flee to Tanzania.

18. IN Rwanda, Hutu and Tutsi Witnesses of Jehovah risked their lives to protect one another from the ethnic slaughter that recently swept that land.

19. Consequently, Burundians, especially from the Hutu and Tutsi groups internalized this representation of Burundi society to the extent of using it as a source of resentment and conflict

20. So for instance, what I did when I went to Burundi, we'd got Tutsi and Hutu women together to talk about some of the problems that had taken place in Rwanda.

21. 2 hours ago · Perhaps most Contentiously, she accuses the RPF of shooting down the plane that in 1994 was carrying Juvénal Habyarimana, a Hutu and then …