Use "hostile takeover" in a sentence

1. 24 Granada mounted a hostile takeover bid for Forte.

2. 19 The company managed to fend off the hostile takeover bid.

3. Subject: Hostile takeover bid for the European group Arcelor by the Anglo-Indian company Mittal Steel

4. All the bad press after the Undertaking left Queen Consolidated ripe for a hostile takeover by Stellmoor International.

5. In 1997 Krupp attempted a hostile takeover of the larger Thyssen, but the bid was abandoned after resistance from Thyssen management and protests by its workers.

6. [From French Bouleversement (upheaval), from bouleverser (to overturn), from boule (ball) + verser (to turn).] "The merger of the Chapters and Indigo bookstore chains began as a hostile takeover, a David-and-Goliath Bouleversement in which small, scrappy Indigo toppled huge, swollen Chapters with a …