Use "hussite" in a sentence

1. Like Orthodox Christians, Roman Catholics, and Anglo-Catholics, the Czechoslovak Hussite Church recognizes seven sacraments.

2. The Hussite Church, founded in 19 was the second largest religious denomination in Czechoslovakia, with some 400,000 adherents.

3. Tábor earned its place in Czech history in the 15th century as home to the most radical wing of the Hussite movement

4. Taborite, Czech Táboři, member of a militant group of Bohemian Hussite reformers who in 1420 gave the biblical name of Tabor (Czech: Tábor) to their fortified settlement south of Prague.Like their more moderate coreligionists, the Utraquists, they were strict Biblicists and insisted on receiving a Eucharist of both bread and wine, though they denied transubstantiation and the Real Presence.