Use "hurled" in a sentence

1. She hurled her dissatisfaction.

2. I hurled a lance at him.

3. So saying he hurled his spear.

4. With a triumphant yell, she hurled the harpoon.

5. She hurled insults at the unfortunate waiter.

6. I was hurled bodily to the deck.

7. He hurled the brick through the window.

8. Simon caught the grenade and hurled it back.

9. He hurled a few oaths at his wife.

10. Tullius should be hurled from the fucking cliffs.

11. The Indian hurled his spear at the coyote.

12. He hurled the umbrella wrathfully into an excavation.

13. He hurled the umbrella wrathfully into a excavation.

14. Mangled remains were hurled 500 yards down the road.

15. A spoken attack: The members of parliament hurled Brickbats …

16. Raft repeatedly hurled verbal abuse at his co-star.

17. At last they hurled huge stones at enemy's heads.

18. The strong wind hurled down bits of the roof.

19. He contemptuously hurled the notice-board into a ravine.

20. A woman had hurled racist invective at the family.

21. The horse and its rider he has hurled into the sea.

22. 5 The members of parliament hurled brickbats at the minister.

23. Insults were hurled back and forth between the two writers.

24. The soldier hurled the bomb into the enemy gun post.

25. 14 Somebody else suggested a bombshell hurled by a cannon.

26. 12 At last they hurled huge stones at enemy's heads.

27. He also hurled other shocking words at the First Lady.

28. Abuse was hurled at workers who crossed the picket line.

29. She hurled the dirty clothes into the washing - ma - chine.

30. Outside, the sleet rattled across the windows like handfuls of hurled gravel.

31. The villagers hurled all possible effort into rebuilding the bombed houses.

32. In a fit of temper he hurled the book across the room.

33. He hurled a chair across the set,(sentencedict .com) smashing lamps and vases.

34. 8 Two inmates hurled slates at prison officers spraying them with a hose.

35. He hurled curses at the unfortunate man who had made the mistake.

36. Two inmates hurled slates at prison officers spraying them with a hose.

37. We were all hurled into the battle before the police dispersed us.

38. He was hurled out of the hotel for stealing a silver cup.

39. The vitriol he hurled at members of the press knew no bounds.

40. They hurled abuse at their victim as they doused him with petrol.

41. 9 When Christ’s Kingdom rule began in 1914, Satan was hurled down to earth.

42. Jove seized his thunderbolt and hurled it at the rash, repentant driver.

43. She hurled the ashtray across the room( ), narrowly missing my head.

44. They hurled defiant taunts at the riot police, who responded in kind.

45. 7 Jove seized his thunderbolt and hurled it at the rash, repentant driver.

46. The insult that his sister hurled at him still rankled in his mind.

47. 29 The Titans were hurled down there by Zeus to suffer eternal damnation.

48. 16 They hurled defiant taunts at the riot police, who responded in kind.

49. Synonyms for Barfed include vomited, retched, spewed, spewn, puked, heaved, gagged, hurled, upchucked and slanged

50. After the “great tribulation” the Devil and his angels will be hurled into the “abyss.”

51. + While still alive, they both were hurled into the fiery lake that burns with sulfur.

52. 17 Riot police hurled tear gas canisters and smoke bombs into the crowd.

53. At Jonah’s urging, the sailors lifted him up and hurled him into the sea

54. Suddenly, it hurled itself through the air and buried its fangs in her arm.

55. 7 Jove seized his thunderbolt and hurled it at the rash,( repentant driver.

56. He hurled a few oaths at his wife and walked out, slamming the door.

57. The satellite was hurled to a much higher altitude with the mass of tether trailing beneath.

58. So down the great dragon was hurled, . . . who is misleading the entire inhabited earth.”

59. The fellow who was suspected of killing his wife was finally hurled into prison.

60. It emerges later that she is the mother of the boy who hurled the bicycle.

61. Brickbat may also be used figuratively, to mean a hurled insult or extremely blunt criticism.

62. The fisherman, called Countryman, is hurled into a political plot by the dangerous Colonel Sinclair

63. Synonyms for Catapulted include hurled, hurtled, flung, launched, pitched, propelled, shot, tossed, tost and fired

64. Michael hurled Satan and his hordes down to earth after the Kingdom’s establishment in 1914

65. He feinted once, then, with great speed and strength behind the throw, hurled the spear.

66. He was hurled down to the earth, where he and his wicked angels are confined.

67. Furious fans then hurled bottles and cans at the madman as he was dragged away.

68. In Switzerland, the world's largest atom smasher hurled two protons into each other at unfathomable speeds.

69. Fights frequently broke out in the course of which gilt chairs got hurled across the room.

70. 27 Oscar was hurled through the windscreen like a fighter pilot jerking forward at G-speed.

71. In 2020, time and again, the Crumpled paper hurled into the corner was the work of the scientists

72. A Baying mob of youths hurled abuse at firefighters as they battled a suspicious rubbish fire threatening to …

73. Two days later, a mighty explosion hurled two cubic miles [8 cu. km.] of ash into the atmosphere.

74. They danced as if hurled by some titanic juggler from below the edge of the world.

75. He fights them bravely but a stone hurled at him from the palace roof , kills him .

76. 15 He could only watch helplessly as Paula was hurled headfirst into the canoe floating nearby.

77. New statistics hurled at us: 70 percent of our fellow citizens live below the poverty line.

78. One day while David was playing the harp for Saul, the king hurled his spear at him.

79. Synonyms for Countered include said, replied, responded, answered, retorted, rejoined, returned, riposted, flung back and hurled back

80. Angered by this realization, Ananse hurled down the pot, shattering it and scattering all the wisdom about.