Use "hunger strike" in a sentence

1. The hunger strike was supported by 37 organisations and political parties.

2. The hunger strike was meant as a petition for the release of several comrades.

3. After two years he decided to demonstrate his sincerity by going on a hunger strike.

4. Journalist Guillermo Fariñas staged a seven-month hunger strike to obtain access to the Internet, without success.

5. 28 More than 400 exiles were on a dawn-to-dusk hunger strike to dramatize their plight.

6. In India, a hunger strike against corruption by activist Anna Hazare set off protests by his supporters in 450 cities and towns.

7. After playing a short acoustic set, Cornell joined Vedder and the rest of the band to perform "Hunger Strike" and "Reach Down".

8. Irom Sharmila, an activist in Manipur, has been on a decade-long hunger strike demanding repeal following a massacre of civilians by troops there.

9. Thich Huyen Quang, who was under house arrest at the time, was permitted to attend the funeral only after a day-long hunger strike.

10. Cuban doctors treating a political dissident who's on hunger strike say he is in danger of dying despite their efforts to keep him alive.

11. On 4 December 2012 Sotoudeh stopped her hunger strike after 49 days following a short visit of some parliament members at Evin prison where they acknowledged and implemented her requests on lifting her daughter's travel ban.

12. BUCHAREST, Romania (AP) — The son of a dissident killed in jail during Romania's communist era has ended a hunger strike after 17 days, but said Friday his protest shows that even 25 years after communism ended, it's a struggle to bring former Apparatchiks to justice

13. Avoided a dragnet (1) Avoided a hunger strike (1) Avoided a pothole (1) Avoided a problem (1) Avoided a tag (1) Avoided a tag say (1) Avoided a trial (1) Avoided an accident (1) Avoided an accident, in a way (1) Avoided an answer (1) Avoided attention (1) Avoided being It! (1) Avoided bloodshed (1) Avoided bloodshed, in a way (1) Avoided bogey