Use "hurriedly" in a sentence

1. She backed away hurriedly.

2. I hurriedly rubbed myself dry.

3. Hurriedly, I sent off the children.

4. She plaited her hair hurriedly.

5. Hurriedly written sentences are very often indecipherable.

6. They breakfasted hurriedly on tea and toast.

7. I wrote my mother a letter hurriedly.

8. I hurriedly got up and dressed.

9. The fort had been hurriedly deserted.

10. We had to leave rather hurriedly.

11. The thieves hurriedly carved up the loot.

12. The article was hurriedly withdrawn from the newspaper.

13. The man drew on his trousers hurriedly.

14. 19 I wrote my mother a letter hurriedly.

15. 9 Hurriedly written sentences are very often indecipherable.

16. I hurriedly returned home and phoned fire station.

17. 26 The man drew on his trousers hurriedly.

18. 8 She hurriedly untied the ropes binding her ankles.

19. She said "No, thank you" and rang off hurriedly.

20. She backed hurriedly from the chamber and along the passageway.

21. Military engineers hurriedly constructed a pontoon bridge across the river.

22. His lifeless body was hurriedly but gently placed in a borrowed tomb.

23. Clumsily meaning Done without care or finesse, often hurriedly or awkwardly.

24. The moment she saw it, she blushed and hurriedly left the room.

25. Little cookie unfolds her colorful umbrella hurriedly in order to block the raindrop.

26. A server hurriedly picks up a tray, and in the Brusqueness of the

27. The village had been hurriedly deserted, perhaps because terrorists were in the area.

28. Hurriedly she finished her ablutions, pulled on her clothes and went to investigate.

29. He led me into his room and hurriedly hid a large parcel under his desk.

30. Actually, Absquatulate means to leave hurriedly, with the implication that one is being pursued

31. Synonyms for Abbreviately include shortly, briefly, concisely, succinctly, tersely, littly, pointedly, rapidly, hastily and hurriedly

32. Synonyms for Abruptly include short, suddenly, unexpectedly, hastily, hurriedly, precipitately, precipitously, unanticipatedly, unceremonially and unceremoniously

33. The adverb Concurrently comes from the Latin word concurrere, meaning “to run together,” or “assemble hurriedly.”

34. 27 It is a little after daybreak. We pack hurriedly and sneak out of the hotel.

35. Bustling means moving about in an energetic matter or moving someone hurriedly in a particular direction

36. Ah Ch'ou hurriedly jumped down from the table and also said earnestly, " I want a popsicle. "

37. I luxuriate in my thick soft sweater, I am relieved as I hurriedly button my skirt.

38. They hurriedly fortified the village with barricades of carts, tree trunks and whatever came to hand.

39. Then, from the communications room, I hurriedly called the commander of each military unit in the country.

40. The elder sister-in-law heard noise to make track for to come out, we hurriedly"oh" absquatulate .

41. The newcomers spread out across the floor of the tavern, whilst customers dodged hurriedly out of their way.

42. Thirty minutes later you remember the scriptures and hurriedly read a short passage before turning out the lights.

43. Little notes with " shmily " scribbled hurriedly were found on dashboards and car seats , or taped to steering wheels .

44. It was hurriedly written on a scrap of papyrus which had been used and scraped clean several times before.

45. Peter Stansill provided the bare essentials, and Williams, hurriedly schooled in the importance of deadlines, learnt on the job.

46. Clumsily (comparative more Clumsily, superlative most Clumsily) In a clumsy manner or way; without care or finesse, often hurriedly or awkwardly

47. Suddenly, short, unexpectedly, all of a sudden, hastily, precipitately, all at once, hurriedly He stopped Abruptly and looked my way

48. When the cyclone was originally expected to strike near Bangladesh, officials requested farmers to hurriedly finish harvesting the rice crop.

49. The carpenter and blacksmith hurriedly fashion a new one, and Ahab has a new harpoon fashioned from the finest iron.

50. Suddenly there was a flurry of activity, their bags were packed hurriedly and they were to leave that very day.

51. A typical Ballad is a plot-driven song, with one or more characters hurriedly unfurling events leading to a dramatic conclusion

52. Today I see a meteor row from the sky, I shut hurriedly up the eye, matching to rise the hands orison .

53. The walrus followed us in to the shallows, and we hurriedly jumped out on to the shore to get better pictures.

54. After searing the inside of my esophagus with a hurriedly gulped cup of scalding coffee-I was now drinking coffee-I had collected myself.

55. A deep "Ahem" and a quick pan of the camera shows the dragon is right there, causing Rincewind to try and backtrack hurriedly

56. As indicated by the illustration, hurriedly leaving an endangered ship by taking to insecure lifeboats would be as dangerous as staying aboard a sinking ship.

57. I hurriedly with body of the hanging drawbar, quickly hook lives a coral reef, mega honked not to put, otherwise, I would like a leaf samples may transpire coiled where.

58. 12 I hurriedly with body of the hanging drawbar, quickly hook lives a coral reef, mega honked not to put, otherwise,( I would like a leaf samples may transpire coiled where.

59. Adverbs love to dress up verbs or other Adverbs. For example, we might progress from, “He sat down,” to, “He hurriedly sat down.” Now, we know the manner in which he sat

60. In final desperation, blank sheets of paper with only the consulate seal and his signature (that could be later written over into a visa) were hurriedly prepared and flung out from the train.

61. In 1453, Mehmed the Conqueror entered Constantinople on a white horse, beginning an Ottoman love affair with the city that lasted until 1924, when the last Caliph hurriedly left on the Orient Express

62. The others made it to the Ohio shore, where Parker hurriedly arranged for a wagon to take them to the next "station" on the Underground Railroad -- the first leg of their journey to safety in Canada.

63. I saw lobster to swallow the bait, hurriedly filed a fishing rod, see a lobster was I pull up the surface of the water, as I day, lobster loosen big pliers, fell back to the water.

64. In her two-year-old season, Abscond grew into a portion of her name quickly, learning how to move hurriedly, but not secretly.The bay filly won her career start, a 5 ½-furlong maiden special weight on turf at Ellis Park

65. Another term for heliCopter ‘The rotors started to spin up and they hurriedly jumped to the roof a few feet below, ducking to avoid the backwash from the spinning propellers as the Copter lifted off the heliport and headed into the night skyline.’

66. (His Last Bow, by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle) But the man who went softly, by Circuitous ways, peering with caution, seeking after secrecy—that was the man who received no suspension of judgment from White Fang, and who went away abruptly, hurriedly, and without dignity

67. ‘She Blundered into the path of the bus, then hurriedly dragged her little animals quickly back onto the pavement out of harm's way.’ ‘Like lions on the savannah and tigers in the jungle, compared to them, humans are huge, brutish, stupid things, blundering about life in the most destructive way possible.’

68. concurrent (adj.) late 14c., "acting in conjunction, contributing to the same effect or event," from Old French concurrent or directly from Latin Concurrentem (nominative concurrens), present participle of concurrere "to run together, assemble hurriedly; clash, fight," in transferred use, "to happen at the same time" (see concur).

69. concurrent (adj.) late 14c., "acting in conjunction, contributing to the same effect or event," from Old French concurrent or directly from Latin Concurrentem (nominative concurrens), present participle of concurrere "to run together, assemble hurriedly; clash, fight," in transferred use, "to happen at the same time" (see concur).